A MIND GAME Started by Somebody Else (Identity Unknown) on Net e-mail Continued by Will Hollerich "Free will or synaptic wiring? You be the judge...Check out the following exercise, guaranteed to freak you out..." Instructions: Scroll down slowly (lest you miss something), reading the questions and obeying the directions given to you. Answer each of the questions one at a time, and as quickly as you can, but don't advance until you've really done each. QUICK: What is 1+5? 2+4? 3+3? 4+2? 5+1? NOW Repeat the number "6" aloud to yourself as fast as you can for 15 seconds. THEN scroll down. QUICK: THINK OF A VEGETABLE! THEN scroll down. NOW keep going... OKAY, you're finished. "Question: You were thinking of a carrot, right? If not, you are among the 2% of the population whose minds are warped enough to think of something else. 98% of people will answer with carrot when given this exercise. Freaky, eh?"