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From: "jjbowks" <>
Date: Wed Oct 9, 2002 9:32am
Subject: Re: Sex particles (again)
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Kara James,
concerning gender markers
I like your idea of using "man"
and "fem". But I'd suggest that
they not only serve as markers
but actually mean "man" and
"woman". Although your idea
of "fem om" is interesting, and
sort of like "ishah" in Hebrew,
or "woman" (wif-man) in Eng.
The word "Om" isn't to me
"human" but rather "man",
I'd then suggest that you use
something like "uman" for
"human" or person... thus
fem uman
man uman

Jay B.

--- In eurocreole@y..., "James Chandler" <idojc@h...> wrote:
> I have already made use of the sex markers 'man' and 'fem'.
Refreshing my
> acquaintance with Mandarin, I am pleased to see that it has
two parallel sex
> particles, 'nan' and 'nu' (dont ask me to mark the tones!).
> In previous examples I have used 'fem' on its own to mean
'woman (female
> human being)'. I now think that these particles should be
(stative) verbal,
> so that they need to be followed by 'om' to indicate 'man' or
> fem om - 'woman'
> man om - 'man'
From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Thu Oct 10, 2002 1:55am
Subject: Re: Re: Negatives and affirmatives
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>this differentiation
>between No and Non
>isn't really needed.
>In a creole language
>most unneeded
>features would be
>deleted. Just the
>basics would be
>fine. I'd suggest
>that No be used
>whenever Non
>is used and there
>isn't any loss of
>meaning as a

For the general negative particle 'non' is definitely the best form, being
just the right weight. J has shown in his studies of negation in Eng and
other languages that an nV form is too light and tends to be supplemented by
a postnominal element (eg. Fr. 'pas', orig. 'step').

Despite Fr., I would like a shorter form for the negative response, where
perhaps 'non' is a little too heavy. But perhaps we should use 'non' even
here. The only disadvantage is that responses like:

Non, mi non ja pa vida le

sound a bit repetitive. This indicates that a variant form 'no' would be
useful (I dont think we need be so spartan as to exclude a limited number of
variants, eg. 'on' as pronoun form of 'om').

Kordiale, James Chandler
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From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Thu Oct 10, 2002 2:12am
Subject: Re: Re: Sex particles (again)
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>concerning gender markers
>I like your idea of using "man"
>and "fem". But I'd suggest that
>they not only serve as markers
>but actually mean "man" and
>"woman". Although your idea
>of "fem om" is interesting, and
>sort of like "ishah" in Hebrew,
>or "woman" (wif-man) in Eng.

I like the idea of having short forms for 'man' and 'woman', but when I
think about I dont see why 'fem' should mean 'female human' any more than
'female pig' or 'female deer'. I cant justify it logically. So it looks
like 'fem om' and 'man om' are the best we can do.

>The word "Om" isn't to me
>"human" but rather "man",
>I'd then suggest that you use
>something like "uman" for
>"human" or person... thus
>fem uman
>man uman

No, 'om' is definitely the right form for 'human being', equivalent to Mand.
'ren' or Glosa 'pe'. Fr. 'homme' is not just masculine, eg. Musee de

In any case, we need 'uman' for the adj 'humane' > 'uman so' 'humanity' (not
'mankind', for which we need 'om' + an equivalent of the Ido suffix -aro).

Kordiale, James Chandler
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From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Thu Oct 10, 2002 1:27pm
Subject: Re: and this leads to violence
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>Kwa tem lingua fi korupta, om perda fida so a ki le eskuta kel e to dukta a
>violente so.

I missed out a word there. Also 'kwa' is probably not necessary:

Tem lingua fi korupta, om perda fida so a to ki le eskuta kel e to dukta a
violente so.

That makes more sense.

Kordiale, James Chandler
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"I come from a country which does not yet exist." - J. Craveirinha

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From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Thu Oct 10, 2002 1:16pm
Subject: Re: and this leads to violence
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Jay posted:

>- when the language is corrupted, people lose faith in what they hear
>and this leads to violence
>Author - W. H. Auden

If I may be so bold as to add some more of my own:

Kande la linguo es koruptata, homi perdas fido a to quon li askoltas e co
duktas a violento.

Quand li lingue bli korupte, homes perda fido a tum kel les askolta e disum
dukte a violenteso.

Kwa tem lingua fi korupta, om perda fida so a ki le eskuta kel e to dukta a
violente so.

(Note the gradual evolution of the relative construction from Ido to EC.)

Kordiale, James Chandler
/idojc - IALs index
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"I come from a country which does not yet exist." - J. Craveirinha

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From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Fri Oct 11, 2002 3:03am
Subject: Re: and this leads to violence
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> > Kwa tem lingua fi korupta, om perda fida so a ki le eskuta kel e to
>dukta a
> > violente so.
>Un coraji proba!

Danka so, Kjell. But let me first repeat the corrected version:

Tem lingua fi korupta, om perda fida so a to ki le eskuta kel e to dukta a
violente so.

>Proquo no _e to dukta a violentum._ (?)
>Le violence es per consequent un abstractum.

I prefer to start from an adj (in Eurocreole stative verb) 'violente', and
derive the sb with the regular nominalizing particle 'so' (which is at the
same time the equivalent of Ido -eso, -ago and -o).

Let me explain a little about the structure of Eurocreole. First, notice
that in vocab terms it is clearly derived from Ido and Novial, but in some
ways leans towards the ultra-modernism of Occ ('eskuta' Fr. ecouter, Sp.

Second, the default vowel endings are -a for verbs and -e for nouns and
adjs. It is useful in general to have these endings to facilitate recall of
the forms. However, verbs dont have to end in -a, and adjs and nouns dont
have to end in -e if the international forms do not ('lingua'), and forms
that end in a simple nasal to not need a vowel ending, which is provided
mainly for ease of pronunciation.

Eurocreole has a range of particles, of which 'tem' (time) is one. Question
words are bimorphemic, as in creoles:

kwa tem = what time = when
kwa lo = what place = where etc.

The passive particle is 'fi' from Late Novial. Plural marking is optional
(pluralizer: 'ban', postposed). Adjs are stative verbs, which means that
the same nominalizing particle 'so' is used with both (fida so, violente

Relatives are formed using the open-bracket 'ki', which signals the start of
the relative clause (programmers might liken it to a 'subroutine'
statement), and the invariable relative particle 'kel'. Order in relatives
is the normal sentence order, with 'kel' appearing where the relativized
phrase normally would:

le eskuta to

to ki [le eskuta kel]

'ki' may also be used as a close-bracket ('End Sub statement'), but will
rarely be needed. This bracketing method is used in Mod. Persian ('ke') and
some creoles such as Hawaiian CE ('ia').

Kordiale, James Chandler
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"I come from a country which does not yet exist." - J. Craveirinha

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From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Sun Oct 13, 2002 3:07am
Subject: Re: and this leads to violence
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>maybe "fida" is better as
>"fide" as in Interlingua, since
>that's the Latin root and it
>also happens to end in "e".

In general I dont want to have to follow the ins and outs of the romanic
infinitives -er, -ar, -ir etc. Sometimes there will be a vowel ending which
lends internationality to the word, eg.

lingua - even Eng speakers have Linguaphone, lingua franca, interlingua
veni - many Eng speakers know the Latin phrase 'veni vidi vici'

The only Eng word which seems directly related to fid- is 'fiduciary', which
I didnt even know until just now. So I dont think there is really any great
internationality to the -e ending on this verb.

Lets continue this thread on eurocreole.

Kordiale, James Chandler
/idojc - IALs index
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"I come from a country which does not yet exist." - J. Craveirinha

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From: "Jay Bowks" <>
Date: Sun Oct 13, 2002 10:26am
Subject: fidelity
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From: "James Chandler" <>
> The only Eng word which seems directly related to fid- is 'fiduciary',
> I didnt even know until just now. So I dont think there is really any
> internationality to the -e ending on this verb.

Well, one very well known
word would be "hi-fi" which
stands for "high fidelity". And
who doesn't know Fidel
Castro, well, not personally
any way...

In Spanish and Portuguese it's
"fe" but there is also "fidelidad"
and "fidelidade".

Faithfully yours ;-)

Jay B.
From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Tue Oct 15, 2002 7:26am
Subject: Two more suffixes
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Two suffixes which are very handy in Ido are the diminutive -et and
augmentative -eg. For -et we can use a preposed particle 'ti'. This form
is found in Fr. creoles eg. Morisyen (< Fr. 'petit'). It can be thought of
as a short form of 'mikro':

ti bele - pretty (or 'joli')
ti pluva - spit with rain, drizzle
ti rivere - stream

For -eg we will need to construct something more or less artificially.
Ideally this will be a simple CV monosyllable. For the consonant, 'g'
suggests itself as the first letter of 'grande'. The close vowel 'i' is
psychologically linked to smallness, so to contrast with this we need an
open vowel, for which 'a' seems the obvious choice. We thus arrive at 'ga',
which can be thought of as a short form of 'grande':

ga pluva so - downpour
ga kasa - mansion

Kordiale, James Chandler - IALs index - Ido index - Idolisto home

"Mi veni de lande ki kel non ja eksista." - J. Craveirinha

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From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Tue Oct 15, 2002 8:51am
Subject: -inda and -enda
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Another pair of extremely useful suffixes in Ido is:

-inda - worth doing
-enda - must be done

For the latter we can simply combine two particles:

mus fi konsidera kos - things that must be considered

For the former, we might as well just use the verb 'merita':

merita fi eskuta musike - music worth listening to

Kordiale, James Chandler - IALs index - Ido index - Idolisto home

"Mi veni de lande ki kel non ja eksista." - J. Craveirinha

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From: "endipatterson" <>
Date: Fri Aug 15, 2003 2:11pm
Subject: Var/Yok/Cok
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Two very useful words in Turkish are "Var" and "Yok". These words
don't really translate well into English, but a near approximation
would be "(There/It) exists" and "(There/It) does not exist" These
words can be used in two ways:

1. In questions
2. In answers

1. If I went into a shop and wanted to know if they had coffee, I
could ask, "Kava var mu?"
Literally: "Coffee exists [+quesion marker]?"

If I could see everything and could not see any coffee, I could ask,
"Kava yok mu?"
Literally: "Coffee doesn't exist [+question marker]?

2. In either case, the shopkeeper could answer
"Var" Literally: It exists or "Yok" Literally: It does not exist.

These words then take on a function in answers similar to "Yes"
and "No". They do not replace "Yes" and "No" they are a useful
subtelty. The Turkish for "Yes" and "No" are "Evet" and "Hayir"

In English of course we can answer a question with "Maybe" as far as
I know there is no analagous word meaning "Existance is uncertain"
but I think such a word together with "Var" and "Yok" would be useful
in a Eurocreole.

"Cok" (actually in Turkish there is a cidilla under the "C" and it is
pronounced /chock/ as in "Chocks away!") is another useful word which
is used to refer to anything vaguely big so is ideal for an isolating
language. It can be variously translated in English
as "big","very","too", etc. It is the reason why Turks often
say, "This is very problem". I think it is useful to
differentiate "too" implying excess which Turkish does not, however.

Andrew Patterson
From: "endipatterson" <>
Date: Sat Aug 16, 2003 7:19am
Subject: Re: Possessive and articles
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--- In, Nicholas Hempshall
<nick_hempshall@y...> wrote:
> James Chandler wrote:
> > I
> > would like to propose that we dispense with both the
> > def. art. and the short
> > possessive method. This now seems to me to be a
> > real simplification, and
> > also makes the average sentence significantly
> > shorter.
> >
> > I think this change will be the final move that
> > makes the whole system snap
> > together. I commend it to the group.
> I think this is a great idea.
> Nick
>It is important to differentiate between the definite and definite.
It is OK if one or other artical is taken as the default case as in
Ido, but one or other is needed. The distinction is as important as
the difference between "this" and "that". Articles are missing in
many languages and they are a relatively recent invention in those
that have them, but they would not have been invented if there was
not a need for them.
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Fri Aug 22, 2003 5:09am
Subject: Re: Re: Possessive and articles
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Thanks for your message - the first one on this list for a quite a while!

The background to the messages you quote below is the following:
The initial plan was to allow simple genitives formed by preposing the
pronoun to the sb, eg.
mi auto - my car
as found in many creoles. This would be an alternative to the regular
method with 'de':
li auto de mi

BUT notice that the def. art. is implicit in the first form. So it would be
inconsistent to allow this method and have no def. art. This is a parameter
to be set in the design of the language. Due to problems with the simple
genitive method, we eventually decided to do without articles, as does
Chinese, for example. That means we have just:
auto de mi
and no fine distinction between this and:
li auto de mi

I think this results in a real simplification and nothing is really lost by
not having articles.

Kordiale, James Chandler - IALs index - Ido index - Idolisto home

"In the social equation, the value of a single life is nil; in the cosmic
equation, it is infinite... Not only communism, but any political movement
which implicitly relies on purely utilitarian ethics, must become a victim
to the same fatal error. It is a fallacy as naïve as a mathematical teaser,
and yet its consequences lead straight to Goya's Disasters, to the reign of
the guillotine, the torture chambers of the Inquisition, or the cellars of
the Lubianka." - Arthur Koestler, The Invisible Writing

>From: "endipatterson" <>
>Subject: [eurocreole] Re: Possessive and articles
>Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 14:19:16 -0000
>--- In, Nicholas Hempshall
><nick_hempshall@y...> wrote:
> > James Chandler wrote:
> > > I
> > > would like to propose that we dispense with both the
> > > def. art. and the short
> > > possessive method. This now seems to me to be a
> > > real simplification, and
> > > also makes the average sentence significantly
> > > shorter.
> > >
> > > I think this change will be the final move that
> > > makes the whole system snap
> > > together. I commend it to the group.
> >
> > I think this is a great idea.
> >
> > Nick
> >
> >It is important to differentiate between the definite and definite.
>It is OK if one or other artical is taken as the default case as in
>Ido, but one or other is needed. The distinction is as important as
>the difference between "this" and "that". Articles are missing in
>many languages and they are a relatively recent invention in those
>that have them, but they would not have been invented if there was
>not a need for them.
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
> >
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From: "endipatterson" <>
Date: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:59pm
Subject: Re: Possessive and articles
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--- In, "James Chandler" <idojc@h...>
> Andy,
> Thanks for your message - the first one on this list for a quite a
> The background to the messages you quote below is the following:
> The initial plan was to allow simple genitives formed by preposing
> pronoun to the sb, eg.
> mi auto - my car
> as found in many creoles. This would be an alternative to the
> method with 'de':
> li auto de mi
> BUT notice that the def. art. is implicit in the first form. So it
would be
> inconsistent to allow this method and have no def. art. This is a
> to be set in the design of the language. Due to problems with the
> genitive method, we eventually decided to do without articles, as
> Chinese, for example. That means we have just:
> auto de mi
> and no fine distinction between this and:
> li auto de mi
> I think this results in a real simplification and nothing is really
lost by
> not having articles.
> Kordiale, James Chandler

Thanks, I thought you were trying to do away with articles completely
which would not IMO have been a good idea.

If I understand you right, I think the issue here is that "Mi" in "Mi
auto" is a possessive pronoun, but it can also be classified as a
determiner. Determiners are words which make reference to the noun
more specific. The articles are also determiners, and I don't think
reference to the noun is made any more specific by the inclusion of
the definite article here. In English "my" and the other possessive
adjectives can be used in this way anyway.

Colloqually of course it is common in British English to talk
about "Me car" meaning "My car" and in Carribean English it is
pretty well standard.

You still need to distinguish between "my car" and "a car of mine" of

By the way, have you thought about incorporating any of my ideas
about Definite v Indefinite from the Auxlang list?

Andrew Patterson
> idojc@h...
> - IALs index
> - Ido index
> - Idolisto home
> "In the social equation, the value of a single life is nil; in the
> equation, it is infinite... Not only communism, but any political
> which implicitly relies on purely utilitarian ethics, must become a
> to the same fatal error. It is a fallacy as naïve as a mathematical
> and yet its consequences lead straight to Goya's Disasters, to the
reign of
> the guillotine, the torture chambers of the Inquisition, or the
cellars of
> the Lubianka." - Arthur Koestler, The Invisible Writing
> >From: "endipatterson" <endipatterson@y...>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: [eurocreole] Re: Possessive and articles
> >Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 14:19:16 -0000
> >
> >--- In, Nicholas Hempshall
> ><nick_hempshall@y...> wrote:
> > > James Chandler wrote:
> > > > I
> > > > would like to propose that we dispense with both the
> > > > def. art. and the short
> > > > possessive method. This now seems to me to be a
> > > > real simplification, and
> > > > also makes the average sentence significantly
> > > > shorter.
> > > >
> > > > I think this change will be the final move that
> > > > makes the whole system snap
> > > > together. I commend it to the group.
> > >
> > > I think this is a great idea.
> > >
> > > Nick
> > >
> > >It is important to differentiate between the definite and
> >It is OK if one or other artical is taken as the default case as in
> >Ido, but one or other is needed. The distinction is as important as
> >the difference between "this" and "that". Articles are missing in
> >many languages and they are a relatively recent invention in those
> >that have them, but they would not have been invented if there was
> >not a need for them.
> > > Do you Yahoo!?
> > > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> >
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> Hotmail messages direct to your mobile phone
From: "endipatterson" <>
Date: Thu Aug 28, 2003 1:47pm
Subject: Files
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I notice the "Files" section of this noticeboard is empty.

Might I make the suggestion that once a discussion about grammar or
vocabulary comes to a consensus it be used for grammar and vocabulary
that has been decided upon.

Andrew Patterson.
From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Sat Aug 30, 2003 10:42am
Subject: Re: Files
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Thanks Andy, thats a good suggestion. We should also have a website where
we keep a record of decisions made on the design of Eurocreole. I have been
meaning to gather up all the decisions from the existing archive and write
them up as a webpage, but havent found time to do so yet.

Kordiale, James Chandler - IALs index - Ido index - Idolisto home

Gallery, Berlin

>From: "endipatterson" <>
>Subject: [eurocreole] Files
>Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 20:47:21 -0000
>I notice the "Files" section of this noticeboard is empty.
>Might I make the suggestion that once a discussion about grammar or
>vocabulary comes to a consensus it be used for grammar and vocabulary
>that has been decided upon.
>Andrew Patterson.
>To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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From: "endipatterson" <>
Date: Wed Sep 3, 2003 4:17am
Subject: Aspectual markers
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Have you thought about marking verb aspect by seperate words? For an
excellent discussion on aspect visit
From: "James Chandler" <>
Date: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:19am
Subject: Closure of Eurocreole
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Dear friends, members of Eurocreole,

Due to inactivity of the list, and so I can concentrate on my new project
Medilingua, I have decided to close the Eurocreole one month from now, on
28th September 2005.

As I think the discussions we had here in 2002 and 2003 were very
constructive, I will be taking a complete archive of the messages from
Eurocreole and hosting them at my website.

If you want to unsubscribe before 28th September, please send an empty
message to:

If all members leave before 28th Sept, I will close the list early.

If you are interested in Medilingua, we are developing it at the Yahoo
group: Auxlang-Dialog

Thanks for taking part in this forum, and I'm sure I'll see you all
elsewhere before long!

Kordiale, James Chandler - IALs index - Ido index - Idolisto home - Wikipedio en Ido

"We should all stay in touch, we should make a big network on both sides of
the Atlantic because your country and my country are the biggest problems in
the world today, we are the biggest rogue states in the world today and the
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