Picture of one of my cats, Jethra.

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Jethra is thirteen and a half years old (as of April, 1997). She was rescued as a kitten from the New London Connecticut Humane Society. Currently she is in good health, but she is also in the early stage of kidney failure, which our veterinarian tells us affects perhaps 75 percent of older cats. We are hoping that this condition can be arrested with a low-protein diet, and intramuscular fluid injections which we now give her every other day (she accepts the needle sticks uncomplainingly; Jethra is a good cat...). Thus we hope that Jethra will be with us into the coming millenium.
Unfortunately, Jethra's kidney failure progressed to the point where we had to put her to sleep on New Year's Eve, December 31st, 1998. Until about a week before, she seemed to be holding her own, but then suddenly she took a dramatic turn for the worse. Our vet took blood tests, which confirmed that her kidney function was so far gone that there was little hope of improvement.

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bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
17 April 2006CE (2006-04-17 ISO 8601)