Comfort Zone

Greetings! This page is for the cultivation of the mind. I hope it
contains things that you find you can relate to, and that you will also find encouragement, challenges, and a smile or two.
Quotes"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed."
-Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calender, by Mark Twain
This quote will change periodically, so come back often!
Although this is not directly a Christian page, it is designed by one, and should therefore be harmless to your morality. It is my hope that Christians, pre-Christians, and non-Christians
alike can enjoy my page. Please let me know if anything disturbs you in your visit.
This is the
st/nd/rd/th time this page has been visited!
Questions, comments, critisicms, suggestions, compliments, etc. are very welcome. If you have any please E-Mail me!
Lonely? Depressed, uncontented, disturbed? If this describes you, I have your answer
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