> FelsnerFamily

The Fölsner Family

 My Fölsner family, as far as I know, originates with Bartlmä Fölsner, who was born about 1754 in Garching bei München, Oberbayern, Bayern, Deutschland (Garching by Munich, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany). I was given the research on this family as a gift by my relative, Sebastian Felsner of Munich.

The grandson of Bartlmä, Georg Fölsner, married Magdalena Wohlmuth of Dietersheim, and they had 11 children. They were farmers in Dietersheim. One of their sons, Andreas Felsner, married Maria Dirscherl and they had 8 children. Maria died and Andreas married Kunigunde Wällisch; they had 13 children. "Es gibt viele Felsners in Dietersheim - there are many Felsners in Dietersheim".

A daughter of Georg Fölsner and Magdalena Wohlmuth, Katharina Felsner, married Josef Dirscherl 23 January 1883. They celebrated their Golden Wedding in January of 1933.

Family names include Sedlmayer, Spitzweck, Wohlmuth, Zahn.

Descendants of Bartlmä Fölsner

I would appreciate hearing from you if you are researching any of the same surnames.

You may e-mail me at: B.Weston@sasktel.net

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