Welcome to Planet T !!
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me, myself and I in the house !!
Planet Founder .
As dark as the word DARK is what I am !!
I never seem to come out well in pictures ...
anyway maybe next time ...
Thanx for dropping by. I'm Mpho Thabo Mogomotsi Edwin TAU
(thats a picture af a lion at Trafalgar Square, London, thats the translation of my surname.) Direct translation of my names would be Gift Happiness Comfortor Edwin Lion. I have quite a number of nicknames, of which I prefer T
I am currently in Halifax, N.S. in CANADA at Daltech taking Architecture. This is my third year here. I just completed my undergrad and I'm enrolled in the masters program here. Besides the course, I love playing tennis and reading. Anyway thats jus' a bit 'bout me.
THANX AGAIN FOR DROPPING BY, this site is really...
Wait a minute its May 2001 and I am just waiting for graduation now. No more a student, just a graduate. A masters degree holder with no job YET !!! Its been good being here. Playing tennis and enjoying the weather to keep myself busy.
Well tough 'bout Canada hey!!! Its Oct 2002, being burnt by the heat in Botswana, I tell U, if this wasnt home I wouldnt be here, its too hot really. Have a jobi job now, over a year... Canada did get me ready for this stage in my career, running projects, detailing buildings, designing. I have a few personal projects that have been built already, this field can be fun I tell you. Great job that ends with no social life... its an architects syndrome I've noticed. I am currently at Pinagare Architects, mainly designing big buildings, but at the moment I am designing the new Chief Justice's official house and I am partt of the team designing a concept for a state of the art hotel complex...