How to Formulate your Philosophy of Life


Philosophy consists of honest attempts to answer basic or fundamental questions about life and the universe. The deeper the answers, the better the philosophy. By deeper, I mean well-thoughtout, defensible, consistent, insightful, unique, etc.

Basic Questions

Here are some of the questions that you need to answer in your personal philosophy or philosophy you live by that we will call philosophy of life. The first area that needs to be addressed is called Metaphysics and concerns what exists.
  1. What is the basic stuff out of which the universe is made?
  2. Does God exist?
  3. Is there life after death?
The next area of concern in philosophy is Epistemology which deals with questions about truth and knowledge.
  1. What is truth?
  2. What constitutes knowledge?
  3. How do we know the truth?

The third area of concern in philosophy is Ethics , concerning right and wrong.
  1. What makes an action right?
  2. What makes an action wrong?
  3. What is justice and how can it be achieved?

Putting Everything Together

Lastly one must put all the answers to these questions together in an interesting and personal way.
One way to do this, is to use the data collected in an attempt to answer the above questions to address these issues:
  1. How should one live and why?
  2. What principles do you think we should base our lives on and why?
  3. Given everything that you have seen, heard and experienced, what do you think life is?

The Philosophy of Life Form

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Safro Kwame Philosophy of Life


I believe that, ultimately, everything that exists is because of the following reasons:

God, spirits and the after-life for the following reasons:

What is true, is what We The reasons, are as indicated below:

Whether an action is right or wrong, depends primarily on For example, sexism, apartheid, murder or rape is because of the following:

Given my I think that one should live a life of The most basic principle I hold dearly and wish to recommend to others is:

Here is my reason for thinking that it is the best principle in life:

Because of the following considerations, I believe that life has

The Philosophy of Life Form V1.0 ©1997, Safro Kwame