Indo-Eurpoean Languages

The English language is only one of more than three thousand languages in use in the world. It is related to about ahudnred of these, which together constitute the Indo-European (IE) family, on eof the largest and most widely distributed of the worlds's language families. Some of the languages of the IE family mau seem to have little resemblance to one another, many are written in aplhabets different from English. Yet all are descendants of a ancestral single language now lost.

Indo-European Language Chart

to be updated later IE Language Map
(The Random House College Dictionary 1980)

Comaprison of a few words

English    Latin          Sanskrit       Greek         Old-Norse
ample      amplus, ampla  amatra
angel      angelus        angiras        angelos
anger      angor          amhas          anchein        öngr
angle      angulus        anga, anka     angos          ökkla
annual     annuus         atati
ante-      ante           anti           anti           and-
anthology  anthologia     andha          anthos
arctic     arcticus       rksa (L ursus) arktikos
argent     argentum       rajata         argyros
arm        armus          irma           harmos         armr
arsenic    arsenicum      hiranya        arsenikon
article    art            rta            artyein
aryan                     aryan
axis       axia           aksa           axon           öxull
babble     babulus        balbala,barbarabarbaros       babba
bald       fulica         bhala          phalios        bal
band                      bandha                        band
bear       ferre          bharati        pherein        bera
beaver     fiber          babhru                        björr
belly                     upa-barhana                   belgr
bind                      badhnati                      binda
blend                     bradhna                       blanda
blow       flare          bhanda         phallos
mace       mateola        matya
mad                       methati                       meitha
man                       manu                          mathr
mix        mixtus         misra          misgein
mouse      mus            mus            mys            mus
move       movere         mivati
much       magnus         mahat          megas          mikill
One can find many more words. The above all documented and taken from Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc Chicago 1986. Back to home Page
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