History/Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers

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The major purpose of this home page is to encourage the use of the World Wide Web as a tool for learning and teaching and to provide some help for K-12 classroom teachers in locating and using the resources of the Internet in the classroom.

Emu Walks!

|Creative Applications|
|Electronic Texts,
Books and Zines|
|General Guides|
|General History
|Non-Western History Sites|
|European/Russian History|
|American History|
|K-12 Resources|
|Kids and Students|
For Writers|
|Research/Critical Thinking|
|Media Sites/
Media Literacy|
|Resources For
|News/Current Events|
What's New
Museo Archeologico
Nazionale Napoli (Part 1)
Museo Archeologico
Nazionale Napoli (Part 2)
Barcelona Archeological
Museum (Part 1)
Barcelona Archeological
Museum (Part 2)
Galleria dell' Accademy
Reserved for
future files
Reserved for
future files
Reserved for
future files

The What's New Archive
Mon 6/19/2000 Tues 7/4/2000 Mon 7/24/2000 Wed
Mon 10/23/2000 Mon 11/13/2000 Mon 12/24/2000
Mon 1/8/2001 Mon 1/22/2001 Mon 2/19/2001 Mon 3/19/2001 Thurs 4/19/2001 Mon 5/21/2001 Mon 6/18/2001 Tues 7/16/2001
Mon 8/20/2001 Mon 9/17/2001 Mon 10/15/2001 Mon
Mon 1/07/2002 Mon 2/11/02 Mon 3/18/2002
Mon 4/29/02 Mon 6/03/02 Mon 7/8/02 Mon 8/5/2002
Special Announcements

Enjoy the most recent updates! Mon 6/03/02, Mon 7/8/02 and Mon 8/05/02.

The graphic "Emu Walks" is an animation created with an excellent program called Animagic GIF Animator. The program is a joy to use (because it is simple) and the download site includes some great tutorials on how to use it... Put your lessons and assignments online or on the school intranet, and provide some visual interest with some simple animations.

All of the European pages have been moved from their current Earthlink site to a new location. Bookmark the Link to the right. European/Russian History. Please note that these pages are under revision. In addition, all have been tested for dead links and revised.

The General Social Studies page is also under revision and will be moved to a new server.

The most recent update (8/5/02) has again been posted at Fortune City. No complaints about the ads....

The only funding and support for this site comes from the two sponsors, The Social Studies School Service and the Concord Review. So...naturally, I strongly encourage you to support these folks with your purchases and subcriptions!

As time permits, the earlier "What's New" files (All year 2000 updates) will be merged into the main files. In the process, dead links will be removed and the main files revised. If you have some time this Summer, you might visit these earlier pages for ideas for the lessons you will be using.

Many thanks for those teachers who have suggested sites to add to this page. Send them to dboals@execpc.com or dboals1@earthlink.net

Social Studies School Service


StudyWeb The HTML Writers Guild

Please do not send requests for me to do research for you! See the Search Tools in the
Research and Critical Thinking page, and Research-It!, a one-stop reference desk, Xplore Reference or Wired Source: Reference Desk. I have also found John December's site -- Welcome to the Top of the Web -- to be an excellent starting point for research.
You can also click on the Britannica logo below to open a new browser window for a search.

Last revised
August 19, 2002
By HTML Write For suggestions on sites to add,
possible lessons and applications,
contact Dennis Boals by E-Mail at
Mail Slotexecpc.com or Mail SlotEarthlink.net