...more astronomy photos

i love the night

Finally... a time to go outside,

a time to sit on the front steps with my friends, ...camping with Teresa, and playing board games until the Park Ranger stalked us too closely. ...debating with Bill,Chris,Joel,& Dave about the effectiveness of The Works as a Noisemaker. ...bitchin' with Brian about the clouds blocking our view of the stars, ...enjoying (sometimes suffering!) the local 'music' (and other oddities) at Victorian's Midnite Cafe. ...walking downtown w/ Chris at 2am to enjoy the incredibly exciting Hudson nightlife. ...playing frisbee in the dark with Lori,Stacy&Amanda until the Strangers come & break it.
...continuing the arguement of whether or not to take the Bus to the AMC Lennox ...job planning with Lori, while on a walk to her new house (...we'd need a airplane to goto my apartment!) ...listening to Dream Theater on the back porch w/ Scott.

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