Name: DARVASFirst Name: AttilaDate and place of birth: 19 march 1953, Tg.Mureș - RomâniaAddress: Str. Bradului, Nr.6, 4300-Tg.Mures, judet Mures, România
- "Petru Maior" University, Tg.Mures,Faculty of Sciences, Chair: Mathematics and Information Science.
Position: University Lecturer
Nicolae Iorga St.1, 4300-Tg.Mures, Romania
tel: 40-65-136034
Str. T. Vladimirescu St.63/1, 4300-Tg.Mures, Romania
tel: 40-65-166516
First language:
- Hungarian
- Romanian, English, French, German, Italian
"Bolyai Farkas" Highschool, Tg.Mureș, 1960 - 1972. Bacalaureate.în 1972.
"Politechnica" University of Timișoara, Faculty of Electotehnics,Electronic Computers section, 1972 - 1977.MS - major in Computers - 1977
"Politechnica" University of Timișoara, PhD student - 1997
Previous employers:
Peripheral Equipment Company "FEPER", Bucharest - 1977 - 1981 - Engineer
- Teritorial Computer Center "CTCE", Tg.Mures: 1981 -1990 Senior Systems Engineer
- MICRO ATCI, Tg.Mureș, Senior Engineer, Editor - IF -an IT monthly,1990
- OCTOGON Computers Srl., Tg.Mures, co-founder,consultant, 1990 -1996
- Computer Press AGORA, Editor-in-Chief BYTE România 1996 - 1998
- Computer Press AGORA, Editor - PC Report 1998- 1999
>- Computer Press AGORA, Web publications Editor - 1999- present
- "Petru Maior" University, Tg.Mureș, Lecturer (Operating Systems - Networks - Security)1994 - present
Achievements and experience:
- National Mathemathics Contest - II-nd place in national finals - 1970
- Awards of "Gazeta Matematica" - 1970,1971
- MS in Computers - 1977 - thesis : Optimal CAD Subsystem - system interface
for Fortran and Cobol - Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Eng. Ionel Jianu.
- At "FEPER" I worked at the Final Tests laboratory (FELIX-256 systems) and run the tests for Pertec, Ampex and RCD tape drives. Later I implemented the production technology for DataProducts 2470 printers and integrated data acquisition interfaces in I-100 computers (Romanian PDP -clones)
- At "CTCE" Tg.Mureș I offered support and service for FelixC-1024, Felix-5000 I-100, I-102, Coral and M-18 systems plus the connected peripherals. One of the achievements was the reengineering of the I-100 system to accept interfaces MD-40 disk interfaces from I-102.
I acted as trainer in postgraduate education of System Engineers for I-100 and Coral. I learned Assembly programming Asm80 for Intel, and C.
- At MICRO ATCI, I did PC hardware and software configuration, support, service and implemented with a team the first network in Tg.Mures in 1991. I was editor at the IT publication "IF".
- At OCTOGON Computers my main activity, beside technical management, was the design and implementation of networks (Ethernet - Novell, Unix, Windows). In 1993 I designed the structured cabling system (EIA/TIA 568) and the network (HP_UX 9.0 sever) of the new building of ROMTELECOM in Tg.Mures. I contributed with papers to PC Report,OPEN and BYTE România.
- Beginning 1992 I was invited lecturer at the local Technical University (now "Petru Maior"). Starting with 1994 I'm full tenure lecturer. I have classes on Operating Systems, Computer Networks and Data Security.I had classes in Computer Architecture and Assembly Language in previous years.
- At Computer Press AGORA, I was Editor-In-Chief of BYTE Romania - the romanian edition of BYTE Magazine, then managing Editor of PC Report - the romanian monthly for IT professionals. Now I am Editor of the Agora Web Site. I organised several roundtables at CERF (the major IT fair in Romania) - on subjects related to IT education in Romania(1997,1999)and the strategies for IT in Romania(1998).
- In 1997 I was admitted for doctoral (PhD) studies at "Politehnica"University in Timisoara and I work on a PhD thesis having the title : " Java technologies for the management of Networks". My supervisor is Prof.Dr.Eng. Ioan Jurca.
Last update:20.10.1999.