Welcome to the Math 151cB Web Page
----> Where you will find all you need to know about:
* Welcome Letter to Class
--Your Textbook is 'Calculus & Mathematica - Derivatives: Measuring Growth'. This can be found at all the bookstores.
** Group Homework:
You can pickup the Homework in the Folder: "Homework Pickup"
Save Homework as: "groupname_hw1.nb"
------This Week's Homework---------
Chap 1 (Growth)
Group- Problems -> G.1b,e 2a,c,e,f,g 3b 5 6 8c
Due Date: Wed. Jan. 13. You will only need to turn in ONE copy for your group. (i.e. 'groupname.nb')
Quiz 1 Wed. Jan. 13. Covers 1.01.
Chap 2 (Natural Logs and Exponentials)
Group- Problems -> G.2a,c 3a,e.ii 4a.i 5a,b
Due: Thurs., Jan. 21.
Quiz 2 Thurs. Jan. 21. Covers 1.02.
Chap 3 (Instantaneous Growth)
Group- Problems -> G.2ai,ii,bii,iii 3aii,bi 4a,c 5 6a,b,ci,d,e
Due: Fri., Jan. 29.
Lit Sheet- Problems -> L.4,6,8,9,10,11,14,15
MIDTERM 1 - Fri., Jan. 29th
Chap 4 (Rules of the Derivative)
Group- Problems -> G.1(a-q) 2(all) 3a,b,d,e 4ai,bi,c,d(i,ii) 5aii,bii,cii,d(i-iii),e(i-iii)
Due: Tues., Feb. 9th
Lit Sheet- Problems -> L.1,3-11,13,15,17,18
Quiz 4 Tues. Feb. 9. Covers 1.04.
Chap 5 (Using the Tools)
Group- Problems -> G.1b,d 2a,b 3a(i,ii),b 4(all) 5a 10a,c 11
Due: Thurs., Feb. 25th
Lit Sheet- Problems -> L.1,2,3,7,9,10
MIDTERM 2 - Fri., Feb. 26th
Chap 6 (The Differential Equations of Calculus)
Chap 7 (The Race Track Principle)
- Tues., Mar. 16th, 11:30am, in Lab
Throughout the quarter, there will be many questions asked that everyone should know the answer too. Therefore this section will contain answers to common questions: pertaining to both calculus & the Mathematica program.
If you have your own question to ask, e-mail me at nehls.5@osu.edu
Here are some interesting Pages that cover all Aspects of Math (from Physics to Music):
If you have one to add, drop me an e-mail at nehls.5@osu.edu
The Ohio State University Calculus & Mathematica WebPage
Mathematica's Webpage
The Ohio State Univeristy Math Department WebPage
Occasionally, you may need to get a hold of us Outside of class.. How do you reach us???
The best way is through e-mail (...anytime, anywhere).
If your problem is more immediate, a phone call might be necessary. Otherwise, ask us in class.
Here are the numbers:
Dr. Lu Qin:
Erik Nehls:
Office Phone: 292-0975
Home Phone: 267-5273 (feel free to call)
MW 449
Office Hours: Mon,Wed 1:30-2:30p (lab), 5:30-6:30p (office), or by appointment
Office Hours: Tues,Thurs 1:30-2:30p (lab or tutor room), or by appointment
The Math Lab (MA 052) can be reached by Dialing 292-4475, or 688-3168
In order to improve the class, we need your feedback. Many students come into a class, and find problems with its setup. Unfortunately, Most walk away at the end of the quarter without having let the Professors know what that Problem was.
that is why it is very important to Communicate with your Professor & Staff. Let us know what is bugging you, so that we may improve your Learning Expereince.
Either let us know in Class, or through this WebPage. I am currently setting up an Anonymous Feedback Page. But for now, feel free to E-Mail us at nehls.5@osu.edu, or qinli@math.ohio-state.edu. Thanks!