All About Ariel Kay Name: Ariel Kay    Sex: Female   Stats: 27, black hair, brown eyes, single.
Ethnic Background: Asian/American Indian/Scottish-Irish/100% American
Physical Build: Normal
Facial Looks: Pretty
Religion: Christian
Politics: Conservative
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Drugs: No
Education: Some college
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Cultural Pasttime: Music
Reason In Life: To love my child and have a happy healthy family
Will Answer Mail From: Anyone
Communicative Style: Intuitor
Personality Type: ESFP -- Extroverted, Sensor, Feeler, Perceiver

Ariel Kay is an Intuitor.

Intuitors are imaginative, futuristic, and idea-oriented.  The technical details of everyday life often elude or bore them since they are looking at the big, overall picture.  They prefer to think of the potentials and possibilities involved in any situation.  Intuitors tend to be somewhat unconcerned or impatient with the details of implementing their ideas.  Due to their futuristic,  theoretical outlook, others may at times perceive Intuitors to be impractical, unrealistic, or out of touch with reality.  There aren't many Intuitors in our culture -- only about one person in ten.  They  include inventors, scientists, researchers, architects, artists, writers, and planners of one type or another.

Ariel Kay is an ESFP.

ESFP - Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceptive - "The Entertainer" 15% of General Population

Occupations:  Child care, receptionists, sales, religious workers, teachers, clerical, coaching, food service, designers

Suggested Partners:  INTJ, ISTJ

In general, ESFPs are friendly, outgoing, fun loving, and naturally drawn to people.  They are quite enthusiastic and exuberant, and are usually well liked by others.  They are good at meeting people and helping them enjoy themselves.  They are sympathetic toward people and generous with their time and money.  They want to be where the action is, and they will often stir things up in their own special  way.  At their best, they are able to realistically meet human and situational needs in a fun and lively way.

ESFPs In Relationships

For the ESFP, love means enjoyment of one another.  ESFPs want to share values with the loved one.  They way people are treated is usually one value they care about.  They may move in and out of relationships quickly when the situation feels uncomfortable.  They are not likely to take may interpersonal risks since they fear rejection themselves.  They are warm and become more generous and outgoing in the face of approval.  They can become quite hampered by disapproval.

An ESFP was very much in love with her partner.  In her effusive, outgoing, generous style, she "flooded" her partner with verbal signs of affection and many gifts. They participated together in many social occasions.  Her partner initially enjoyed being the center of this whirlwind of attention, but as it continued on, it took its toll.  Sometimes ESFPs can overwhelm their partners with their outward display of love.  One ESFP learned with time that her effusive gift giving was perceived by her mate as an obligation for him to match her style.  It had never occurred to the ESFP that her husband felt challenged to keep up with her.  She simply enjoyed giving.

Even when a relationship ends, ESFPs tend to be very respectful of the former partner.  They do not want to call undue attention to the breakup and thus move on rather quickly, surrounding themselves with valued friends.

Advice to ESFPs

Stay on track.  You are very good at meeting the needs of many people at once, but that means that you may be sidetracked in so many directions, you don't meet the "routine" needs of your partner. An example is the parent who agrees at the last minute to take one kid to little league at six, and another to the gym at seven, while his or her mate is at home waiting for dinner that was scheduled for six.

If you've learned one thing in life, what is it?

Love is not everything it's thought to be but worth it.

What do you do for a living?

Currently looking into a new career

What are your favorite movies and actors?

Spaceballs, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Interview with a Vampire, Godfather Trillogy, Somegirl, and many others like the Patriot; favorite actor is Kiefer Sutherland and favorite actress Sandra Bullock.

What are your favorite books and authors?

Jane Eyre, Ember of the Sun, and The Giver.

What are your favorite songs and music?

I like all types of music.

What's your most treasured memory?

Being born again as a Mommy.

What was your mother's best advice to you?

You have to love yourself before you can love another. 

Given that you could talk to anyone in history, who would it be, and what would you like to ask them?

A person who lived at the height of Technotitlan, I would love to know the language and their culture. **Virtually unknown as of today**

What do you imagine people say behind your back?

She's crazy.

What would you choose for your last meal?

A buffet of every single type of food.. (Since I wouldn't be living through the indigestion anyways)

Given that you only had 24 hours left to live, how would you spend your last day?

Spending time with the people I love the most: my family and praying.

What do you think your best asset is?

My abilty to cope.

What are you a "sucker" for?

People who I think need help.

What celebrity do you most resemble?

I'm a legend in my sparetime.

What is the best thing you like about your life?

That I try hard & will acheive my goal no matter the time it takes.

If you could control the script of your dream tonight, what would you dream about?

I met the person I've been searching for and was completely content.

What will you be doing five years from now?

Possibly married and having a new child. (Graduated - but career didn't work out soooo picking a new career goal) New goals for 5 years: Finishing my new degree and starting my home business, having a happy and healthy family, and making sure that my husband knows daily how in love with him I am everyday.

If you had a magic crystal ball, what one thing would you like to know about yourself?

Will I ever get over my inner demons?

If you had one guaranteed wish, what would you wish for?

A happy life for me and my family.

What do you use your computer for, mostly?

Word prossessing, chatting and gaming..

If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would you invite?

My friends and loved ones. Actually anyone is invited to dinner, I never shut people out.

What kind of car, or vehicle, do you drive?


What would you like your epitaph to read?

Here lies the most caring person who ever tried to live peacefully.

What's your "pet peeve"?


What are you superstitious about, if anything?


What's your worst habit?

I push people too hard that I care about to be better people.

What are you "allergic" to?

Dust and cleaning chemicals.

What was the best decision you've ever made?

To understand that I have problems and to learn how to cope with them so I no longer affect others negitively.

Who is your hero?


In closing, do you have any additional comments to add?

Don't Hate... just understand even if you disagree with others. Understanding is the key to Happiness for the world. Ignorance creates hate so get out there and really learn other cultures and ideas. We have a freedom many do not and we should work harder at obtaining as much information as possible.  Remeber: "The past is what has made you it's the present and the future that makes you." --Ariel Kay Wallace

Connex, Copyright 1991, Garry H. Grosse