Last modification: 2/28/99
Literature in English and in Russian
- Stanislaw Lec: Unkempt Thoughts --+[In English]+- -+[In Russian]+--
- Stanislaw Jerczy Lec (1909-1966) was a Polish writer (the name is pronounced "lets"). He has written several books of aphorisms, of
which little is translated into English. Unkempt thoughts is one
of these collection of aphorisms.
- Русские литературные пародии (от Ломоносова до Горького) (Parodies on Russian literature, in Russian)
- Иосиф
Бродский (Iosif Brodskii) Collected works (in English and in
- Daniil
Kharms A would-be complete collection (mostly in Russian and a
bit in English)
- Dmitrii Alexandrovich Prigov: Texts (in Russian)
- Евгений Замятин: Мы ("We",
the famous 1920 anti-utopian novel by Yevgeni Zamyatin, in Russian).
Download also the rar/zip archive with both
- Густав Майринк: Голем ("Der Golem" by Gustav Meyrink, 1915, in Russian translation).
- Документы жизни и деятельности И. С. Баха ("Documents of the Life and Work of J. S. Bach", in Russian)
- Фазиль
Искандер (Fazil' Iskander) Избранная проза (по-русски и по-английски) Selected short fiction (in English
and in Russian)
- Andrei Platonov:
Inhabitant of the State: my English translation of a
short story by the prominent Russian writer of the 1930s. The story
exposes the ways of thinking promulgated by the Communist propaganda in
1920s and 1930s and throws in quite a few realistic facts of everyday
Soviet life in those times. The Russian original, "Государственный
житель", along with many other works can be found here.
In German
- Die gesamte Till
Eulenspiegel-Historien (The complete, original Till
Eulenspiegel stories, in German)
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