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Ottumwa Walsh High School


Sharon Fitsimones Anderson, Heights Class of 1960, cactusred@mchsi.com, 8 grandchildren, working for Internal Medicine for 23 yrs., married 41 yrs.

Tom Anderson, Walsh Class of 1959, anderson@clas.net, married Mary Gaffer, three grown children, loving life...

Jo Ellen Anderson Baker, Walsh Class of 1964, dbaker@iowatelecom.net, best thing going is the grandchildren, Levi 8 step grandchildren Johnna 12 Tanner 10; love to play golf; stained glass business; master gardener; we love to travel.

James G. Andrew, Heights Class of 1953, jandrew648@aol.com, Home Phone (520) 751-1058, 8111 E Broadway #202, Tucson, AZ 85710-3926

Rose Barnett, Heights Class of 1960

Gertie Ann Beard, Heights Class of 1945, mikepodeyn@home.com, I am looking for any information anyone may have on an old classmate of mine by the name of Jeanne Sellers. This email address is my son's who will forward the information to me. I live in Fort Madison.

Chuck Bendlage, Walsh Class of 1968, cbb28@mchsi.com, Going on 30 years as an Iowa State Trooper. Living in Cedar Rapids with my wife Kris and son Alex (11).

Tom Bernemann, Walsh Class of 1968, Deputy Sheriff, Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Department, married 32 years, wife Arlene, semi-retired, two daughters, Sheila, 30, Angel, 27, living in CA and AL.

Richard Bienick, Walsh Class of 1968, ricbie@scbglobal.net, Senior Engineer at DaimlerChrysler (32 years). Living in Rochester Hills, Michigan with my beautiful children; daughter (15), son (13).

David L. Bolam, MD, Walsh Class of 1961, dbolam@tconl.com, Pediatician/Neonatologist Univ. of Nebraska & Creighton Univ. Married to Judie, 3 children, 5 grandchildren

JB Brooks, Walsh Class of 1961, deceased

Rita Bull (Grant), Heights Class of 1959, bjflaming@hotmail.com, I live in Oklahoma. Lost contact with my memories due to illness. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.

Sue Munley Burton, Walsh Class of 1965, BurtonSueA@sau.edu, Married to Dick Burton(OHS'64). Living in Davenport, IA and working at St. Ambrose University. 1 daughter, September, who is a RN and has gifted us with four grandchildren.

Carole Campbell, Heights Class of 1960

Carolyn Campbell, Heights Class of 1960

Paul Carder, Walsh Class of 1972, Rat@aol.com, Project Manager in Construction....Sacramento, CA

Michael Cavanaugh, Walsh Class of 1963, deceased

Michael Clark, Walsh Class of 1969, mcranch@earthlink.net, FAA Inspector on a national program for certification of air carriers. MD88 Glass (electronic) cockpit current! Many other jets, plus helicopters.

Linda Comstock, Heights Class of 1960, Lcomstock_3058@fuse.net, reside in Cincinnati, OH - 3 children, 3 grandchildren

James Comstock, Walsh Class of 1960, diajim30@hotmail.com, Charlotte, NC area, 3 children, 3 grandchildren

Beth Comstock Forgy, Heights Class of 1946

Pat Counter (Wagner), Walsh Class of 1964, urate2@aol.com, currently living in Denver - anyone planning on visiting here and want any info just email me

Connie Horrabin Cross, Walsh Class of 1964, cross@iowatelcom.net, Moved to Pella, Iowa, to take a position with Central College after 20 years in Minnesota. One son in Portland, Ore., and one in St. Cloud. Minn.

Steve Cross, Walsh Class of 1961, stevenc@mn.rr.com, Changed career from being a lawyer to a computer geek.

Thomas E Cross, Walsh Class of 1965, thomasecross@yahoo.com, living in Minneapolis, MN work as mental health counselor for kids kicked out of public education.

Barb Smith Cullinan, Walsh Class of 1968, tupellohoney@hotmail.com, living in Ottumwa, 4 children, 1 grandchild

Norma Link Curley, Walsh Class of 1966, deceased

Thomas Curley, Walsh Class of 1962, deceased

Dennis Curran, Walsh Class of 1970, dmcurran@uswest.net, Living in Phoenix, Arizona working as a mortgage broker

John Davidsaver, Walsh Class of 1962, davidsaver@ameritech.net, Married to Theresa 35 years, living in Ohio, with 2 sons and 2 granddaughters. Folks still at #1 Friendly Lane.

Maureen Dessert-Curran, Walsh Class of 1964, Mojoco@aol.com, Teaching gifted kids in St. Louis county school...three grown kids and two beautiful grandchildren. Grandson, Sean, age 3 and granddaughter, Elise, 8 months.

James Davis, Walsh Class of 1960

John Della Vedova, Walsh Class of 1964, j_dellavedova@m-stmarys.k12.ia, Superintendent of Schools South of Des Moines, Doctorate from Drake 96, wife Janet, grown boys Nick and Chris

Joe Dessert, Walsh Class of 1969, jdessert@ttsd.k12.or.us, Currently teaching high school English in Tigard, OR, I coach my four boys in several sports. Wife, Nina

Roger (Mike) Dessert, Walsh Class of 1966, zerter98@aol.com, Mike & Rita, married 29 years. Daughter, Riana, 17 yrs in 2000. Portland, OR

Michael Donahue, Walsh Class of 1965, mike@mikedonahue.com, Currently living in Sonoma, CA, RE/MAX Sonoma Valley 707-225-7767. Married to Patricia since 1991.

Teresa Smith Edgington, Walsh Class of 1965, edgington@tcgcs.com, Husband, Roger, 3 children, Ellyn, Eric & Christopher. Eric and wife, Jennifer, will make us grandparents soon

John Pat Emry, Walsh Class of 1960, deceased

Ann (Berrier) Goschke, Walsh Class of 1970, Lionmom64@aol.com, Married 23 yrs. to Doug Goschke, 3 children from first marriage, one with Doug. 1 grandson. Retied RN. Doug and I are dividing our time between Ottumwa and our home in Florida.

Connie Rater Griffith, Heights Class of 1960, cagwdm@aol.com, Hi everyone! I live in West Des Moines, Iowa. Larry and I have one son. I was a teacher and we are now retired.

Donna Smith Guiter, Walsh Class of 1970, sunflower@lisco.net

Mary Louise Handelman, Heights Class of 1953, loujen@lisco.com

Beverly Sheedy Harris, Walsh Class of 1965, Fairwarrior@email.msn.com, alive and well with Mike Harris in Scottsdale, Arizona, married 29 years Dec. 1997

Mike Harris, Walsh Class of 1964, Fairwarrior@email.msn.com, alive and well in Scottsdale, Arizona, three children

Ronald W. Hartman, Walsh Class of 1970, ronaldhartman@earthlink.net, my wife, Jacqueline, and son, Russell, live in Northville, Michigan (greater Detroit)

Bob Heller, Walsh Class of 1950, skater@rushmore.com, Wife, Phyllis: 3023 W Omaha St Rapid City SD 57701 1-605-721-3023

Garry Henry, Walsh Class of 1965, ghenry@satx.rr.com, Married to Ellen Landry(Class of 67) for 34 years. We have two beautiful daughters and 4 perfect grandchildren. Retired from the Air Force in 1987 and living in San Antonio.

David Herrmann, Walsh Class of 1960

Dick Highberger, Walsh Class of 1969, richard.highberger@us.ibm.com, Chilling out in Tucson.

Sandra J (Chadwick) Hill, Walsh Class of 1964, snorhill@aol.com, Still working at the Public Library. One grown son. No grandkids

Phil Horan, Walsh Class of 1959, pjhoran@yahoo.com, Retired, Incline Village, Nevada. Married 35 years, Janice, 4 children & 4 grandchildren

Cathy (Harness) Jarvis, Heights Class of 1969, claude1@netins.net, Live in Ottumwa and teach in the Ottumwa community schools

Larry Jarvis, Heights Class of 1971, claude1@netins.net, Live in Ottumwa and work for John Deere. Married to Cathy, Heights Class of 1969

Jeanne Coffin Johnson, Walsh Class of 1970, johnsonduane@muscanet.com

Pat (Thompson) Jones, Walsh Class of 1963, obrvp@lakeozarks.net, Owner Osage Beach RV Park at the Lake of the Ozarks. Married 32 years, 2 children, 4 grandchildren

Linda Kapp, Walsh Class of 1962, deceased

Sharon Kapp Bradley, Heights Class of 1959, deceased

Joseph T. Kastantin, Walsh Class of 1965, jtkcpa@hotmail.com, University accounting teacher and trainer in International Accounting Standards for KPMG Central Europe

Tom Kent, Walsh Class of 1959, deceased

Pat Killian, Walsh Class of 1969, suz@lisco.com, Back in Ottumwa-Floral Wholesaler-Married to the beautiful and talented Suzanne Steele(OHS-68)

Leo Klodt, Walsh Class of 1961, deceased

Richard Klodt, Walsh Class of 1960

George Knecht, Walsh Class of 1960

Jack Kosman, Walsh Class of 1965, jackkosman@aol.com, Living in Cedar Rapids, IA. Project Manager/engineer, remarried 16 yrs., 3 boys ages 34, 30, 26, one granddaughter.

Joyce Bowman (Kosman), Walsh Class of 1968, henrietta@cfu.net, I live in Cedar Falls, IA. Married (Cliff, Cardinal '65)for 31 yrs. 2 sons, 24, 21. LPN at CFLH (nursing home) for 12 yrs.

Michael Kosman, Walsh Class of 1967, kosman@netexpress.net, Chiropractor, Geneseo, IL, retired from IL Air National Guard, licensed private investigator as hobby. Wife and two boys

Barbara Cavanaugh Kriegshauser, Walsh Class of 1967, n0go@arrl.net, Write me at 10600 W 97th Ter, Overland Park, Kansas 66214-2303, or call me at 913-492-4780. If anyone wants to know about magnetic and far infrared products for health and wellness, call me.

James Lakin, Walsh Class of 1960

David Larkin, Walsh Class of 1970, Dalarkin@aol.com, Residing in Western Michigan, Technology Manager at Steelcase

Mike Larkin, Walsh Class of 1961, mikeandlynnl@sbcglobal.net, Living in Oklahoma. Like to hear from you.

Michael Lemberger, Walsh Class of 1960, michael@mlemberger.com, Web page at www.mlemberger.com

Jeanine Scott Lindholm, Heights Class of 1949, jslmom2@aol.com, Currently living in Lakeland, Florida

John Link, Walsh Class of 1962, deceased

Terry Link, Walsh Class of 1965, tmlink@mchsi.com

John Lyman, Walsh Class of 1964, PO Box 150, Harmony, RI, Inhalation therapist, wife Sharon, two children

Mike Maloney, Walsh Class of 1961, mmaloney@bulkley.net, Currently living in Smithers, B.C. Canada. Have worked and traveled Canada, U.S., Mexico, Peru, Chile, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. Remarried 1985. Career in the natural resources industries.

Roleigh Martin, Walsh Class of 1967, roleigh@pobox.com, Software Engineer Consultant, United Healthgroup, Edina MN since 1989. Married, two sons, ages 13 and 17. Feel freee to email me!

Mary Niemeyer McCoy, Walsh Class of 1966, MaryMcCoy@aol.com, Live in San Diego, CA doing consulting work and walking the beach. One son.

David McDavitt, Walsh Class of 1965, deceased

Jack McDermott, Walsh Class of 1967, jacsan@itis.msn.com, Married 30 yrs/wife Sandy (Miley) 2 grown children, 1 granddaughter, lived in Madison WI 27 yrs

Bob McGee, Walsh Class of 1967, rjmcgee@worldnet.att.net, Live in Bettendorf, IA

Joanne McKay, Heights Class of 1960

Sarah Bolam McNeill, Walsh Class of 1966, smcneill@essex1.com, Married to Kent for 35 years, Manager Diagnostic Imaging CGH MC Sterling, IL, two sons Jason and Dylan, two grandchildren

Michael Metz, Walsh Class of 1960

Steve Mill, Walsh Class of 1957, smill@americanisp.net, Littleton, Colorado is my home. Retired. "Life is good!"

Connie Millard, Heights Class of 1960

Jerry Millard, Walsh Class of 1960

Jim Millard, Walsh Class of 1962, deceased

Larry Moll, Walsh Class of 1960

John Munley, Walsh Class of 1963, deceased

Jane Mondanaro-Munn, Walsh Class of 1965, jmunn@dhs.state.ia.us

Thomas W. Newmaster, Walsh Class of 1965, newmaster@chickasaw.com

Toni M. (Larson) Nichols, Walsh Class of 1965, totonic88@msn.com, Now live in Davenport, Ia with my husband of 12 yrs, Tom Nichols (1962 Walsh)

Thomas F. Nichols, Walsh Class of 1962, totonic88@msn.com, Live in Davenport, Ia, married Toni M. Larson in 1988, we have 4 children ages 30, 26, 25 and 22, two of which are married. I drive a truck and Toni is a banker. Life is good.

Fred Niemeyer, Walsh Class of 1963, fniemeyer@heatherhill.org, Network Engineer. Daughter Jessica 30, working on Masters, John 25, graduated top of class MMI, Orlando FL. Married 2 years to my best friend Maureen. Time flies when you're having fun.

J. Michael Niemeyer, Walsh Class of 1962, miken001@willinet.net, Married to Shirley Bruns for 36 years. Living at 1024 N Court - Ottumwa - the old homestead. 2 children 3 grandchildren

Patrick O'Brien, Walsh Class of 1960, deceased

Denis L. O'Connor, Walsh Class of 1959, denis.l.oconnor@aero.org, Address: 1127 8th Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, Currently work for The Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, CA supporting the US Air Force

Edward W. O'Connor, Walsh Class of 1964, edwardoconnor@compuserve.com, living in Panama City, FL, two grown children, one grandchild

Richard Ott, S.J., Walsh Class of 1960, ottwi@bc.edu, Boston College - Dept. of Geology and Geophysics

Bob Paxson, Walsh Class of 1967, paxson49@hotmail.com, Computer Operator living in sunny Phoenix

John Paxson, Walsh Class of 1966, deceased

Susan (McNichols) Peacock, Heights Class of 1960, SKPeacock@aol.com, Phoenix, AZ - Susan Fine Portraiture - Portrait Photographer - E Mail me! Hugs to all

Donna Flahive Peters, Walsh Class of 1970, deceased

Ed Peters, Walsh Class of 1963, edpeters@misslink.net, Living in Galesburg, IL, married to Donna (Flahive) Peters 1970 graduate

Tom Peters, Walsh Class of 1959, peterst@rl.af.mil

A. Dianne (La Chance) Pickens, Heights Class of 1967, adianne47@aol.com, Still live in Cedar Rapids, IA, still married to Bob.

Suzanne Dessert Pohl, Walsh Class of 1967, POHL2gethr@aol.com, Living in Bettendorf, married, one son, Adam, who is 13, teaching first grade in Port Byron, IL

Susan Peters Poncey, Walsh Class of 1967, deceased

Darce' Lynn (Akerman) Purvis, Heights Class of 1960, purvis@premiernet.net

Bob Putnam, Walsh Class of 1965, Putnaro@aol.com, Cindy is still my wife

Cindy (Coughlin) Putnam, Walsh Class of 1966, Putnaro@aol.com

Jim Putnam, Walsh Class of 1964, IvyonOak@aol.com, Still alive in New Jersey

Barbara Metz Randolph, Heights Class of 1960

Fred Randolph, Walsh Class of 1960, fredbarb7@inter-linc.net, Married to Barbara Metz (1960). Had to wait 38 years for that. Barb retired RN and I am retired air traffic controller. Living on beautiful Table Rock Lake. Send e-mail.

Richard Redeker, Walsh Class of 1960

Donald S. Riddle, Heights Class of 1970, donriddle@mindspring.com

Colleen Whelan Riedel, Walsh Class of 1964, cjwr@hotmail.com, Married to Curt Riedel since 1965, 2 grown sons, one granddaughter and one grandson, semi-retired; looking for work!

Barbara (Vandello) Salter, Heights Class of 1952, poopsie@dodgenet.com

Richard Rozenboom, Walsh Class of 1977, RROZENBOOM@aol.com, Banker, 1st Source Bank. Snail mail: 5024 Miami Road, South Bend, IN 46614. Telephone: (H) 574-299-0548 (W) 574-235-2440

Jeanne Longdo Sanders, Heights Class of 1961, scrooge@netins.net, Registered nurse @ UIHC, 8 children, 11 grandchildren

James Schall, Walsh Class of 1960

William L. Schmidt, Walsh Class of 1956, wsdig@aol.com, Go Gaels

Nick Schwartz, Walsh Class of 1968, deceased

Richard Scott, Walsh Class of 1960

Gerald A Shaw, Walsh Class of 1957, iowasuzy@prodigy.net, Married to Susan Monroe 43 years, 3 Children and 5 Grandchildren; retired from BNSF railroad

Margery Curran Shovlain, Walsh Class of 1964, deceased

Michael Shovlain, Walsh Class of 1965, mshovl@cs.com, Married 33 yrs to Margery Curran, 1964, 4 children, 10 grandchildren, Owner New Life Outpatient Treatment for drug/alcohol abuse, Davenport, IA

Dan Smith, Walsh Class of 1969, Dancemyth440@msn.com, playing and tuning pianos in Cincinnati Oh area since 1990

John B. (Jack) Smith, Walsh Class of 1966, Hwkijack@msn.com, 24 yrs USAF retired. Married 30 yrs to Stephanie M. Smith (Eldon, IA). Daughter, Adrienne, graduated from Minneapolis College of Art & Design with a Bachelors in Fine Arts (Animation). I work for USPS, Omaha, NE, address: 316 Overland Trail, Papillion, NE 68046

Phillip Allen Smith, Walsh Class of 1968, ptsmith1@pcsia.net, Married for 36 years,wife Toni,daughters Susan and April, 4 grandchildren. Have been with Sheriff's department for 19 years. Am presently 911 Co-ordinator.

Donna (Cecconi) Struchen, Heights Class of 1957, ftdmstru@pionet.net, Married to 1953 SJU Graduate Frank Struchen in 1965. We have three grown children and at this time, one grandchild, Michael.

Robert Smith, Walsh Class of 1960

Betty Spicer (Burrell), Walsh Class of 1975, No email just call 515-554-2323.

Kathy (Mottet) Spihlmann, Walsh Class of 1970, rakama@netins.net

Mary Ellen Schmit Steen, Walsh Class of 1967, Address 23024 E Settler Dr, Liberty Lake, WA 99019, tel 509-255-5286, Occ: Inveterate volunteer, husband Bill, children Chris, Andy, Jeff, Mark, and dog Chip

Theresa J. Steffen, Walsh Class of 1972, gs11862@cedarnet.org, Occupational Health Nurse at John Deere Engine Works - Waterloo, IA. Married Greg Sparks (OHS-'71), two children, Sara, Junior at ISU in M.E., James, Freshman at ISU in ConE.

Karl Steffen, Walsh Class of 1968, Ksteffen@willinet.net, I'm in Ottumwa teaching computer applications at Indian Hills

Donna (Cecconi) Struchen, Heights Class of 1957, ftdmstru@pionet.net, Married to 1953 SJU Graduate Frank Struchen in 1965. We have three grown children and at this time, one grandchild, Michael.

Patricia Sullivan, Walsh Class of 1965, psullivan@pcsia.net, Home address is 309 Gara, Ottumwa, IA 52501. I work for the Iowa DOT painting the lines on the highway.

Dave Swanson, Walsh Class of 1958, Swany57@aol.com

Rex Swanson, Walsh Class of 1963, RSWAN@worldnet.att.net

Ervin Thompson, Walsh Class of 1967, ervt@attbi.com, Married to Cris since 1981. Kids: Scott (1986) and Bryan (1989). Occupation: Web Development

Margie Swearingen Thurman, Walsh Class of 1963, deceased

Carolyn (Puddy) Traul-Bennett, Heights Class of 1960, pudsparadise2@hotmail.com, Retired and living in O Fallon, Missouri. Two children, Shawn 41, and Kristen, 40. Three grandkids: Heather 16, Joshua 15, and Nicholas 6. Would love to hear from you!

Gail Smith Traul, Walsh Class of 1963, deceased

G. Michael Traul, Walsh Class of 1964, married to "June Bug"

Phil Traul, Walsh Class of 1967, pktraul@lisco.net, wife Kathy, daughter Ashley

Edith C. Tray, Walsh Class of 1964, chloada@aol.com, lives in Minnesota, God's Country!?, three grown kids and at this time 6 grandchildren, 2 boys and 4 girls

Richard Vandello, Walsh Class of 1963, deceased

Michelle Orman Weber, Walsh Class of 1961, webermi@lisco.com, Married 30+ years three married sons and one unmarried son in college. Three grandchildren still loves teaching

Mary Ann Jameson Widmar, Heights Class of 1951, MaryAnnWidmar@webtv.net, LOVE to hear from my classmates! 2596 Lockwood Drive, Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Dennis Wilkinson, Walsh Class of 1970, dwilki@arizona.midwestern.edu, My wife is Diane Smith Wilkinson (OHS '72). I am currently Manager of Campus Computing at Midwestern University in Glendale, AZ

Diane P. Wilkinson, Walsh Class of 1970, deceased

Robert R. Wilkinson, Catholic Central Class of 1946, deceased

Glenn Williamson, Walsh Class of 1961, ikidsdad@netins.net

Steve Williamson, Walsh Class of 1964, 71663.524@compuserve.com, living in Texas, married (Connie Breeding OHS Class of 1965/Heights Class of 1967), 3 kids, 2 grandkids

Mike Wilson, Walsh Class of 1960

William W. Wilson, Walsh Class of 1963, Duffwil@AOL.com, Married Joanne Soebbing, also class of 63. Live in Overland Park, Kansas, 2 children and 3 grandchildren

Joseph Winston, Walsh Class of 1960

Jane McWilliams Yetley-Hittner, Walsh Class of 1966, jyetley@dhs.state.ia.us, Living in Ottumwa again. Working for the Department of Human Services. Three sons and three playful grandaughters.

Mark Yingling, Walsh Class of 1965, golfpromark@yahoo.com, Still a golf pro living in Cincinnati, Ohio

David Yochum, Walsh Class of 1957, deceased

James Yochum, Walsh Class of 1960, deceased

Margaret Yochum-Miller, Walsh Class of 1967, mmiller1@dhs.state.ia.us, married to Mike for 19 years, one son, age 17.

Paul A. Yochum, Walsh Class of 1963, pmyochum@chorus.net, married to Marcia for 33 years, 2 daughters, 1 granddaughter and 1 on the way. Oversee Wisconsin's hospiltal program cert.

Robert C. Yochum, Walsh Class of 1963, deceased

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