After a long period of preparation and organisation, the Official Father Henry Carr S. S. Webpage is finally on-line. We hope it will become a forum serving the needs of the school community, allowing us to enter the new millennium with open arms.

One of the main purposes of this page is the approaching 25th Anniversary of our school, and with that in mind, we would like to invite you all to contribute in whatever way you can and leave a lasting mark for the future. We welcome your articles (for the Newspaper Section), your artwork, poems & songs (the Yearbook & Multimedia sections), or simply your suggestions, which you can send by clicking on the E-mail in the sidebar. Here you will find all the photos that might've not made it in the yearbook (the ones you look your best on), and all the funny video clips from past assemblies and events. Soon, however, we will provide a more comprehensive comment box for you to tell us anything you wish.
In the meantime, don't hesitate to ring us up. Teachers, here is an opportunity for you to provide course outlines, new assignments or even helpful advice (we know that it is better to come to class for all of these) to your students. With your initiative, the Course section could become a comprehensive guide to various information that would allow students to fully explore the course and learn more along the way.
So how about it? Help us turn this webpage into something our school will be known for, so the world can see what we are all about. If you are willing, simply stop by Mr. Wagner's classroom (the one across from the Gym) and talk to him, or ask for me, Vladimir.