Days until Armaggedon !

"Therefore we do not lose heart.Though outwordly we are wasting away,yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,but on whatis unseen.For what is seen is temporary,but what is unseen is eternal."-2 Cor. 4:16-8, New International Version.

"..the Word was with the big G god,and the little G god was a little G god.This little G god was in the beggining with the big G god,but...he was not a God,(no kidding!) he was just a ...little G god cause there is only onebig G god..!! So,eat your heart out Trinitarians,*we*,at the GB in Brooklyn assume that he is not a...god..after all,*we* don't believe in Trinity you know!" ,1 HENSCHEL 1:1,NTW (New Testament of WTS).



A page for Greek ex-JW .For former and active Jehovah's Witnesses, people with relatives in the WTS and generaly people whose lives are in a way affected by the Pennsylvanian Society!

This is an attempt to represent Greek ex-JW in the Web.We would beglad if the info presented here will help even one single person to see that the Watchtower is not what it claims to be but a dangerouscult and a false prophet!



  • The Macedonian "issue" .Read and get once and for all the idea of who the leaders of the Watchtower really are..

  • Statistics in Greece. A current detailed report of the "figures" of the "witnessing" in Greece.

  • General

    * Crisis of Conscience. A monumental book by former Goverment Body Member Raymond Franz.Why did he quit?

    *In Search of Christian Freedom . A whole chapter of this second book by R. Franz.Is the WTS `blood guilty'?

    Very Useful Links on Jehovah's Witnesses

    Beacon for Former Witnesses.A great page there!

    Comments from the friends.A lot of hot info!

    Free Minds,Inc. Randy's Walters Page.Excellent work!

    Midwest Christian Outreach. Don and Joy are a Godsend!

    New Light Ministries. An important page you shouldn't miss!

    Watchtower Observer. EVERYTHING is here. Don't forget to visit the "mother" page of ours!!

    Mac Gregor MinistriesNOT another ministry!

    Jay Hess's Home Page How to witness to a "Witness"!

    Watchman Fellowship On-line! Great Page!

    'Out of Darkness' MinistriesBravo!

    JW Research A lot of Research here!

    Planet Watchtower Nice Link

    Last updated : 18/06/99

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