Ok Cutter, Where's the beef?
Cutter's Cow, ruler of Kowshittka,
Cutter's Cow is a quote of the whenever; A persistant
source of annoyance provided by Pat (sometimes affectionately called Sigmund)
to abuse Cutter, in good Pun. He asks that if you read this, email
Cutter to tell him he has been abused. (since he can't always do it himself)
Cutter's Cow Talks Computers |
CC Gets Cozy |
Electric Cow |
This Cow Speaks French (heh!) |
CC Chews the Cud |
CC Hams it Up! |
CC's Excellent Adventure |
CC is Bad to the Bone |
CC Gets Railroaded |
CC Gets Horny! |
CC is All Washed Up |
CC Goes Where No Cow Has Gone Before |
CC's News Flash (put it away CC!) |
CC's Weather Report |
Something Smells Fishy! |
Long live the CLF!
(Old Kowshittkan Rebel battle-cry)
"Well, I am about fed up with my computer. I am going to have
to file a complaint with the company that made it. I thought
it was just me, but it seems that my screen has a terminal illness.
It is telling me off color jokes. I also think that I have the Paul
Revere virus on my system. Every time it strikes, I get one
light if my LAN, and two lights if by C:. What bugs me even more
is that my controller seems to have no drive. It is A:C:T:ing up
every day. My modem is also being a ping in the access. It
keeps spreading VD to all my other components. What
do you expect? It runs a baudy house. Last week, my A: drive
fell and ruptured a disk. Well, I better run, my motherboard is calling
me. Oh well, this really bytes!"
"Greetings all. It seems that I am haunting Cutter. He told
Sigmund the other night that he sees me in his sleep. Am I
that much of a bed guy? I personally think that I am a nice cow.
I say he is full of sheet. He must be a Linenist. Now,
this is not a blanket condemnation of him, but I do
think his view is a little slatted. Maybe he has just
headboarded the wall one too many times. Maybe someone needs to act
as a comforter and help him get through this crisis. Let's all chip
in and send him on a sightseeing tour with the Afgan rebels.
Oh well, I suppose there is no hope for him.
he has made his bed, now he has to lay in it."
"Greetings Cow fans! I have been away since October,
and I figured it was time I got out of the barn, and harassed you a little.
Sigmund has been busy paying off his charge cards, so I figure I would
talk about electricity. I figure it is an acceptable topic considering
the current economic trends. It
is going to be a cold day in Hades before he gets then paid off,
so I guess he can't wear shorts. Wire you worried about it though,
he is going to try and get more money, and switch things around.
After he gets more money he is really going to socket to the creditors.
It is not going to amp his style,
but he is going to have to do this. It is a revolting development,
but life happens. Don't take this as a plug to send him money, however,
he may end up having no other outlet but charity. I am not going
to keep going ohm and ohm about this, so let's get a little more light
It is hard at times to be fun, but
I am going to be a resistor, and be happy in any capacitance I can.
After all, I have my feet on the ground. I am getting a surge to
spike my hair, and make a connection with the crazy side of the world.
I am going to hit the single's circuit, and find me a
nice date. I guess I will rap it up now. I think I have shocked
you enough! The best to everyone in the new year!
"Me again! Get Eur-rope and lets go Russian
over the Atlantic and help settle some of these problems across the sea.
It seems that things are really getting bad there. It seems not too
many people are having very much Finn. Pardon my French, but
I-rish that everyone would just tell each other to get off
their Blue Swede Shoes, and settle down. Can't the English Channel
a little peace to the continent? Oh, before we go, let me warn you
not to run too fast. You may trip and Spain your ankle. We
really should drive. I have a Monte Carlo we can take over there.
Make sure you have your shots before you go. The Germ
Man at customs will want you to. If you want to take a friend with
you, you can Port-u-gal in the trunk. It seems that we are just going
to end up going over there to have a good time. Oh well, international
diplomacy is all Greek to me anyway. See ya!"
I am a little hungry today. I just got back from a trip
to the Sandwich Islands, and I didn't have anything to eat. I don't
really want to chew anyone out, but the food prices are, it is leaving
me a little empty. Last week I went to the local grocery, and walked
down the vegetable isle. The prices were so high, I had to ask myself
if they could not Produce food a little cheaper. So I figured I butter
get out of there, so I got me a container of Large Cud Cottage Cheese,
and left. On the way out, I told the cashier that I would be back
Tamale. She waved bye, and told me to have a good hay. Well, I'm
through with my grazing fire. I am going to go talk to to my landlard,
Sir Loin. He will listen to my beef."
"Hello! Is anyone out there an amateur radio
operator? I prefer hams to steaks. I want all the hams out
there to band together! We need to wave at one another with a little
morse frequency. And I am not talking a brief, short wave.
I want a hearty handshake!
Why don't we all rent a large van and meet
somewhere. Let me look up the number to Hertz in the fonebook.
We can give them a call, get our van, travel the countryside, and just
have a field day. I know this college campus that we can go to and
camp out on their quad. I have a tent, but I need a
dipole to set it up. Does anyone have one? If we can't find
one, maybe we can just prop it up with a beam. That would give us
an element of pioneer spirit!
I gotta go now. Sigmund is getting
ready to put me back in the barn. I hate that place. It is
such a shack. OH! Before I leave, let me tell you to look for
me in Cattleman's Quarterly (CQ) magazine. I am going to be a model.
They are featuring cows born between 73 and 88. Seeya :)"
"Well, I woke up to a Red Dawn. I
could see From Here to Eternity, so I thought I would talk about The Big
Picture. Movies are a Splash in my book. I really love The Great
Escape of watching a flick. My distant cousin, The Maltese Falcon,
and his brother, Hudson Hawk go with me all the time. I love
how you humans show movies on The Wall in theaters.
My uncle, Wilderbeast is going to be flying Out of Africa to come
here for a Permanent Vaction to see us so he can watch movies too.
I saw The First Nudie Musical of my life today, and I loved it.
I am going to go on a Star Trek next week and visit Hollywood
to see my favorite actors. I guess I better comb my Hair before I
go. I know that All Dogs go to Heaven, but What About Bob?
He is my friend, and I don't want things to go bad for him. Oh well,
I need to be Taking Care of Business. So I Will See You in the Funny
"Greeting music lovers! How are you doing.
I thought I would cut a track to the computer and see if you are in tune
with what is going on in the world. It seems that a few people are
rupturing discs in their back in an effort to dance. I believe in
letting people march to their own beat, but they are really hurting
themselves slamming against the wall and each other. I only wonder
what the cymbalism behind slam dancing is. I am not going to horn in and
tell people what to do, but I think it is kinda drum to beat yourself up.
Well, I'm going to get down off the chair, and get to the pasture."
"Well, me thinks that things have been getting a little
off track lately, and I am looking for a new job. I am so used to
being railroaded that I may as well take the shaft and train to be an engineer.
I don't really think I would be a good one, so I may see if I can get a
current license to be a conductor. If I went to work on the railroad
I would have to cut all my ties, and moooove away from home. I am
really at a crossing with my decision when it comes to leaving my family
though. My mother would rail me, and I would lose station
with my father. He is such a depot and a tyrant. If I left,
he would send a cow catcher after me. Well, I guess I am done blowing
off steam, so I take a coupler of seconds and dance away the frustration.
Do the L-O-C-O-M-O-T-I-V-E! You'all join in now! See ya!"
"Well, I am going to take a risk, and
talk a little about sex. In the house of reproduction, I am by no
means a stud. When I think about sex, I get laid back, and relax.
Since cows don't have furniture, I consider the ground my bed. I
do have a dish for a girlfriend though. Fine China makes me think
of what Confucius once said to my incester Loin. "Cow who make love
on ground has piece on earth." Not that I promote easy sex,
for if I did you would have to pay for it. We all need to practice
safe sex. It will get us ready for the big game. But, alas
there is nothing funny about treating your lover as just a toy. Even
if batteries are included."
"Hello again! It has been a while since I have been
out of the barn for a visit. Sigmund has been real busy, and hasn't
had the time to let me loose. He has been so busy that he is having wierd
dreams. He told me about the dream he had last night. He said
that he had a dream that he was trapped in the soap isle at the
grocery store he works at. No lye, he really did. He said that
the dream would have been a Joy if it was in good Spirit. But there was
this evil scientist truning a Dial making the soap do odd things.
He said he tried to run, but he only fell down a Cascade while trying to
escape. When he got to the bottom, he had to swim out of the Tide,
and ride a huge Dove back up the cliff. This really set a bad Tone
for the dream.
He said that it got a
little better when he saw an Ivory Snow falling around him. He then
tried with Zest to wake himself up. He found a little water in the
Irish Spring and all the soap disappeared, and he was saved by a LifeBoy.
He said that after all that he felt like he had been put through the ringer.
Maybe we need to get him a Safeguard for protection.
I don't know if this will do any good, but we need to Cheer him up and
wish him good Lux. Peaceful sleep!"
"Greeting Star Trek fans! I want to talk
to you about a Paramount concept: Star Trek! No Bones about
it, it is a great series. It is a wonderful Enterprise.
I tried to plug in my TV the other day to watch it, and I had a short
circuit. Let me tell you, it was a Spocking experience. One
of the characters that I love to hate is Commander Riker. It
seems that he thinks he is in with a girl as beautiful as Helen of
Troi. I herd he is not having any fun with her, and is going
blind by Kirking off. There is no conclusive Data on this,
but it is on all the rumor mills. I have also herd that he uses
a whole lot of toilet paper. It seems he has a problem with Klingons.
Anyway, I will make this a short speech, I don't want to make a Federation
Law of it, so I will say goodbye for now. Well, I suppose I will
quit abusing you with my Warped sense of humor. See ya...."
Found on CMN : Cutter's Moos Network
"I don't know how it started, but I have
to begin somewhere. It seems that things have finally settled
down a little on our beloved VirtualNET. I figure it is time
that we can poke a little pun at each other, and put all the arguments
behind us. But, first the moos. It seems that Roland has been
plugging away on the new version, and it will be out 6-1. There is
a big change in the message subs, and they aren't going under water.
Like I said, I am not sure who started what, but I have noticed a
few of the goings on. Here is how I see them. Everyone
one kept tossing the hot potato until it got sliced and we had -fries
on someones platter. Then Gene Wells up, and entered the fray.
He was followed by one of the RC's from Canada, and Gnomebody knows
the trouble she's seen since. John Bokked his keyboard on
the floor, and has not been able to give up network type information.
It seemed that the snow had melted under the Virtual Ski Patrol.
Then Neil Marshalled the forces, and has been giving a little direction
to the field. After trying to calm things down by calling everyone,
and running up his phone gill, Shark has finally returned to peeking in
people's Windows, and things are finally returning to normal.
I hope that we can all laugh with each other, and return to normal.
I also hope that we can all be friends again, and have a little fun in
this network again. See ya!"
"Well hail! I have been weathering
a lot of storms lately, and I figured that I may as well talk about
them. It is always a shocking and enlightning experience to
watch one roll in. I don't mean to steal the National Weather
Service's thunder, but I have gotten pretty good at knowing when
one is going to come in. I have gotten so good at it that I
M*A*S*Hed the Radar at the local weather office. I know that I am
just a bovine blowhard, but it really gets my goat when the wind
stirs up my oats.
This is getting a little off track, so I better funnel my
thoughts back into a tighter front. The weather has always
been weird around Kentucky. When I am at work, it is sunny
and nice. But as soon as I herd out the door, Mother Nature starts
raining on my parade. Oh well, I really shouldn't complain,
I have been lucky that I haven't had to hoof it home too much
in the rain. It got cold here the other night, and I had to pull
the sleet over my head when I decided to hit the hay. I hate
cold weather. It is a real Sun of a hitch! I have had
a little to much to drink tonight, so I am rambling. My thoughts
are getting a little clouded, but at least this beer can has a silver
lining inside.
Wet Dream
--- -----
by Kip Addotta
It was April the forty-first, being a quadruple leap year. I was
driving in downtown Atlantis. My Barracuda was in the shop, so I was in
a rented Stingray- and it was overheating. So I pulled into a Shell station.
They said I'd blown a seal. I said, "Fix the damn thing and leave my private
life out of it, okay pal? While they were doing that, I walked over to
a place called the Oyster bar- a real dive. But I knew the owner- he used
to play for the Dolphins. I said, "HI GIL!" (You have to yell- he's hard
of herring)
Gil was also down on his luck. Fact is, he was barely keeping his
head below water. I bellied up to the sand bar. He poured the usual- rusty
snail, hold the grunion, shaken not stirred- with a peanut butter and jellyfish
sandwich on the side, heavy on the mako. I slipped him a fin- on porpoise.
I was feelin' good. I even dropped a sand dollar in the box for Jerry's
Squids-for the halibut.
Well, the place was crowded. We were packed
in like sardines. They were all there to listen to the big band sounds
of Tommy Dorsal. What sole. Tommy was rocking the place to the very popular
tuna, Salmon-Chanted Evening. And the stage was surrounded by screaming
groupers, probably there to see the bass player. One of them was this cute
little yellowtail- and she's giving me the eye. So I figured this was my
chance for a little fun- y'know, piece of Pisces. But she said things I
just couldn't fathom. She was too deep- seemed to be under a lot of pressure.
Boy, could she drink. She drank like a-- she drank a LOT. I said, "What's
your sign?" She said, "Aquarium." I said, "Great! Let's get tanked!"
I invited her up to my place for a little
midnight bait. I said "C'mon baby-only take a few minnows." She threw me
that same old line- not tonight, I got a haddock. And she wasn't kidding,
either, cause in came the biggest, meanest looking haddock I'd ever seen
come down the pike. He was covered with mussels. He came over to me, said
"Listen shrimp, don't you come trolling around here." What a crab. This
guy was steamed. I could see the anchor in his eyes. I turned to him and
said, "Abalone- you're just being shellfish." Well, I knew it was
gonna be trouble and so did Gil cause he was already on the phone to the
cods. The haddock hits me with a sucker-punch. I catch him with a left
hook- he eels over. It was a fluke, but there he was lying on the
deck flat as a mackerel- kelpless. I said "Forget the cods, Gil, this guys's
gonna need a sturgeon." Well, the yellowtail was impressed with the way
I landed her boyfriend. She came over to me, she said "Hey big boy, you're
really a game fish- what's your name?"
I said, "Marlin"
Well, from then on we had a whale of a
time. I took her to dinner. I took her to dance. I bought her a bouquet
of flounders. And then I went home with her. And what did I get for my
trouble? A case of the clams.