- Life is Life,
- there is nothing else,
- everything is tied into something else,
- that is life, that is living.
- Living is learning, yearning,
- loving, hating, feeling,
- being broken and rebuilt,
- reborn, as was the phoenix.
- We are life, I, ye,
- he, she, and even the its.
- that is the we, the us,
- the all that makes up Life, Living.
- I am not ye, nor I ye,
- who I am isna who ye are,
- nor who she or he is,
- we are what we are.
- I am me, the nothing,
- and the all that makes up me.
- as ye are the same but different.
- that is why we live. that is why we die.
- All in All, we are life,
- and anything we do becomes real life,
- that is the perception of Life.
- The making of reality through infinity.
- I am neither Romeo nor Juliet,
- nor am that old time traitor Arnold,
- nor the War Heroes of Time past,
- neither Alexander nor Hannibal am I.
- I am Myself, the truth, the life,
- the knowledge, the experience,
- that is what I am made of it,
- it is what is me, and what shapes me.
- Understanding is nary learned,
- nor taught, it is inside of ye,
- the Intuition as well as the crying,
- aye the crying of the soul inside of ye.
- To Understand yerself,
- ye have to be able to understand some others,
- as that often takes a lifetime.
- but that is hand that we are dealt, a lifetime.
- Neither am I computer generated nor gen generated,
- Gen X forgot about me and the baby boomers spawned me.
- I am who am I, the gen of those of us without a cause,
- yet it is that causelessness that has helped my life.
- As to who I am,
- I am who and what I am,
- whether ye see me or nay,
- that and this is who I am.
Rodriquez Wrenchezo