Welcome to the CyberParsonage!

My Little Out-of-the-way Place in Cyberspace


This site is currently down for a major renovation, which will require major time. Sorry!

Links to other sites on the Web

Christian Answers Network: great resource for apologetics materials
Crosswalk.com: Provider of links to all (or a lot of) things Christian
Renewing Your Mind Online: the ministry of R. C. Sproul
Virtual Holy Land--everything you want to know about Israel, including a live picture from the Western Wall. Materials are presented from a Christian perspective.
Cedarville University Home Page: my alma mater, and a great school
The Master's College: I used to teach here part time, and even if I didn't, it would be another great school to recommend to you
The Hall of Church History: theology by a bunch of dead guys (but a great site!)
Desiring God Ministries. This site is a treasure trove of resources from the pen and mind of John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, and a man whose writings have had a profound and lasting positive impact on my spiritual growth.

"He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." Jim Elliot

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