Sixth International Conference on Philosophy in Practice
"Philosophy in Society" University of Oslo, Norway 24 - 27th July 2001. The Norwegian Society for Philosophical Practice proudly invites you to attend the Sixth International Conference on Philosophy in Practice in Oslo, Norway. The conference will be an international forum for exchange of ideas and experience concerning the role of philosophy and philosophers in society. Today a growing number of philosophers work outside the traditional academic field in areas like counselling, business consultancy, and philosophy with children. We hope to create a forum of communication for these and others interested in exploring new venues for working with philosophy in society. The conference will include plenary sessions with invited key note speakers, paper presentations, workshops, and round-table conversations. The title of this years conference Philosophy in Society invites the participants to reflect upon theoretical and practical questions related to doing philosophy in society. How can philosophy and philosophers contribute to the challenges confronting individuals, groups and organisations in today's society? What kind of theoretical perspectives may be established in order to understand these challenges, and how are they mastered? Is the philosopher always the master of ethics, or does her activity raise ethical questions as well? What kind of strategies or anti-strategies are available for the philosopher working with individuals, groups and companies? We want also to give due attention to what may be called the classical philosophical dialogue between the philosopher and the individual (philosophical counselling/Philosophische Praxis). Call for papers and ideas for workshops and discussions You are invited to make contributions on any of the above mentioned subjects. When applying, we ask you to specify the form of your contribution among the following options. 1. A traditional paper presentation. 2. A workshop. By workshop we mean the organisation of a process in which all participants are supposed to be active. The topic of a workshop may be e.g. how to organise a Socratic Dialogue, or a certain part or aspect of a counselling session. 3. A round-table conversation. A round-table conversation is an informal get together in which the participants sit around the table discussing a certain topic or question. The topic may be a practical one, such as "How to start a philosophical practice", or any other question fit for such a forum. We invite you to send us a one page outline of your paper, or a sketch on how you will organize a workshop or conversation. Please also suggest the amount of time you would like to employ. Deadline November 1 - 2000. You will be notified by February 1, 2001 of whether your proposal has been accepted. If you want to organize a pre-conference workshop or tutorial lasting for one or more full days, then please make contact with the conference organisers. Location The conference will be held at Helga Engs House at the university campus at Blindern, Oslo. Fee Approximately NOK 3000 (DEM 700, GBP 230, USD 350) for the whole conference, two meals a day included, but without accommodation. More information on this point will be sent out later. Address The Norwegian Society for Philosophical Practice Cappelensvei 19c N-1162 Oslo e-mail: Webpages for the Sixth International Conference on Philosophy
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