i love the night
Finally... a time to go outside,
take a deep breath of fresh air,
and relax after finishing my homework (mainly just putting it off.)
a time to sit on the front steps with my friends,
and chat about all the important things in our lives,
or perhaps about Nothing at all (more often than not!):
...camping with Teresa, and playing board games until the Park Ranger stalked us too closely.
...making our highly anticipated trip to the water pumps!
...setting up the tent and cooking dinner in the dark, then listening to the cat 'meow' (where did the heck did he come from???)
...debating with Bill,Chris,Joel,& Dave about the effectiveness of
The Works as a Noisemaker.
...climbing the tree across the street and spitting on the cars below.
(what's with Chris having to
piss from high places??)
...bitchin' with Brian about the clouds blocking our view of the stars,
only to find out the clouds aren't so bad afterall.
...enjoying (sometimes suffering!) the local 'music' (and other oddities) at Victorian's Midnite Cafe.
...picking up Teresa for Dinner and the Nutcracker with her corsage in hand (as if we were high schoolers!)
...searching for her new house in the wonderful winter: 'should we knock??'
...walking downtown w/ Chris at 2am to enjoy the incredibly exciting Hudson nightlife.
...late night guitar sessions with Bill.
...playing frisbee in the dark with Lori,Stacy&Amanda until the Strangers come & break it.
...creating new Astrophysical Theories that Dave & I can't even comprehend.
...continuing the arguement of whether or not to take the Bus to the AMC Lennox
(do we have enough time for a double feature??)
...job planning with Lori, while on a walk to her new house
(...we'd need a airplane to goto my apartment!)
...listening to Dream Theater on the back porch w/ Scott.