Loamhedge Webring
The Loamhedge Webring
by: Caitlin
Welcome to the Loamhedge Webring homepage.
What is the Loamhedge Webring?
If you don't know what a Webring is, it connects any number of
homepages in a ring around the net, so that one can hop from one page to another and ride a complete Circuit. Webrings can be fun and interesting, and a great way to find pages on a subject you love as well as meet new people who share your interests! This ring is for all those pages that have to do with the Redwall series by Brian Jaques. Your page must have more than just a list of links; It must have content or some sort of text. Your site will be added to the ring as soon as possible. BTW, if you do have a Redwall site that is a list of links, it doesn't rule you out. You must make sure that all the links are active and have to do with the subject above.
If your page fits the description above, go right on ahead and fill out the form below.
If you'd like to add someone to the ring, click here.
If you are already a member and would like to edit your homepage/site information look below. This is just incase you move, change your title etc.
Go back toLoamhedge Abbey
Go back to the Unofficial Egypt Exploration Society Homepage
Back to GeoCities
Homesteading Home Page.
If you lost the e-mail with the HTML fragment you need to add to
your page, you can get it here. Highlight and copy the fragment
below. Put it in EXACTLY as it is, changing only YOUR Site ID,
Name, and E-mail address. Copy the images over to your local
server, if you can. Contact the Ringmistress if you have any
Thank you,
Caitlin & Springrose
This Loamhege site is owned by _your_name_.
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Want to join the ring? go to the Loamhedge Ring Home Page!
If you did it correctly, It should look somewhat like this:

This Loamhege site is owned by Caitlin Parker & Springrose.
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Want to join the ring? go to the Loamhedge Ring Home Page!