A Potpourri of old and new ideas

A Game with Numbers A Peep into ancient Indian Cosmology and Number System
Indo-European Languages Indo-European Languages - the simple picture
Dravidian and Finnish A simple comparison between two non-IE languages, situated more than 4000 miles apart - Malayalam and Finnish!
St.Thomas in India To the beginning of Christianity in India
Marthoma Church Link Prof Ninan's article
The Gnostic Apostle Thomas Herbert Christian Merillat - Acts of Judas Thomas
Greek Gods - the Sanskrit Connection  Updated The names of Greek Gods - What is the Sanskrit Connection ? A not-explored area in Greek Mythology

Herman Hesse  An unusual place to have the 125th birth celebration

Malayalam Unicode Keyboard (from James Kass) New - Jan 2005

Passing of a Legend Tribute to Henning Holck-Larsen

Eyes Glasses A survey of eye glasses and how opticians write the power

Solitaire or not! Unni's page on Microsoft's Solitaire Game


World Year of Physics Celebrating 100 years of the Theory of Relativity!

Ancient Mythology Website Alphabetic index of mythological names, terms including Greek, Norse and Indian Mythology
Urantia Site Introduces a different timeframe for historical events, a lot of information, many new
Indo-Aryans Good Information on Indo Aryans, at a rather controversial site
Baldwin Project Books online - Bringing Yesterday's Classics to Today's Children
Flags of the World More than 23,100 images of flags
Languages and Scripts of India Site at Colorado State University
Brahmi Script
Brahmi Descended Scripts Great Site with numerous alphabets
http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/aakkl/d_s-asia_research.html Asko Purpola's Research into Dravidian Languages etc

Pali Language Older than Sanskrit?
History of Writing Language statistics by country
The Final Reformation On Yahúweh, Sun Worship, Pagan Festivals in Christinity, Greek/Vedic Connections
Six Thousand Years Barrier Glenn R Smith Page
The Encyclopædic Theosophical Glossary Based on H. P. Blavatsky, Contains many Indian Myths

Neovedanta Ramakrishna / Vivekananda based - Upanishads

Aryabhata I, the Indian Astronomer Good Article from University of St.Andrews, Scotland

Earth Rotations per Lunar Orbit Another excellent article on Aryabhata

Mathematicians born in India History of Maths at University of St.Andrews, Scotland [Excellent Site]

http://www.ualr.edu/~lasmoller/aljabr.html Algoritmi de numero Indorum Musa al-Khwarizmi [Excellent info]

http://www.peak.org/~jeremy/calculators/alKwarizmi.html similar info

Kovilan's Bharatan English Translation of Malayalam Novel

Mathematicians born in Pakistan (India then) Panini and S Chandrasekhar are listed here

Dr Subhash Kak's Articles A Scientist peep's into Ancient Indian Cosmology [Excellent Site]

Big Bang and other Physics Lengthy articles or books [Excellent Site]

http://www.lifesmith.com/mathfun.html Fun in Mathematics

http://itis.volta.alessandria.it/episteme/ep4/ep4maric.htm Mileva Einstein, a fascinating story of a female physicist

http://carbon.cudenver.edu/stc-link/bkrvs/satclass/ein1.htm Mileva Einstein

Britannica The one and only Encyclopædia Britannica, also links to Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Britannica India New Site Specializing on India

Encylopædia of World History Searchable at www.bartleby.com

http://www.roman-empire.net/religion/religion.html Roman Empire, History of Roman Religion, Christianity

Sacred Books Incl. Mahabharata in Full

Dr Sayeed's page on Koodiyattam
Confluence of peopleInteresting Article on the history of people in India

http://www.voi.org/books/ Voice of Dharma (many articles can be biased here typically anti-Nehru)

Alumni.Net - Bringing School Friends Together

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