Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are His judgments.
(Revelation 19:1-2). |

The End-Times Times
The End-Times Times is a regular email newsletter with ministry information, and articles on theology, missions, Church history and witnessing to the cults. You may subscribe by sending me email and asking for this. Do note that
neither your name or email address will be given to any other person or used for any other
purpose. You may freely request unsubscription at any time. The newsletter is free, but donations are appreciated. |
Previous issues
- June 15th, 2001 - God's efforts to save humanity
- April 20th, 2000 - The bread of heaven
- March 23rd, 2000 - Must I go?
- March 7th, 2000 - Keys to victorious living
- December 24th, 1999 - Using the season for evangelisation
- December 13th, 1999 - A heart for God
- August 31st, 1999 - The Trinity in the Old Testament
- June 10th, 1999 - Logical fallacies of Muslims
- April 10th, 1999 - The King-James Only issue
- January 21st, 1999 - The Year 2000 'bug'
- December 24th, 1998 - Jehovah's Witness dies
refusing blood transfusion
- November 18th, 1998 - Reasons why Mormonism is
not Biblical Christianity
- October 12th, 1998 - Report on Belarus and
Thailand missions trip
- August 27th, 1998 - Free on-line Christian
resources, New Jehovah's Witnesses Greek translation
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