We are part
of the Capital Area
District Library, thanks to voters like you.
C.A.D.L. includes ten
former Ingham County Library branches, three
Lansing branches,
and two mobile
libraries (click for schedule).
You do not
need to be a resident of Haslett or the County to make use of our library
system's resources.
The Capital
Area District Library is committed to both learning and enjoyment for
the children and adults it serves. The Capital Area District Library will
serve as a community-based, patron-friendly public library dedicated to:
patron-driven interests and collections
a responsive staff oriented to service
providing user-friendly technology
linking its libraries and communities to the world
providing accessible hours, services
and facilities

The Haslett staff would love to
hear from you!
The Capital Area District Library is an Equal Opportunity
Organization and Employer.
Please contact us if you have any special needs or requests
for accommodations.
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Creative Services Copyright, April 1997.
Last updated 6/99