This page is dedicated to all the people who died on April 15th 1912

Titanic, the movie, is the best movie I have ever seen!  This movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.  Director James Cameron worked  hard to make the 200 million dollar movie.  I love the music too.  The part where they are in the water and when the Titanic sailed and sank was filmed in the water tanks on the set in Rosarito Beach, Mexico.

last updated Febuary 4, 1999



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If you have a Titanic site and would like to swap banner links, please email me.

Do not use any of the graphics on my site! But if you would like to please email me.


I am runing out of space for this website. I can not add anymore thingsto it except for the banner exchange. I have made a new Titanic site. It is like a continue to this site. It is at Christa's Titanic Gallery.

Please visit my other sites.

Disclaimer: This site is in no way connected with Paramount Pictures or Twentieth Century Fox and is for fan purposes only. No copyrighting is intentional but if for some reason a copyright has been violated, please inform me and I will remove the offending item.

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