...we start to take a few breaths of excitement, nervousness, exhaustion, and anticipation.  The question is, what do we do when we run out of air?  As the semester knocks at the corner, summer says its good-byes and the brain's "school mode" clicks back on. 

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the beginning of the semester, especially if this is your first semester to college.  I'm here to tell you that, "IT'S OKAY!"  Plus, we're here for you, so what else could go wrong?

My name is Jenny Vallero, and I am the new President of the Society of Women Engineers.  I have been involved in SWE since I was a freshman at both a Regional and National level.  I have many goals for our section this year, and with your help, I hope to fulfill them.  It looks to be a great year ahead!

I created this newsletter two years ago to create excitement and knowledge about the University of Colorado SWE Section.  The newsletter contains a quick update on the month's activites, an encouraging quote, and the month's top story.  It also holds a fresh reminder on how to join SWE and who the officers are.

I hope you will take a moment to look through this each month.  If you have further questions, check out our website at the link below.  It is a great source of information for all SWE members.
University of Colorado
At Boulder
Society of Women Engineers

Monthly Newsletter

September 2006
Volume 3 Issue 1
President -- Jenny Vallero
Vice-President -- Lisa Hewitt
Secretary --
Lynn Mihalco
Treasurer --
Julia Whippo
Historian --
Nicole Dudley
                  Amanda Heaton

         Public Relations --
Holly Sewell                                  
How To Become A SWE Member
To become a member of SWE, go to www.swe.org and click
Join SWE.  Then you can apply online with a credit card or download the paper application, and mail it into the address listed on the application.   Membership fee is $20 per year which helps pay for the food at our meetings.
To subscribe to the SWE e-mail list, send an e-mail to listproc@lists.colorado.edu.  Leave the subject blank, but in the body write, "Subscribe SWE
Your Name ".  This will ensure that all SWE e-mails will be sent to you.
Important Information:
President: Jenny Vallero                                               Vice-President: Lisa Hewitt
Find A Job Online

Follow the link to learn how to access online job searching.  Find your next job or internship!

Online Job Ban

From Career Services**
National SWE Website
CU SWE Website
"Discipline is the bridge between
goals and accomplishments."

-- Jim Rohn
You are visitor number:
August Calendar:

August 23: New Student Orientation Society Fair held in the EC Courtyard from 2:15 - 5:00pm.

August 30
: Annual Ice Cream Social in the Engineering Dorm Quad from 4 - 6pm.  Socialize with SWE and eat free ice cream.
September Calendar:

September 6: Welcome Meeting held in ECCR 150 at 5:30pm.  Learn more about SWE. Free food is provided.

September 13: Taste of Boulder at Cheba Hut.  Meet in the EC Lobby at 6pm to walk to the Hill.

September 20:
Professional Meeting held in ECCR 150 at 5:30pm.  Speaking company is TBA. Food provided.

September 22-23: Welcome Retreat for all new members.  More details to come.
Thank you for your time in reading our monthly newsletter.  If you have any questions, comments, or feedback in general, please feel free to contact: Jenny Vallero at Jennifer.Vallero@colorado.edu.
As the beginning of the semester nears...
What is SWE?

Since this is the first letter of the year, and hopefully there are many new members, I'll give you a quick synopsis of exactly what SWE is.

According to the National website, SWE is a not-for-profit educational and service organization.  It is the driving force that established engineering as a highly desirable degree and career aspiration for women.  It empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their contributions and achievements as both engineers and leaders. 

Since 1950, SWE has held four objectives: inform young women, their parents, counselors, and the general public, of the qualification and achievements of women engineers and the opportunities open to them; assist women in readying themselves for a return to active work after temporary retirement; serve as a center for information on women in engineering; and encourage women engineers to attain high levels of education and professional achievement.

Altogether, I look forward to getting to know you this year.  I hope to see you at the Ice Cream Social and the Welcome Meeting.

Signing Out,
Jenny Vallero
SWE President
Kendria Alt -- Outreach Coordinator
Brianna Bethel
Shivali Bidaiah -- Freshman Liason
Rose Brocker-Ford
Krystyn Wagner -- Webmaster
Shirin Haji -- Graduate Liason
Emily Ross -- UCEC Representative
Becky Brosz
2006 - 2007 Officers
National SWE Website
CU SWE Website