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...[T]hey came upon a plain... and settled there. And they said to one another... "Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." (Genesis 11:2-4)

"Peregrinatio in stabilitate" (Hugh of St. Victor)

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Welcome to my GeoCities WEB site, which I started building 17 April 1997, now over a decade ago.

This site's main purpose was to be home to an experiment in on-line dialogical construction of a constitution for a humane community. This project was to be oriented to such sources as Jurgen Habermas's "discourse ethics".

The project did not "go anywhere", but I did write some thoughts, which you may wish to read and comment on.

[ Enter the constitutional convention! ]Part of the essence of dialog is to assert its contents as true, and part of the process of truth-saying is to open one's assertions to critical evaluation by all persons who come in peace. Enter the conversation here.

[ Go to BMcC's Cloud9 Website Map! ] Concerning myself, personally, you can find out more about me by visiting the WEB site I maintain on my ISP's server. There you will find, among other things:

Please go have a look at these things, and more, at my main website:


[ Learn about SGML! ]<![%THINK;[SGML]]> Also, I have a couple pages introducing: "SGML" (Standard Generalized Markup Language), which is the basis of both HTML (what you're looking at here...) and XML (which is getting a lot of hype these days...). I strongly believe that SGML is a "computer idea" really worth learning about, not just for computer-type persons, but for every person with an interest in communicating: See an email to a scholarly mailing list, for some thoughts about SGML's potential contribution to our culture; See my Intro to SGML page, for a very basic and, I hope, friendly and intriguing, introduction (via exemplification...) to what SGML actually is. (Also: Learn about APL, A humanistic and imaginatively evocative computer Programming Language!)

E-mail me: bradmcc@cloud9.net[ Email me! ]
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AKA: http://www.geocities.com/bradmcc.geo/
Copyright © 2000-2003 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
[ What time does your computer think it is? Find out on BMcC's Cloud9 website! ] 30 March 2008CE (2008-03-30 ISO 8601)
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