Well, such as when we hit the year 2000, not much has changed with the opening of Hoodoo Voodoo 2000. About the only new stuff is new info on me, some stuff taken away, so new concerts, and my new employers. Enjoy, and feel free to go ape poopie over me.
What has the world come to? The year 200 has now brought many changes in Andy's life. He now has 2 awesome respectable jobs.. one being a producer at MIX96 & WLLR. He is also a gardener at QC Botanical Center. Who would have thunk it? Keep tuned for more good news.. there is some coming.. I can feel it in my bones.. =]

As you can see I'm gearing up for the coming election. Who will I vote for? That's for me to know. I might let people know after the fact. Check back and see.

This poopie page last edited on
July 15, 2000
Mississippi Valley Blues Fest 2000 pictures coming soon!!
Stuff of Interest
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My Art: Many sketches and pictures of stuff I've done or am working on... not the best quality pics though

Me: Stuff about me.. nothing interesting

Concert Experiences: Are you experienced?

My Autographs: Either collected in person or through the mail

The Links: Yeah, I know

My Friends: The greatest collection of humans

My Pictures: Photos of everything under the sun

My Awards: I'm so talented, ppl give me stuff

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