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International Auxiliary Languages

"That international auxiliary language is best which in every point offers the greatest facility to the greatest number" - Otto Jespersen, 1908

International Auxiliary Languages (IALs) are languages constructed with the aim of facilitating communication between people who would otherwise have no other language in common. They are usually designed to be significantly simpler, and thus more easily learnt, than national or "natural" languages.

As well as the general information available from this page, I also provide information on the IALs Ido, the language of the Delegation, and Novial by Otto Jespersen. Links to information on other IALs will be found further down this page. Please address any comments on these pages to me at

The following materials are now available at this site:

If you would like to take part in lively e-mail discussions on the problem of an International Auxiliary Language, then why not join the Auxlang list? To join, send the message subscribe auxlang yourname (with yourname replaced by your name) to the address You will then receive further instructions, including how to sign off!

Here are some links to information on other International Auxiliary Languages. These links should lead you to all the information that is available on each language.

Here are links to some other pages with information about constructed languages (including IALs):

Here are some collected links to other sites which have useful and interesting information on languages in general:

I would like to thank Geocities for providing this site. Why not visit their homepage?

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© James Chandler 2007