The 24th of May 2002: A Conference Day in Tel Aviv

(Click here for the Hebrew version)



The Day Conference is at the Keren Heinrich Boll Center, Nachlat Benjamin 24, Tel Aviv, and under the auspices of ISPPI -- The Israel Society for Philosophical Practice and Counseling.

Additional activities are organized by the Sophon Center for Philosophical Practice in Jerusalem. For more information on all activities contact Shlomit Schuster (tel. 02-6795090 or by email:

The events will be advertised by the Friday papers Ha-ier or Col Ha-Ier, Yerushalyim, The Jerusalem Post and The International Herald Tribune, Ha'Aretz, and others. To prevent any (not expected) disappointments in case of  last minute changes in the program make sure to check these newspapers or call  02-6795090 or check via the Philosophical Counseling Homepage under "2002: Lectures in Tel Aviv & Jerusalem" All activities are in Hebrew with exception of those marked with a *. These last will be in English.

Please make sure to reserve a place and to be in time for the registration. Send your registration form in now. See


Time                     Lecturer                        Lecture

10 A.M. Registration and Welcome

10.30 A.M.

Dr Shlomit Schuster

In Times of War and Terror: Philosophical Counseling or PTSD treatment?*

  11.30 A.M.

Dr Ora Gruengard

  Tolerance for Ignorance

12.30 P.M.


(bring your own or have a cup of tea on the house)


  1.30 P.M. 

 Dr Louis Sandowsky

  Time and the Concept of Madness: Phenomenological Perspectives*

2.30 P.M.

Dr Lydia Amir

The Role of Impersonal Love in Everyday's Life

  3.30 P.M.

Tea/coffee break

  4.00-5.00 P.M.

Forum with

Dr Lydia Amir,

Dr Louis Sandowsky,

Dr Ora Gruengard,

and Dr Shlomit Schuster

    Why Philosophical Practice and Counseling

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