by John Greenleaf Whittier

                  Friend of my many years!
                 When the great silence falls, at last, on me,   
                 Let me not leave, to pain and sadden thee,
                  A memory of tears,

                  But pleasant thoughts alone
                 Of one who was thy friendship's honored guest
                 And drank the wine of consolation pressed
                  From sorrows of thy own.

                  I leave with thee a sense
                 Of hands upheld and trials rendered less - 
                 The unselfish joy which is to helpfulness
                  Its own great recompense;

                  The knowledge that from thine,
                 As from the garments of the Master, stole
                 Calmness and strength, the virtue which makes whole 
                  And heals without a sign;

                  Yea more, the assurance strong
                 That love, which fails of perfect utterance here,
                 Lives on to fill the heavenly atmosphere
                  With its immortal song.

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