The Big List

1. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover (1989, UK, Greenaway) (Zed,85)

2. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928, Denmark / France, Dreyer) *

3. La Strada (1954, Italy, Fellini) (Nights of Cabiria, 1957)

4. Double Indemnity (1944, US, Wilder)

5. Breaking the Waves (1996, Denmark / Scotland, von Trier)

6. Aguirre, Wrath of God (1972, Germany, Herzog)

7. High and Low (1963, Japan, Kurosawa) (Seven Samauri, 1954)

8. Pulp Fiction (1994, US, Tarantino)       

9. Raging Bull (1980, US, Scorsese)

10. Mystery Train (1989, US, Jarmusch)

11. L'Atalante (1934, France, Vigo)

12. Aleksandr Nevsky (1938, Russia, Eisenstein) *

13. Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920, Germany, Weine) *

14. Mulholland Drive (2001, US, Lynch) (Blue Velvet, 1986)

15. 400 Blows (1959, France, Truffaut)

16. The Tin Drum (1979, US, Schlondorff)

17. Shadows (1959, US, Cassavettes)

18. Fargo (1996, US, Cohen Bros.)

19. Bonnie and Clyde (1967, US, Arthur Penn)

20. Tears of the Black Tiger (2000, Thailand, Sasanatieng)

21. Touch of Evil (1958, US, Welles)

22. The Godfather, I + II (1972/74, US , Coppola)

23. Blue (1993, Poland / France, Kieslowski)

24. Little Foxes (1941, US, Wyler)

25. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, US, Kubrick)

26. Annie Hall (1977, US, Woody Allen) (Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1989)

27. M*A*S*H (1970, US, Robert Altman)

28. Sweet Smell of Success (1957, US, Mackendrick)

29. A Face in the Crowd (1957, US, Kazan)

30. Seven Beauties (1976, Italy, Wertmuller)

31. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974, Germany, Fassbinder) (Marriage of Maria Braun, 1979)

32. Wings of Desire (1987, Germany / US, Wenders) (Paris, TX, 1984)

33. Night of the Hunter (1955, US)

34. Happiness (1998, US, Solondz)

35. Lone Star (1996, US, Sayles)

36. George Washington (2000, US, David Gordon Green)

37. The Celebration (1998, Denmark, Vinterberg)

38. The Graduate (1967, US, Mike Nichols)

39. Black Cat, White Cat (1998, Yugoslavia, Emir Kusturica)

40. Together (2000, Sweden, Lukas Moodysson)

41. A Time for Drunken Horses (2000, Iran, Ghobadi)

42. High Hopes (1988, UK, Mike Leigh) (All or Nothing, 2002)

43. Don’t Look Back (1967, US, D.A. Pennebaker) #

44. Stagecoach (1939, US, Ford)

45. Saboteur (1942, US, Hitchcock) (Vertigo, 1958) (The Birds, 1963)

46. Chinatown (1974, Poland / US, Polanski)

47. A Matter of Life and Death (1946, UK, Powell and Pressburger)

48. Monsoon Wedding (2001, India, Mira Nair)

49. Midnight Cowboy (1969, US, Schlesinger)

50. Do the Right Thing (1989, US, Spike Lee) (She’s Gotta Have It, 1986)

51. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1964, Ukraine, Parajanov)

52. Crumb (1994, US, Zwigoff) # (Ghost World, 2001)

53. The Thin Blue Line (1988, US, Errol Morris) #

54. Amorres Perros (2000, Mexico, Inarritu)

55. Asphalt Jungle (1950, US, Huston)

56. It Happened One Night (1934, US, Capra)

57. M (1931, Germany, Lang) (The Big Heat, 1953, US)

58. Sansho the Baliff (1954, Japan, Mizoguchi)

59. The Lady Eve (1941, US, Sturges)

60. Peeping Tom (1960, UK, Powell)

61. Le Samourai (1967, France, Melville)

62. The Last Picture Show (1971, US, Bogdanovich)

63. Laura (1944, US, Preminger)

64. Calendar (1993, Canada, Egoyan) (Exotica, 1994)

65. Man with a Movie Camera (1929, Russia, Vertov) *

66. Jailhouse Rock (1957, US, Thorpe)

67. Phantom Lady (1944, US, Siodmak)

68. C.I.D. (1956, India, Khosla)

69. The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962, UK, Richardson)

70. Salesman (1969, US, Maysles) #

71. Crime of M. Lange (1936, France, Renoir) (Rules of the Game, 1939)

72. In a Lonely Place (1950, US, Ray) (Rebel without a Cause, 1955)

73. Beauty Prize (1930, France, Clair)

74. Battles Without Honor and Humanity (1973, Japan, Fukasaku)

75. Pépé le Moko (1937, France, Duvivier)

76. Basic Instinct (1992, US, Verhoeven)

77. Gilda (1946, US, Vidor)

78. Chocolat (1988, France, Denis)

79. Black Girl (1966, Senegal, Sembene)

80. Cold Fever (1995, Iceland, Fridriksson)

81. Little Otik (2000, Czech, Svankmajer)

82. Minority Report (2002, US, Spielberg)

83. Eureka (2000, Japan, Aoyama)

84. Ice Storm (1997, US, Lee)

85. Cyclo (1995, Vietnam, Anh Hung Tran)

86. Badlands (1973, US, Malick)

87. The Seventh Seal (1957, Sweden, Bergman)

88. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956, US, Siegel)

89. An American Family (1973, US, Gilbert) %#

90. Kiss Me Deadly (1955, US, Aldrich)

91. Contempt (1963, France, Godard) (Breathless, 1960)

92. Gun Crazy (1949, US, Lewis) (The Big Combo, 1955)

93. Cleo from 5 to 7 (1961, France, Varda)

94. Friend (2001, Korea, Kyung-taek)

95. Blowup (1966, Italy, Antonioni)

96. Devil in a Blue Dress (1995, US, Franklin)

97. Hoop Dreams (1994, US, James) #

98. A Taste of Cherry (1997, Iran, Kiarostami)

99. Personal Velocity (2002, US, Miller)

100. Giant (1956, US, Stevens)

101. Kandahar (2000, Iran / Afghanistan, Makhmalbaf)

102. Black Robe (1991, Canada, Bruce Beresford)

103. Bound (1996, US, Wachowski bros.)

104. Elephant (2003, US, Van Sant)

105. The Right Stuff (1983, US, Kaufman)

106. The Birth of a Nation (1915, US, Griffith)

107. Man Without a Past (2002, Finland, Kaurismaki)

108. Mildred Pierce (1945, US, Curtiz) (Casablanca, 1942)

109. Marty (1953, US, Mann)

110. Sweet Sweetback's Baad Asssss Song (1971, US, Peebles)

111. Pumping Iron II: The Women (1985, US, Butler) #

112. Pictures of the Old World (1972, Slovakia, Hanak)

113. The Hitchhiker (1953, US, Lupino)

114. Insomnia (1997, Norway, Skjoldbjaerg)

115. Kaidan (1964, Japan, Kobayashi)

116. The Aimless Bullet (1960, South Korea, Hyun Mok Yoo)

117. Last Year in Marienbad (1961, France, Renais)

118. All That Heaven Allows (1955, US, Sirk)

119. Suspiria (1977, Italy, Argento)

120. Modern Times (1936, US, Chaplin)

121. Rocky (1976, US, Avildsen)

122. The Long Good Friday (1980, UK, Mackenzie)

123. Ghost in the Shell (1995, Japan, Oshi)

124. Trust (1990, US, Hartley) (The Unbelievable Truth, 1989)

125. In the Soup (1992, US, Rockwell)

126. Dogfight (1991, US, Savoca)

# = documentary
* = silent
f two countries are listed, the first is the filmmaker's native country and the second is the language/location of the film.

All links lead to the film´s page at the Internet Movie Database.