Turner Family

For several generations, the Chilvers, Springall, Turner and Utting families lived in the lovely village of Castle Acre, Norfolk, England, working mainly as agricultural labourers. Castle Acre is famous as a English Heritage site, as both the Castle Acre Priory and Castle are now protected sites. Because of this, Castle Acre has quite a thriving tourist industry. You can even find a vegetarian Youth Hostel there. The castle was built by William Warren, the first Early of Surrey, who received the land from William the Conqueror. The same Earl Warren founded the Priory in 1085 for monks of the Cluny order. The Priory was destroyed in 1538, by order of Henry VIII in his war with Rome. Roman Catholic properties not taken over for use by Henry were destroyed.

I have researched the Turner line back to Thomas Turner, a carpenter in Castle Acre, who was born anywhere from 1805 to 1811, in Swaffam, Norfolk, England. There are 2 or 3 likely candidates to be Thomas' parents. Thomas' wife was Frances POTTER, born 25 November 1802, in Castle Acre, d/o Richard Potter and Mary WATSON. Family names I am searching in this line include: Turner, Utting, Capes, Bobbins, Bubbins, Baxter, Potter and Watson.

Descendants of Thomas Turner

Thomas Turner – Brick wall

Turner Strays


Castle Acre

Castle Acre parish page.

Marriage License Bonds - Turner

Newton-by-Castle Acre

Norfolk Surnames List



Upper left, the British flag.

I would appreciate hearing from you if you are searching any of the same surnames.

You may e-mail me at: B.Weston@sasktel.net

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