David M. Williams



And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)
On the Internet since 1995!
Theological essays

A theological and fully Scriptural basis for Christian doctrines pertaining to holiness, missions and eschatology.

Welcome to my web site! My name is David M. Williams, and I am involved in itinerant Bible teaching and overseas mission and aid work. I held ministry credentials with the Assemblies of God in Australia for five years and now work with many organisations. Please feel free to read my information on ministry updates. If you find value out of my work or which to support my projects, you can make donations via PayPal. This is much appreciated.

New!Some of my works are now available as collections in Adobe PDF format. This means that all the formatting and Greek fonts are preserved. You will need to download the Acrobat Reader from http://www.adobe.com. The collections are $10.00 USD and can be purchased through PayPal. Click here for the Soteriology eBook and here for the Eschatology eBook.

The End-Times Times ... I produce an irregular email newsletter with ministry information, and articles on theology, missions, Church history and witnessing to the cults. Please email me to join this list. Your name and email address will be kept entirely private and not used for any other purpose. You may leave the list at any time.

Essays and documents are copyright by the author, David M. Williams (unless otherwise specified), and may be freely reproduced as long as they are preserved, without omission and with full attribution to the author. If you do use some of my material, it would be nice and much appreciated if you'd let me know, and even mail me a copy of the publication it appears in.

If you wish to comment on any of the material, purchase formatted hardcopies, arrange speaking visits, or even just chat, please feel free to contact me - davidmwilliams@geocities.com.

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David M. Williams