The Workshop Report

Updated: July 12, 1997


The Workshop Report (WR) was created in 1995. In that year, four issues were posted to Writers and Crewrt-l discussion lists. During 1996 and part of 1997, WR was inactive.

WR is my personal electronic literary bulletin, a medium for reporting about my literary activities, particularly about writing poetry. It is also meant to be a personal chronicle, a diary and register, an instrument for planning and follow-up of literary projects and ventures.

Although I don't consider my creative processes as something special or very different from those of other writers, I have found that reading about the production process of writers can be interesting, useful, and even instructively entertaining. All this, of course, provided that the reporting and the products discussed are indeed of some quality.

Since I am an Iraqi, Arabic literature and culture and issues, mainly cultural, related to Iraq and the Middle East will have some special presence in the bulletin.


Name: The Workshop Report
Editor: Anwar Al-Ghassani
Status/Type: electronic bulletin.
Traget Group: all persons interested in literature and the arts.
Distribution: by the editor using a mailing list (subscribers' list)
Size: approx. 5-50kb.
Language: English / limited use of French, German, Spanish.
Frequency of publication: irregular, WR will be published whenever there are sufficient materials.
Structure: no specific predetermined structure/layout. Experience shows that keeping the structure of an electronic publicaton as simple as possible is the best option.
Genres: all literary and journalistic genres.Announcements: no commercial ads.
Past issues: available on this web page or by sending a request to the editor:


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Anwar Al-Ghassani

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