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The International Language IDO - Reformed
Informatie in het Nederlands
Informasjon på norsk
Auskunft im Deutsch
Renseignements en français
Información en español
Español - Cesko - Magyar - Italiano - Nihongo - Polska - Türkçe -
Shqip - Lietviju - Hrvatska - Esperanto
The purpose of this site is to provide information on the
international language Ido. Ido is a reformed and improved version of the
constructed language Esperanto, the late 19th Century brainchild of
Polish amateur linguist Dr. L.L. Zamenhof. Ido was the product of the
Delegation for the Adoption of an International Auxiliary Language, which
met in Paris in 1907 to decide on an international language to allow
easier communication between the peoples of the world. In a world of over
7500 languages, the need for an easily acquirable international tongue is
self-evident. Esperanto, it was felt, was unsatisfactory for this purpose,
and so the Delegation recommended the revisions which led to the
development of Ido.
On this page you will find a history of the language Ido, a first course
in two stages to get you started, and at the end of stage 2 you will find
out how to progress your Ido skills even further. I hope you enjoy this
brief look at the first international language ever to be founded on
thorough scientific study.
Click on the links to proceed to one of the following sections
of this site:
Multilingual index
of Ido pages and contacts. By Martin Lavallée.
Report on
the 1998 Ido Conference in Poland in Ido and German /
Conference Report in English.
Ido course for Dutch speakers.
Learn Ido at
Ido for
Travelers, part of
travlang - Foreign
Languages for Travelers.
Use Ido to send a digital postcard - a service provided by
All-Yours Greeting Cards.

en multa lingui / Multilingual information
Informatie over Ido in het
Nederlands uit
Ido-Info Nederland / Information on Ido in Dutch from
Ido-Info Nederland.
Basis Grammatica van Ido in
het Nederlands / Basic Grammar of Ido in Dutch.
Auskunft über
Ido im Deutsch / Information on Ido in German.
sur l'Ido en français / Information on Ido in French.
Association Ido-France por la langue internationale
Jurnaleto da Jean Martignon (redaktero)
on Ido and the 1997 International Ido Conference in Norwegian /
Informasjon på norsk om Ido og den internasjonale Ido-konferansen
Please visit my other site on
Auxiliary Languages, where many more pages on the problem of an
international language in general are available.
You might also like to visit the
Official Ido Website.
Here you will find News, Information, Grammar and Vocabularies. It is
well worth a visit.
There is also a mailing list exclusively for discussions in and on Ido.
You do not have to know any Ido to join it, however, as English and other
national languages may be used. To subscribe, send an empty message
to You will receive full
instructions when you subscribe. If you have any problems, please e-mail
James Chandler, Hans Stuifbergen or Frank Kasper
There is also now a mailing list for English-language discussions on Ido. This is a low-volume list and is ideal if you want to ask a question about Ido or just want to receive updates about the language. To subscribe, send an empty message to
If you have any problems, please e-mail James Chandler
For more information on Ido you can write to the International Language Society (Ido) of Great Britain (ILSGB)
The International Language (Ido) Society of Great Britain, 24 Nunn Street, Leek, Staffs, ST13 8EA, UK.
Books in and on Ido can be obtained from the Ido Book Service by writing to:
The Ido Book Service, 44 Woodville Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF2 4EB, Wales, UK.
A free catalog and price list will be sent on request.
I would like to thank Geocities for hosting this site. Why not have
a look at their homepage? This Homepage was initially
produced by James Chandler using the Homepage Online Construction Kit at
Yellow Internet. If you have any comments on this site then please e-mail
me at, which you can also do by clicking on my
name at the bottom of this page.
Last updated 13-Mar-2009
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© James
Chandler 17-Feb-97,16:44:14