Web Resources in the Humanities

This webpage serves as an introduction to outstanding Internet resources for students of library science and individuals needing a concise annotated guide to humanities resources, history of the book, printing, and publishing, as well as bibliography. General humanities gateways, scholarly journals addressing electronic scholarly communication and research in the humanities, websites concerned with Internet evaluation, websites that feature primary texts, and prominent subject-specific and generally interdisciplinary websites are emphasized.

General Sites Hypertext Studies and Cyberculture Internet Evaluation Sites
Art Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Resources History
History of the Book Literature and Cultural Studies Music and Film
Mythology Philosophy Religion

Serena Enger, M.L.I.S., University of Pittsburgh;
M.A., English and American Literature, New York University

This web site was created on August 13, 1999.

Last updated: February 15, 2009

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Background: Axem's Textures.
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