Kathy's role is to guide us to a place of inner knowingness. She is a connecting link to the "still small voice" within. In doing so we learn that we need only listen to what has always been there.
Please call Kathy to discuss your particular situation for resolution and communication of your needs and desires. At that time, a phone appointment can be made to obtain the results of your higher self consultation. One to one and a half hours of quiet, uninterrupted time will be needed for this call.
Kathy will read your higher self messages that have been written to you, make comments on these and answer any questions you may have.
The conversation will be recorded for your future use.
It is not necessary for her to hear your questions, the answers will be given.
The recording and written messages will be sent to you. After receiving them, please read the material several times over several days as the information is encoded with the transforming energy of the message.
The payment for Higher Self readings are: $75.00/Session
Payment should be received prior to your appointment.
Letters from clients follow the address below
Kathy Rawlings
2042 North Reservoir Road
Blanding, Utah 84511
Ph: 801-678-3930
Fax: 801-678-3175
Letters from Clients
Dear Kathy,
My best friend died just two days after Christmas.
However, being able to continue our "Correspondence"
with him has helped me recover from what seemed an impossible blow.
It is so important for people to understand that only our bodies die, that the real person is very much alive.
Thank-You, Kathy. My life will never be the same.
B.M., MO.
My self confidence was extremely low. Since my Higher Self communication with you I have taken a management position at work and I feel much better about myself.
After our session with you my daughter was able to quit using drugs and regained her self esteem and feels joy again. Our family is communicating again.
J.K., Ca.
My heart rejoices after I heard and felt my Higher Self words reminding me of my purpose. My whole life has changed. I feel I am on track again.
R.M., MO.
Since my Higher Self session with you I have experienced an incredible emotional release with a deceased loved one.I have grieved for thirty years until I experienced
this release and gained a new sense of freedom.