Ms. Shattering
(dammit......wbs keps eating my html or text.......yes, this page is VERY under construction)
ok silly heads....this is the second time i am writing this cause the last time i tried to add html, wbs ate all my text... (GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!) .........
things about me i will actually admit.......uhm, well, i am strange little character......i take much enjoyment in writing poetry....though for the last few months i have fallen into a bit of a dry spell..........i am very opinionated and usually blunt in expressing my opinions.....which usually comes across as quite rude........oh well.......you are reading this....obviously you want to know SOMETHING about me............
issues i feel very strongly on.......
children....i do not like children......and i do not plan on ever having any....and this is for many reasons.......a child is responsibility for at least 18 years of YOUR life.....which means you are basically losing 18 years....this world is very overpopulated and why would you want to worsen the situation.....i know that i would probably be a terrible role model for someone to grow up with.....kids think their parents are superman or something....that their parents are always right and immortal and everything......their are enough screwed up stupid people in this world....why would i want to create another or expose someone i love to such stupidity.........many people suffered with parents who had them "accidentally" and are now really screwed up because of it.......many of these people desire children because they think they can "do better" than their parents did.....they are FOOLING themselves...with a child....i would never want something i loved to go through puberty...rebel against me and treat me the way i treated my parents.....and...many people have children because they are too scared to live this life alone.....they seek "unconditional" love........they have children...usually too many and are stuck going nowhere in their life....and we are the ones who pay welfare taxes......these people are SELFISH!!!....
marriage......i think people who feel they need a piece of paper from the government saying that the government and god views them as "joined" are pathetic.....the only real benitfit from this is the tax benefit.....there are other ways to cast vows to each other so you can be "spiritually joined" then to get the government involved...
abortion.......it is her body....it is her womb that is about to swell to an extremely large size....her breasts that are gonna look like raisons in the end....it is HER choice.........if you feel it is not her choice....then you can take care of the kid for the next 18 years.....or you can pay all the money that kid'll need for bare neccessities for the next 18 years....you are the one that can tell the kid it wasn't wanted.....you are also the one who kind find a solution to over-population....i agree that stupid mothers need to learn from their mistakes.....i agree that we shouldn't be paying so much on welfare taxes....i agree that we have too many screwed up people in this world that weren't raised in a "loving" enviroment though.....why force a family on someone who doesn't want one.....she obviously won't be a good mother.....
gay/lesbian couples and marriages............find me one passage in your lords bible that says that two males can't care about and love each other as much as a heterosexual couple....or that two women can't love each other simply because niether has a phallus......or simply give me a good reason why it is immoral for you to love someone of your sex....i will most likely advise you not to involve yourself in a homosexual relationship....however.....if i don't tell you who to date....you have absolutely no right to tell me i cannot be sexually intimate with another female or that males are immoral to sleep with other males........as for gay marriage.....there is no reason that these two people can't get the same tax benefits as this couple......that is really prejudice!!!....
quantum realities...i beleive very strongly in quantum realities.....somewhere in another time and another realitiy i am head cheerleader at UCLA or something......and here and now....in this time and reality i am who and what i am at this moment.....and what i do every moment from here till forever.....each disision i make....will effect this world...will create a new reality somewhere.......as every decision that has come before has affected everything around me...and created different realities....it kinda makes you think.....and wonder.....and it is kinda scary....and it certainly makes you feel like you DO make a difference....like you ARE important..........
i will get much more into these and other things later........
music i am really into........oh goth....where to start......... The Cure are my absolute faveorite....i am a self proclaimed "curebaby" rather than a "goth".........i like to be able to smile every once in awhile...after the cure my all-time faveorite is Siouxsie and the Banshees .......
after that my musical preferances stray all over the place......herein i will LIST a lot of my faveorite bands....(in no specific order whatsoever)...
....bel canto....thrill kill kult....the cranes....rasputina...daucus karota (rozz williams) and old christian death......switchblade symphony...sunshine blind....typo negative...the psycodelic furs.....depeche mode (affecionately, douche mold)...lords of acid....legendary pink dots...david bowie....lots of classical stuff.....falco....dead or alive...eurythimics...the glove...stabbing westward... Six Finger Satellite (who i love and none of you bastards have ever even heard of them) .....berlin....suicide commando...dorsetshire.....delay.....early ministry...kraftwerk...project pitchfork....genital a-tech...sisters of mercy...front 242...joy division....big electric cat...nick cave and the bad seeds... the Londen Suede (i love this band so much) ....whiny steve and the smiths.......bauhaus and solo petey murphy..... mime (a great used-to-be denver band) ......emf.....dead can dance.......a cool minneapolis band called autumn....mephiisto waltz....corpus delecti.....london after midnight.......stone 588......the wake...alien sex fiend......45 grave (so great...hehehe)...........
and for not so goth/80s stuff............tori amos.....that dog...belly...bjork...madonna...kristen hersh..... SONIK TOOTH and solo thurston whore hehehe...........mazzy star....enigma...mudhoney....nirvana (yes, i liked/like nirvana.....if you deem it neccesary.... go ahead and crucify me now).......the ramones.....the germs...7 YEAR B*TCH.....babes in toyland...hole.....L7....x-ray specs....pj harvey....cub....hot damn... BiKiNI kiLL!!! ..... bratmobile .....TrIbE 8..........team dresch.....estrojet.....and that is about all i can think of for now...............goth that is alot!!....ack!...........
OK....i am too lazy too do more of this page right now...you will all have to wait...
also, anyone who is a fan of the late william s burroughs needs to visit the link below....
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