David Hellam's Guestbook

Thanks for calling!

Julie - 01/05/00 19:31:31
My Email:Jganas1@hotmail.com
How You Found Out About This Site: by luck!
I experienced teaching in Greece- loved it! I want to travel to more countries. Anyone out there w/ experiences to share?

Alicia Jones - 11/24/99 06:00:17
My Email:aliciaj@powerup,com.au
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): education

Susan Winborn - 06/05/99 19:53:23
My Email:swinborn@flash.net
How You Found Out About This Site: T2T listserv
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): Education/travel
Haven't really looked at the site yet David, so will have to comment later...just came here to sign guestbook. You referred me from the T2T site, I'm in Dallas and looking to go overseas. I agree; need to start planning now...and I am..I'll be in touch. Thanks

Randy Adderley - 02/01/99 04:58:06
My Email:jamesadderley@usa.net
How You Found Out About This Site: Looking for BGCSE info
Dear Mr Hellam, how are things? Just wanted to say hi write me sometime? Randy

David Hellam - 11/19/98 23:02:14
My Email:dahellam@perth.igs.net
How You Found Out About This Site: Genealogy search
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): The Bahamas
Boy did I get a surprise when I found this site!!! It is beautiful--the layout, the text, and the photography all are stunning. Makes me want to save my pennies. Go with God.

Jeannine - 10/29/98 23:19:18
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/1116
My Email:j_iles@yahoo.com
How You Found Out About This Site: geocities search
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): currently Bahamas
David & Ali, Your photo album is very well done. I loved looking at the pictures. I am bookmarking your website because I will definately be back often. My husband and I are coming to Bahamas in Feb 99 to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. Since e have never been there we are researching the area, sites, and activities in advance as much as possible. We will be staying at Club Land Or' on Paradise Island for a full week. We will be looking to your website for advise and hints. Loved your idea bout snorkel equipment....thanks. You have a great website...keep up the good work. Warmest Regards, Jim & Jeannine

Natalie Court - 09/24/98 05:30:26
My Email:njcourt@hotmail.com
How You Found Out About This Site: Looking for info on Nassau
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): Education/Missions/Spirituality/The Bahamas
Greetings from Red Deer, Alberta, CANADA. I was in Nassau in March 1997 with a Bible College Missions Team from Edmonton, Alberta. We performed two children's musical dramas (Noah & Sons In-ark-orated, and The Amazing Book). Our host/pastor who helped us with accommodations was Pastor Greg Wils n. I am trying to find out if he has an e-mail address so I can contact him. If you know of Pastor Greg Wilson, could you please let me know. It is very much appreciated. I found that your web page is very helpful and very well layed out. God Bless you as more people land on this site. In His Service, Natalie Court

Scott Lowe - 05/29/98 16:41:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Floppy_Joe
My Email:floppyjo@ix.netcom.com
How You Found Out About This Site: Duh, I sorta went to KA
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): HOME!!!
Davie boy... Good job so far on the page. If you ever need any help of advice, drop me a line. To all the Kingsway staff and students, love it while you can. You never realise how special it is until you're out in this nightmare called the world. God Bless -- Scott

Janice - 05/14/98 05:03:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1930
My Email:jslack@netnet.net
How You Found Out About This Site: a search for herbs
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): Herbs--
Gardening is my main area of interest, especially now that it's Spring.

Andrew Lowe (8AC) - 03/30/98 22:52:21
My Email:bwl@bahamas.net.bs
How You Found Out About This Site: you
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): school
hi Mr. Hellam! tell me if you ever see this.

Clarence & Carol Harrison - 02/13/98 22:08:39
My Email:harri@batelnet.bs
How You Found Out About This Site: E-mail
Quite Fancy and well done!

Arie de Jong - 08/15/97 04:53:00
My URL:http://www.saschools.edu.au/coromand/home.html
My Email:coromand@saschools.edu.au
How You Found Out About This Site: listserve
Your Main Area Of Interest (Education/Spirituality/The Bahamas): Education
Looking good web site

Teach in the Bahamas
Educational Vacancy Exchange

Short Cuts to...

David Hellam's Home Page - Photo Album - Herb Garden
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