Banff Community High School
School Profile
Banff Community High School provides a comprehensive academic program for 250 students
from grades 7 thought 12. Described in our student-produced brochure as "A Special Place to
Learn", BCHS offers French as a Second Language, Instrumental Music, Art and CTS courses to
complement core courses. Photography, Woodworking, Silkscreening, Clothing and Textiles,
Food Studies, and Information Processing are all offered through CTS (Career and Technology
Studies). Junior High curriculum is delivered in a traditional classroom setting, with preparation
towards the SIL Model (Supported Independent Learning) which is in place for grades 10
thought 12. BCHS offers flexible instructional programs for students with individual learning
needs such as ESL, learning support, fine arts or athletic schedules that require absences from
The staff at BCHS includes 15.6 FTE professional staff, one Administrator, one Administrative
Assistance, two Instructional Assistants, a Library technician and 1.5 FTE custodial positions.
Volunteers assist in the supervision of the Testing Centre at BCHS.