> Bev Weston

The Brandmayer Family

My Brandmayer family, as far as I know, originates with Kaspar Brandmayer, birthdate unknown.  Birthplace also unknown.  He likely was born, or came to, Westendorf (Kranzberg by Freising, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany). The Brandmayers were farmers.

Spelling variations include Brandmayer, Brandmayr, Brantmayer. Family names include Ganstaller, Märkl, Neumayer.

It was Anton's granddaughter, Ursula Brandmayer, who married Johann Paul Hanrieder 18 July 1835 and moved to Kranzberg, Bavaria, Germany. The couple eventually had 15 children.

Descendants of Kaspar Brandmayer


I would appreciate hearing from you if you are researching any of the same surnames.

You may e-mail me at: B.Weston@sasktel.net


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