LDS Food Storage Programs

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There are now Four programs available on this web page. First, I have developed a food storage calculator that works in Microsoft Internet Explorer, written in vbScript. It works well, and slowly I may make more improvements on it. You can reach it at: :
Download MSIE Food Storage Calculator (Download it by right-clicking and selecting "Save Target As", there may be some slight problems using it because Geocities adds some code which doesn't like this program. If you get errors, just select to ignore them, and then the program should run fine once it passes through Geocities' code. If you want a clean version, you can remove the code using a text editor-it will be the code at the very bottom where it says remove. Or email me and I'll send it to you).
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I have recently developed a spreadsheet that will calculate your needs. It is Microsoft Windows 97 compatible. If you need another version, email me and I'll see if I can't convert it. You can download it here:
Download Food Storage Spreadsheet

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Next, John Bernhisel has developed an online food storage calculator. It works quickly and easy. Totem bar

Finally, If you need a more detailed program, then I suggest the following. This download is a freeware program developed by the General Relief Society of the LDS Church. It was developed several years ago, in MS-DOS format, but is still a great tool to develop a basic plan for establishing your year's supply.

It gets from you the ages and sex of people in your family. With that information, it recommends different levels of food-stuffs in each category (i.e.; grains). You can adjust the levels within an area (use the tab key, i.e.; more rice, than wheat) or go with their recommendations. It also allows you to set it up for any number of months, just in case you want to make smaller goals towards the year's supply.

Our stake uses it extensively. When I got the disk from the General R.S. building several years ago, they told me to freely distribute it (they were only charging for the cost of the disk). So, I take that as a go ahead to distribute it here, with the point of thanking them for such a great program.

Note: It does not print on a Windows printer. You may be able to set it up with a MSDOS capture/print2file utility and run them concurrently in the same DOS window, then print the file after in your Wordpad or other word processor.

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I have two formats that you can download: a regular executable file and then a zipped file. If you have trouble with the regular executable, then try downloading the zipped one and unzipping it yourself. Totem bar

Executable Food Storage download

To download,
1. click on the link (you might have to hold down the Shift key while clicking on the link, depending on your browser)
2. select "Save File"
3. Once you have downloaded it, just rename it to "FS.EXE" and it will be ready to run! It is an executable, but had to be renamed fs.z so that the server would handle it correctly.
4. Run it in an MS-DOS window.

Download Food Storage Program

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Zipped Food Storage Program

To download,
1. click on the link below
2. save it and unzip it, or if your computer is set up for it, you can unzip it while downloading. 3. Run it in an MS-DOS window. Download Food Storage Program

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If you have any problems, please contact me at: gerald
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As of 23 Sep 1998, you are:

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