Isabella Thomson WILSON was born 24 November 1898, in Musselborough, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, d/o John Wilson and Jessie Ann THOMSON, who emigrated to Regina in 1919. Isabella died 13 August 1961, in Regina.
I have researched the Wilson family back to James Wilson, born ca. 1820, in Lanarkshire, Scotland, possibly in Hamilton, and his wife, Helen BURNS. There is reputedly a connection to the Scottish poet, Robbie Burns. Family names include: Wilson, Thomson, Burns, Hunter, and Lees.
Jessie Ann Thomson was the d/o James Thomson and Isabella PIRIE. According to family lore, an early Pirie may have fought with Bonnie Prince Charlie.
I have researched the Thomson family back to Alexander SKINNER, born ca. 1775, in Aberdeenshire, possibly Forgue. Family names include: Thomson, Horn, Skinner, Grant, Pirie and Murison.
Upper left, the British flag; upper right, the St. Andrew's Cross of Scotland.
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