ISBN 1-4137-5424-4.

Paul Templeton is an African-American who breaks the DNA code and cures AIDS. One of his distant relatives is Sequoyah, the Cherokee who developed a written alphabet for his people. There is a link between developing an alphabet and breaking the DNA code.

Paul discovers the cure for AIDS when he makes a slight modification to human DNA. A call to the Food and Drug Administration puts him in touch with Hubert Langford, the man in charge of testing and approving new drugs and therapies. If Paul submits his discovery for testing, Hubert will stand in his way and probably steal it, because he is a sworn enemy of the Templeton family.

Hubert Langford hires a former KGB agent and retired Baltimore police detective to spy on Paul. They try desperately to find out how he modified human DNA. The reader learns the answer to the mystery through the ears and eyes of these two spies.

Scott Forbes is a mathematical genius who falls in love with Paul's sister, Ruth Templeton. He agrees to help with Paul's research. Ruth has a home-care medical facility. Paul will test the cure on her patients.

Paul believes that God created every living thing and they all reproduce seeds after their own kind. All forms of life are just grownup versions of an original seed, the DNA. That's where Paul went with his reasoning. Fix the DNA and you fix the sick human.

Since the DNA molecule is bonded by hydrogen and separates when it splits, divides, makes new cells, Paul concentrated on the hydrogen atom. Its bonding must be guided by spiritual forces in the invisible spectrum, unseen by mankind's eyes. Paul found the key and restored the flawed DNA to perfect harmony.

Two AIDS patients named Smith and Jones are followed from the time they catch the disease until Paul's discovery cures them. Beyond doubt, the cure is now working and Hubert Langford at the FDA panics.

Hubert does a foolish thing and orders the capture of Scott, thinking they will make him talk. Far from needing to be tortured, Scott gladly writes out the formula. He waits patiently for the spies to fall asleep, picks the lock, steals a horse and escapes. Kidnaping Scott gets Hubert and his spies arrested.

We see love, hate, and an intriguing mystery in this story. But the deeper message is spiritual. Paul admired Dr. Jonas Salk who did not patent the polio vaccine, but made it available to the human race. It immediately wiped out that dreaded disease. Neither will Paul patent his cure, but makes it a gift to humanity so that everyone may benefit equally. That is the ultimate act of kindness.

When the spies are arrested for kidnaping Scott, Paul Templeton calls the major television outlets and tells them to meet him at the FDA where Hubert Langford is also arrested. At the press conference Paul delivers his cure to the world by a simple act. He presents a vial of it to a reporter on the scene.