Hi, Thanks for visiting. Please sign the guestbook. |
01/03/00 21:38:59
| Comments: Looking up information on my family history and I came across your web site, Marosvasarhely is where my father was born and his family so it was nice to see some pictures of the place. |
| Comments: Hello,Én is marosvásárhelyi voltam 7 éven keresztül és még mindig nosztalgiázom.Mindig örömmel töltenek el a marosvásárhelyi hírek. Minden jót.Sok sikert és....kitartást. Robi |
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| Comments: Szia ! Véletlenül találtam rá a vásárhelyi oldalakra és nagyon tetszik. Én is ott születtem és nagyon ritkán van alkalmam hazamenni, ezért jó néha ezeket a képeket nézegetni. Üdv Eni |
| Comments: Is Tirga Mures a good town to be a student???? I'm curious Greetings from the Netherlands Melinda |
| Comments: miau placut fotografiile si poti sa pui si de la Weekend ca astea imi aduce amintiri placute de unde am crescut. |
| Comments: Orulok,hogy megtalaltam a home odalatokra. kituno szerkesztes es tanulsagos szamunkra.Jo munka!! sok-sok udvozlet Canadabol" Gyimesi Istvan |
| Comments: Megcsodáltam honlapodat.Remek.Ha idöd engedi,kérlek jelezz vissza.A ti házatokban nöttem fel.Majd bövebben e-mail-ban.Csupán a címedre lenne szükségem egy kis gondolatcsere érdekében. Tisztelettel Bodoni D.János. |
| Comments: Draga Attila mi-a facut o mare placere sa vad splenditele fotografii!! |
| Comments: Gratulalunk,nagyon jol esett nezni Feri,Manyi,Robi es Marta Grun |
| Comments: transylvania rules |
| Comments: hello, do you play paintball???? |
| Comments: Hi, just came across your homepage, and wanted to say hello. :) Take care, Elin. |
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| Comments: Hello, I just want to tell you that Tirgu Mures is a great town. Last month i was there for holidays, and maybe i come next year too. Bye. |
| Comments: Remek egy alkotas, tovabbi kitartast es jo munkat! |
| Comments: Dear Attila: I came across your web-page by pure accident- perhaps almost by destiny. Over 55 years ago, during the war I was born in a very small town (almost impossible to find on a map) near Szekelyudvarhely. The town is called Bogoz. Today it has another name. Only today, another total stranger, a fellow Hungarian, sent me a map of Udvarhely on the Internet and finally I was able to locate Bogoz. Perhaps you can imagine how I felt- for the first time to see on a map where you were born. Gratulalok a kituno websitera. Igazan szepen van tervezve. Ezt az uzenetet Clevelandbol kuldom es mivel nagyon sok Magyart ismerek, fogom hirdetni a web-sitetodat. Miota ott hagytuk Magyarorszagot 1945be csak egyszer voltam othon de sajnossan nem Erdelybe. Talan mielot meghalok megegyszer latom Erdelyt. Keep up the nice work and I will very actively promote your web-site. By pure co-incidence, not only did I find my birthplace on a map but recently I met both Hungarian and Romanian immigrants from Transylvania here in Cleveland. The world really is getti g smaller and thanks to the Internet you are only a mouseclick away. Szervusz, Antal |
| Comments: E "goinera" pagina ta :) Am stat si eu vre-o 6 ani in Tirgu Mures - e un oras extraordinar! Te invit sa vezi si munca mea la http://www.publirom.ro. Numai bine! |
| Comments: Ma man! Misto ideea ta cu pagina despre Tg. Mures pusa pe geocities. Comentariu: nu crezi ca era mai bine daca foloseai denumirile romanesti? Dupa cat de repede apare "Szekely" in ce ai scris, probabil esti secui. E bine ca-ti promovezi propria identitate, imi place ideea. Dar gandeste-te ca daca cineva incearca sa se or enteze pe harta dupa denumirile date de tine, n-o sa reuseasca. Nota: comentariile mele se refera la partea cu istoria Tg. M., n-am apucat sa vad restul. Nu mi-o lua in nume de rau. Daca vrei sa-mi raspunzi, ai mailu' meu. |
| Comments: Szia Abban a házban nôttem fel ahol Te laksz. Ha van még fényképed a kertröl és belülrôl a szobákból, újra megtudnál sírattatni. Gyönyörű gyerekkori emlékeim vannak onnan. Szüleid tölünk vették meg a házat. Irj, ha idöd engedi. Udv/Anikó és férjem Brage |
| Comments: I just love Tg Mures.. I was there in 96 and 97 and I hope I'll be there again soon... Your album is very nice... Great page! All the best! |
| Comments: we think that your cat is really nice and you are very interesting.We live in Italy ,the email we have given you is of our father so you will not find anything about us. If you like you can write the same.The only thing that we want to tell you is that we study languages.Hope to hear you soon.Bye bye from Lucy and Ljuba. |
| Comments: jo napot kivanok! en maszuda vagyok. On talan magyar ugye? Nagyon neztem magyarorszagon nevet "Attila"-t. Most tanulok magyarul, de van a baj, mert sem beszel magyarul japanba. Ugyhogy kicsit irhatok magyarul de nem nagyon beszel itt!! van a behetoseg,E-mailt irom. viszontlatasra |
| Comments: I was very surprized to see that there was a homepage on the net about my home town.you can email me to send other intresting links to Erdely and Marosvasarhely. |
| Comments: I enjoyed your site.I think it has valuable information. If you have a chance,take a look at ours!Thanks! Bye! |
| Comments: Congratulations , not bat , not bad at all ! I grew up in Vasarhely , which is one of the most beautiful towns in Europe . Best regards Dan |
| Comments: Nemsokara veszek computert s felveszem majd direkt veled a kapcsolatot. Addigra is egy meleg udvozlet Gyuritol es csaladjatol. U.I. Szia, itt Andras (Grunfeld) nyugottan irhatsz addig is az en cimemre, sot meg nekem is ha akarsz Andras |
| Comments: Szia Orvendek hogy lapot nyitotal.Itt van az Email cimem.Nem vagyok valami jo levelezo de levelet nem hagyok valasz nelkul.Minden jot az egesz Grun es Grunfeld csalad neveben.Peter |
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