WLAC - faculty/staff - homepage

West Los Angeles College
Math / Science Department

                                                        how to enroll
97% Junior entrance to UCLA 2 year program
All classes have maximum UCLA articulation
Guaranteed enrollment in scholars classes 
Guidance throughout program & personalized counseling mandatory
Scholar assignments assigned by Division
Majors:	Biology (pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, 
    pre-veterinarian, pre-physician assistant, etc.); Chemistry; 
    Engineering; Geography/Geology; Mathematics; Physics 
Scholars Instructors:
    Phyllis Morrison, Ph.D. - Biology
    Tony Recht, Ph.D. - Biology
    Mesfin Alemayehu, Ph.D. - Chemistry
    Abraha Bahta, Ph.D. - Chemistry
    Mary Jane McMasters, Ph.D. - Mathematics
    John Ogren, Ph.D. - Physics

The state of California is committed to the completion of WLAC.
    Recently completed Gymnasium facility.
    Recently completed campus Aviation Technology Engineering facility.
    Fine Arts facility construction in progress.
    Recently purchased $180,000 of science equipment.
    Architectural plans have been completed for new Chemistry Bldg., 
    Math Bldg., History Bldg., Business Bldg., Language Arts Bldg.,
    and Social Science Bldg.


schedules of course offerings

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page established 5/12/98

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