Trabajo y
Sociedad |
Work and Society (Trabajo y Sociedad)
Sociology of work, cultural studies and sociological/literary narratives
Work and Society (Trabajo y Sociedad) is a peer-reviewed social science journal. The journal was created in 1999 and it is published twice a year by the Department of Sociology at the National University of Santiago del Estero (UNSE), Argentina. It is thematically, theoretically, and methodological open, but it focuses mainly on the areas of sociology of work, cultural studies and the relationship between sociological and literary narratives. Its Editorial board is comprised of scholars from UNSE and CONICET, its Advisory board includes recognized national and international experts.
Actual: Fall 2009 |
Num. 10 | Num.9 | Num. 6 | Num. 5 | Num. 4 | Num. 3 | Num. 2 | Num. 1 |
Num. 12, vol. XI, Fall 2009
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Number 11, vol. X, Spring 2008
Neoliberalism and union
organizations resistance. Beliefs, Memory and tradition in the Congress of
Argentine Workers.
From the strike to the
“pueblada”. Politic culture and fcollective action: The case of ATE in
Global and local tendencies in the
new models of production and labour organization.
Recent transformations of work processes: from automation to information technology revolution.
Review the sex division of family’s work. Family’s models in the northeast argentine
The hierarchial structuring of the
fruit labor market: Chileans and "norteños" in the Alto Valle of Rio Negro
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Number 10, vol. IX, Fall, 2008
telephone agents of call centers offshore in Buenos Aires
The trade
union’s complex action plot: ATE and UPCN’s cases.
of flexibility and outsourcing. An empiric study in the refinery La Plata Repsol-YPF
factories as expression of the acquired practice in the field of work.A
case study in the Gran Buenos Aires
and relational trajectories of professionals of
multinational companies in Cali, Colombia.
sociological inquiry upon the literary field.The rules of art by Pierre
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Number 9, vol. IX, Winter, 2007
The institutional process of the
academic sociology in Argentina (1955-1966)
Roots of socio-economic thought. The labour division on Adam Smith, Karl
Marx and Émile Durkheim.
study outlier fields. An essay about the conditions for a profitably use of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of field.
Teresa Martínez
Interpretation of the discovery of “Chaco-santiageña” civilization
by the Wagner Brothers: temporality in the theory and existence of the
subjects (archeologists).
Beatriz Ocampo
School and Centenary.The case of Santiago del Estero.
Mercedes Tenti
Theoretical meditate around the
study of the labor conflict. The processes of social construction of
Montes Cató
The exaltation of the worker's weakness as historical
singularity of neoliberal capitalism. The case of chain Coto
Paula Abal Medina
Crisis of the work and workers'
management. Collective dynamics of management in recovered productive units in
Argentina (1996-2006).
Mercedes Patrouilleau
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Number 8, vol. VIII, Fall, 2006
and specific practices of a group of cardboard pickers in Buenos Aires
development in Mendoza, Argentine. Notes on its origin
A. Collado
The active policies of use
for the Latin American group in Spain
Sacristán Romero
Local Development and
Types of Productions: opportunities for the small productions
Paz, et al.
scene of Latin America in the frame of neoliberalism
Acosta Reveles
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Number 7, vol. VII, junio septiembre, 2005
Tasso Argument and
narration in the scientific report
María Luisa Graffigna The labor trajectories and strategies of families in contexts of poverty in San Juan (Argentina).
Areli Escobar S. Configuration of subjectivity in employed and unemployed workers in Biobío, Chile
Ramón Antonio Díaz Microenterprises in the urban economy of Santiago del Estero
Medina Sanson, L. et al. Critical comments for the FAO’s land use planning model in the Mexican context
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Number 6, vol. VI, junio septiembre, 2003
Loïc J.D. Wacquant A sociological workshop in action: Actes of the Recherche in Social Sciences
De Venanzi y Gisela Hobaica Street Children.
A theoretical model of social class.
Celia Duek y Graciela Inda The constitution process of the dominant class in Argentina
Luis Alejandro Auat Personalism or anarchy
Alberto Tasso y Reinaldo Ledesma La producción artesanal en Santiago del Estero
Raúl Dargoltz The forestry industry in Santiago del Estero
Juan Domingo Montiel Apuntes sobre empresas recuperadas por los trabajadores en la Argentina
José Aranda The economical crisis in Santiago del Estero
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Marx’s Contributions to Rural Sociology and the Analysis of Agrarian Structures Miguel Murmis
The Process of Knowledge in the Theories of Marx, Durkheim and Weber:The Thesis of Radical Discontinuity Celia Duek y Graciela Inda
Formation of The Labor Market in Tucumán (1800-1870)
Goat diary and the productive reconversion process in peasantry exploitations Raúl Paz
Argentina, economic laboratory Ramón Frediani
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Number 4, vol. IV, 2002 Abstracts
In Memoriam Leopoldo Allub
The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Caudillismo Leopoldo Allub
The Geography of Protest Javier Auyero
New Forms of Intermediation in a Traditional Agrarian Labor Market Monica Bendini y Mónica Gallegos
What Culture Does Development Require? A Need for Scientific and Technological Development in the Northwest? Alberto Tasso y Luis Ponce
Professionals in the Labor Market
Gender and Labor Relations in Santiago del Estero. Income strategies, labor identity and clientelism Graciela Ruiz y Carlos Zurita
The Case of Juan Jorba: An Experience of Rural Development? Mónica Gutvay
Agro-Industrial Modernization, Labor Demands and Precariousness. The Case of the Fruit-farmers in the Río Negro basin, Argentina Pedro Tsakoumagkos y Mónica Bendini
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Number 3, vol. III, winter 1999 Abstracts
Course of the Labor Movement in Western Europe
in the 20th Century: Accomplishments,
Failures, and Transformations
Bruno Groppo.
Sociology Today: The Genealogy of a Paradigm
Juan José
The Condition of Childhood in Argentina. Sanitary and socio-environmental indicators: progress during convertibilidad Artemio López.
Beyond Unemployment Rates:Other Labor Problems in Santiago-La Banda in the Nineties. Changes and distributive features in two forms of sub utilization Ramón Antonio Díaz
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Basic Principles in the Administration of Social Policies in Argentina Ramón Frediani.
The Vulnerable: Labor and Life Conditions María Rosa Gómez, María E. Isorni y Graciela Saber
Belonging and Locality in the Construction of a National Cuisine
Eduardo P.
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Number 1, vol. I Abstracts
Market Professions and Occupations in Santiago del Estero, Argentina,
during 1869-1914 Alberto Tasso
What is left of the "Labor Movement"? Manners of Reclaiming Labor in the New Argentine Democracy Marina Farinetti
Poverty and Indigence in Argentina. Documentation according to the World Bank, with data about provinces, regions and the whole country Artemio López
Small Scale Agrarian Production in Argentina: Active Policies for Sustainable Development Rubén de Dios
Stratification and Labor: Images and Magnitudes in Santiago del Estero Carlos Zurita
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Labor flexibilization and informal mechanisms of labour markets regulation.
A study in the Argentinean film industry.
Noel Bulloni Yaquinta
The article explores on some subjects of a research on the social regulation of work in the argentine film industry. With the intention to catch the complexities which characterizes the regulation of project work, the study on purpose questions those scopes where, in agreement with certain post-fordist literature, the social networks operate like informal mechanisms of regulation. Nevertheless, unlike this literature, it will be put in evidence that this kind of regulation is constructed within the rules that govern labour and capital relationships.
Key words: labor flexibilization, projects, labour markets, Argentinean film industry
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Union strategy and political action. The different experiences of two Argentine
unions of
the electrical sector
Ana Drolas
This article tries to contribute to the interpretation of the union models and the explanation of its strategies and actions. For it compares the attitude and the behavior of two unions of the electrical sector had against a same event that is the privatizadora attack that ahead took the government in the decade of the 90.
The hypothesis is that the political tradition, the relation with the political power and the State and the internal mechanisms of participation, obturate or allow arbitrary driving of the leaderships. In this sense, the characteristics that assume each of these dimensions will give life to tendentially more representative unions or, on the contrary, to tendentially bureaucratic ones.
This article is part of an ampler investigation than investigates about the construction of representation in the spaces of work and their impacts on the construction of action strategies.
Key words: Union strategy, political positions and representation,
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New technologies in organizational management of telework
Paula Lenguita
The research explores the transformations labor resulting from the use of new technologies in organizational management of telework, as a result provides a critical analysis of the magazine in the subject, between 2002 and 2005.
Keywords: telecommuting, labor organization, press
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Work and family: working children’s contribution to home social reproduction
María Eugenia Rausky
The rol played by working children in the workframe of social reproduction strategies in the homes of poor people is the aim of this article. Emphasis is here placed in analysing practices and representations of children and their parents vis-avis said phenomena.
It is most frequent that work done by children is carried out in family contexts. Due to this fact, we focus not only in the child, but also his family, making observations on work organizative process, and the place the work done by children has in the generation of both financial and non-financial income sources in the homes of the poor.Observations are also made in the significance associated with this practice as well as on the impact in family relations made by the fact that children also cooperate in home social reproduction.
Taking into considerations these points, we decided to do the investigation with an approach of the qualitatative type. Field work was made in 2004 and 2006 in a neighborhood with structural poverty features, located in the urban peripheral area of La Plata . There, we selected a total of home units showing situations involving children work, and we worked in depth while making interviews with the working children and their parents.
Keywords: child work; social strategies of reproduction; poverty.
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Carting: ¿A work or rather a chance to earn some money?
Corina Aimetta
This article is part of a wider study, the general scope of which is to look into conceptions of what work means from the point of view of workers and identify work strategies used and social ties related with different working activities. In this respect,we make a comparative study of two activities executed by independent workers: the cart drivers or carters* and the independent construction workers. Both fields have a strong presence in “Barrio Esperanza”, a neigborhood of Gran La Plata, the conurbation of La Plata, where field work is made.
Methodological approach used is a qualitative one. In said approach , we are producing observations as well as partly structured interviews and informal conversations with carters, maily adult men.
This time we present some reflections elaborated on the questions arised during the investigative process when approaching the neiborhood carters and the academic bibliography, as well as the press and several State documents ( Programs, Laws, Rules, etc.), related with said themes. We question on what is the sense the carters themselves give to the activity they make and how said activity is visualized from other social agents. We consider in this respect that in both cases the stress in placed constantly in the cathegories work/ chance to earn money or work/non work.
Key words: labour precariousness - carters - familiar strategies of reproduction – poverty.
* “Carreros” That is to say cart drivers or carters. That is the word used to call themselves by persons who dwell in “ Barrio Esperanza “ and pick and sell material to recycle .
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The political sociology of Émile Durkheim between 1892 and 1897: the State like
appendix of
the social morphology and political action
Graciela Inda
This paper has for objective to investigate strictly the political aspects of the durkheiminian production, corresponding to the period 1892-1897. The concept of State like an organ that automatically translates social solidarity, entirely preexisting political relations, the distinction of despotism like a regime that implies the complete absorption of the individuals by the political machine, the problem of the increasing extension of state intervention in the private sphere of individuals, the question of the incapacity for political action to transform societies morphology, are some of the distinguishing landmarks of the political theory that inhabits between the lines in this production.
Key words: - Classic sociological Theories of the State - Émile Durkheim - Period 1892-1896- Social Solidarity- Social Coercion
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Local goverments and development: a case study in Argentina
Mónica Páez
Local authorities are important agents in any local development oriented process. Therefore, its attitudes, interests and perceptions become very relevant issues in the study of these processes. Starting off from these bases, this paper presents a proposal of analysis based on the results that the Fiscal Austerity and Urban Innovation (FAUI) survey threw for Argentina. This international survey is oriented mainly to the analysis of styles of leadership in the municipal authorities, based on a representative sample of mayors in cities of 10 thousand inhabitants or more, minimum size so that it exists diversity and groups mobilization and local associations.
For this particular study, oriented to the analysis of interests and attitudes that could favor or not local development, the variables selected were: Alliances, supports received; Interaction with other actors; Influence of social actors in budget definition; Answer to the demands of different groups; Management Priorities; Priority in government actions; Ideology and attitudes. In general terms, the results demonstrate, on the one hand, a stress between the new models of management related to a leader-administrator and those leaderships associated in Argentina to traditional policy. On the other hand, an imperative that derives from socioeconomic situation: palliate poverty effects. Leading to generate appropriate conditions for development is not perceived, in general, like a priority.
Key words: Local development – Municipalities – Interests and attitudes
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Bernard Lahire
Autobiographical texts should be treated critically given autobiographies with their "rhetoric of the self" (in other words, the idea of authenticity and truth about oneself). It becomes impossible to use an autobiography as an object of study or as data for study without a radical challenge to the myth of authenticity. In order to utilize autobiographic texs as interpretable data, the sociologist should obtain information about the extratextual contexts (scholary, political, religious, domestic ones) corresponding to different moment in the narrative trajectory as well as about the moment when the writer talks about himself in order to understand which are the cultural presuppositions and historical cathegories of perception of the author in his "saying" and his "scenary setting".
Key words: Oneself writing, auto-analysis, extra-textual contexts, myth of authenticity, frames of language, critique of sources.
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Software factories in Spain: organisation and division of labour.
A comparative view of fluid work in contemporary societies.
Juan José Castillo
Key words: New international division of labour, Software developpers, knwoledge work, value chains, CMMI, Spain, India, software factories, workflows, fieldwork, software management
Neoliberalism and union organizations resistance 1989-1995.
Beliefs, Memory and tradition in the Congress of Argentine Workers.
Enrique Andriotti Romanin
This research aims to investigate the emergence of new organizations in the area Argentine association in the context of neo-liberal policies of the early 90's. On this occasion, from the emergence of the Congress of Argentine Workers (CTA).
In the first part, presents the existing discussions in the literature regarding how to interpret the emergence of CTA, and the changes and disruptions that this expresses, in order to highlight the importance of considering the beliefs and customs of the past to create the CTA leadership as a dimension explaining the decision to form a new union.
In the second stage discusses beliefs and representations of the past that will sustain the leadership that founded the CTA to move towards an explanation to understand that the path chosen by it. The methodological approach is qualitative, through in-depth interviews with leaders and through secondary sources such as reports and interviews with leaders of
the CTA.
From the strike to the “pueblada”. Politic culture and frames for the collective action:
The case of ATE in Neuquén between 1990-1995
Fernando Aiziczon
In this paper I introduce an analysis of the main actions of one of the combative syndicates of Neuquén: The State Workers Association (ATE). My intention is to point out some outstanding features of the 1990-1995 period that then mark the emergence of a politic culture of protest of which ATE is one of the main characters.
I concentrate on the first actions of the period, in resistance to the state reform carried out by the local government (in general, mobilizations, strikes, acts in the streets), then I focus on the “pueblada” of the city of Senillosa (1994), marked as the first collective action of these type accompanied by the state syndicate.
This episode was the immediate of the well-know and emblematic “puebladas cutralquenses” (1996-1997).
For the analysis of the phenomenon I use the concepts of the political culture of protest and cultural frame, trying to the articulate then in a critical way.
Key words: collective action, culture politic, strike, “pueblada”.
To resist in the name of health. An analysis of the experience
of the “Cuerpo de Delegados” of Buenos Aires subway’s service
Cora Cecilia Arias y Victoria Haidar
This article try to reconstruct a period of the confrontation that has been developing in Argentina since 1996, approximately, between the “Cuerpo de Delegados” of Buenos Aires’ subway’s service worker’s and the dealer company, focusing the analysis in the way the “Delegados” used the topic of health in discourse. Using interviews and discourse analysis we tried to understand the role of health and security question in the strategy developed by the union’s representatives to improve worker’s labor conditions, expand the employment and recover the rights that have been expropriated to workers.
Key words: Occupational Health, Discourse, Union’s strategies
Global and local tendencies in the new models of production and labour organization.
Notes for a dicussion
Juliana Frassa
In our country during the last two decades the crisis and future of production models have been object of strong academic debate. More than a decade after the beginning of productive restructuration process, it is necessary to review critically the theories about new productive models in contrast to the current reality.
This article deals with a critical revision of the productive model’s definition and its principal theorizations. In second place, it asks about the way that global tendencies presented in the organization of production and work are expressed and adapted to local context. The article raises two main questions: Which are the premises and productive orientations states in these new models? and, In which way these tendencies are articulated with local reality?
Finally, this work presents some reflections about the relationship between competing strategies adopted by firms at international level and the characteristics of production and work assumed in our country. The article also points to the necessity of creating new theoretical frameworks capable of describing the particular productive configurations of our region.
Key words: productive model, productive reconstruction, heterogeneity, enterprise trajectory
Recent transformations of work processes: from automation
to information technology revolution.
Pablo Míguez
In this article the changes in the processes of work in Capitalism are analyzed since the “automation” after the Second Postwar period until the present time. Our work proposes a revision of the teorizaciones on the changes produced in work processes, changes in the organization of work and “automatization” as changes related to information and communications new technologies.
The article pretends to understand the relevant technological changes in the recent phases of capitalist development as its effects on work conditions being emphasized the social character, not only the economic or technical one, of the transformations in course. For that reason the different recent critical approaches are analyzed, emphasizing their strongpoints and also their weaknesses for the understanding of the productive changes of end of century XX and beginnings of century XXI.
Key words: Automatization, Technologies of the information and communication, Conditions of work, Immaterial Labour.
Review the sex division of family’s work. Aspects theorists and empirics
to the interpretation the family’s models in the northeast argentine
Vanesa Vazquez Laba
In the context
of the studies about the relationship between the labour world and the daily
life, the research proposes inquire into the female work’s social construction
processes and her impact into the familiar organization. The cases of study are
two: citrus worker’s families of Tafì Viejo city at Province of Tucumán and the
tobacco-grower worker’s families at Province of Jujuy, Argentina. For it, it
proceeded to describe and analyze the rural worker’s familiar composition; the
reconstruction of women’s labour trajectories and of her families; the revision
of survival strategies at unemployment times; the identification of social
representations about female work and the reconstruction of the social world,
that it organizes around the citrus and tobacco activities –both productive
activities with preponderance at the region under study.
theoretical-methodological style adopted had taken to make complex the research
questions, including new subjects and positions. Also, it has provoked the
comparison between two study cases. In this way, to the comparative analyzes add
the richness of demonstrate the specialities about female work and the family
ties in the two agro industries most important of de nor-west of this country.
Key words: Family, Labour and Gender
The hierarchial structuring of the fruit labor market: Chileans and "norteños"
in the Alto Valle of Rio Negro
Verónica Trpin
This article centres on the presence of rural workers on productive lands destined for the fruit-growing on the Alto Valle of Rio Negro. There are employed and residing families of migrant rural workers or Chileans descendants and temporary "norteños". In the spaces destined for the plantation of pears and apples, acquaintances as "chacras", from the ethnographic record there were analyzed the diverse workers who are inserted as workforce.
From the decade of `90, the drop of the Chilean migration and the expansion of temporary migration relates to the reproduction of a hierarchy in the labour market fruit: Chilean migrants were located in places that involve some skill and recognition, while temporary workers and women are embedded in the most precarious, justified by valuations reproduced by other workers and employers.
The "norteños" form a part of the territory of the fruit-growing as workers of "second" stigmatized like "thieving" and with few "culture".
It is concluded that the definitions of the category of rural worker is not homogeneous, but this crossed by the dynamics of capitalism today, the trend being reaffirmed of considering to the ethnicity as a resource that operates in the selection process.
Key words: rural workers, migration, fruit-growing
telephone agents of call centers offshore in Buenos Aires
Andrea del Bono y María Noel Bulloni
article explores on some subjects of a research on the labor experiences shared
by two groups of young telephone agents who offer telephone attention services
from platforms of call centers offshore located in Buenos Aires (Argentina) to
Spanish and North American clients. With the intention to catch the
heterogeneity which characterized these workers experiences, the study on
purpose questions the different logic of actions that contribute to their
conformation, trying to explain the relationship between these logics of actions
and the individual and collective behavior of the workers in relation to their
Firstly, the article states that the change of status that starting to work in a
call center represents is deeply tied to the diverse labor trajectories of the
telephone agents, with their professional perspective and their social and
cultural capital. Although the experiences of the telephone agents are
heterogeneous they are threaded by variables of little recognition and low
identification to their work.
This situation weakens the construction of solidarity and collective
strategies of action and, at the same time, it encourages the telephone agents
to identify themselves with other scopes of life, distant to their work, which
allow them to sustain a more positive image of themselves. Nevertheless, the
paper arguments that this kind of job has an unquestionably important place in
the life of this young people. This importance is related to the hiring terms
that the call center provides: a law binding permanent contract, which allows
them to develop other personal projects. The article also examines the
instrumental rationality that prevails in the form in which young people are
related to their work, even though when they keep relating their wok to their
freedom and the perspectives of the different aspects of their private life. In
brief, the results exposed in the article reflect a kaleidoscopic and quite
heterogeneous image of the labor experiences of the call centers workers, which
argues and makes complex the most spread characterizations.
trade union’s complex action plot: ATE and UPCN’s
paper proposes a comparative analysis of the internal dynamics that constitutes
trade union’s action in the two national organizations from public sector
workers: ATE and UPCN. The principal axes we want to discuss are, in the first
place, the horizontal and vertical relationships established in each trade
union. Secondly, the different kind of bounds generated between each
organization and its militants. In addition, in the third place, we will
approach the struggle strategies, to observe finally the way in which the
dynamics of their own action and the dispute between trade unions interact and
are superposed.
We use a qualitative methodological approach, making in depth interviews to
leaders and union delegates, as well as to workers and public administrators.
Processes of flexibility and outsourcing. An empiric study in the
refinery La Plata Repsol-YPF
Leticia Muñiz Terra
To answer to these questions we
developed an empiric study in the refinery La Plata from the ex-public petroleum
company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales. The principal objective is to study
the policy of outsourcing developed in the company after their privatization and
the consequences that this strategy had along the years on the small enterprises
conformed by its workers.
Recovery factories as expression of the
acquired practice in the field of work.
case study in the Gran Buenos Aires
Part of the surveys of recovery of factories had interpreted this process as modalities of new responses of the unemployed workers front the unemployment, as a result of the “crisis” that had place in Argentina in the last years. Several surveys had registered the radical and rupture shape that this process had taken, and consider them an alternative to the capitalism, an alternative at the unemployment. If well understand the significance of the structural transformations in the analysis, we consider important to complete this surveys broaching the mode that operate life’s experiences that the workers acquiring on the work field, in the practices and social representations that evolve with the recovery.
2003 we started to fallow the experiences of the workers in an autopart factory
in Gran Buenos Aires that was recovery in 2002. We based our research in a case
study. In the first part of the
article, we present the construction of the claim for work and the arguments
that the workers have been made about the factory crisis. We wonder how they
arrive to appreciate the claim as “rightful”. In the second part we reflect
about workers life experiences, that they used as tools to recovery the factory.
and relational trajectories
of professionals of multinational companies
in Cali, Colombia.
is known that, the labor flexibility
affects negatively, fundamentally to the less qualified populations,
young workers but or but the old ones and with less networks of sociability;
what is interesting at the moment is that these processes of precariousness
of the work begin to also affect of different way and in less proportion, but
perhaps single so far, to the professional groups. By
the previous thing, the objective of this investigation was to characterize the
labor and relational trajectories of EMN professionals. The
present study of case, I constitute myself with 11 interviews in depth to
professionals of the multinational sector. The findings allow to understand the
existing relation between the labor and relational trajectory, its mutual
affectations and their importance to understand present the dynamic ones of the labor
sociological inquiry upon the literary field.
The rules of art by Pierre Bourdieu.
Ana Teresa Martínez
In this paper, we dwell upon Pierre Bourdieu’s contribution on sociology of
literature. We develop the main literary
field notion features, exploring the ideas of relative autonomy, nomos
and illusio. We also remember several sides about the concept
of field elaboration process,
as Pierre Bourdieu thought it. Finally, we examine the epistemological questions
he tries to resolve as a social topology or analysis situs.
Key words.
Literary field/Pierre Bourdieu/nomos/illusio/social topology
A sociologist`s work becomes
apparent, and takes form, through writing. This is something that everybody in
the academic world knows and suffers. In order to demonstrate that one exists,
you must write. Students, both under-and postgraduate, must give evidence of
their institutional, and even personal, life and activity, in the form of
papers, articles, theses, and even
These notes explore the frontiers and terrain where sociology and literature meet in the realm of practices. They critically examine the supposed reasons why the problems of writing rarely figures in social science curricula in Argentina (or even Latin America as a whole), and go on to highlight some of the potentially negative implications this situation has academics` professional and personal development.
institutional process of the academic sociology in Argentina (1955-1966)
Alberto Noé
In this article the historical and social conditions of creation and development of academic sociology are analyzed in the University of Buenos Aires, in the period 1955-1966. The founders actors is also characterized: institutional actors, socio-political actors and individual actors, especially through Gino Germani's intellectual and academic trajectory, and the internal and external conflicts until the crisis of 1966, taken place by the coup by the general Juan Carlos Onganía.
Roots of socio-economic thought. The labour division
on Adam Smith, Karl Marx and Émile Durkheim.
In these days, revisiting the called “classic”
authors’ work becomes relevant because the central topics focused by these
masters models´ pioneers have been reframed and inform the current debates.
When this kind of themes appear, we meet again the theoretical questions faced
by these authors and the knowledge about their concepts increases our own
understanding about contemporary questions.
This article draws on Adam Smith, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim´s ideas
about labour division to reconsider this basic issue in human sociability. As
this kind of analysis has not been a frequent topic in Social Sciences, I invite
the reader to a debate in order to highlight its potential.
Key words: labour division – Adam Smith – Karl Marx – Émile
An essay about the conditions for a profitably use of Pierre
Bourdieu’s theory of field.
this work we develop our theoretical and epistemological grounds to read and
make use of the Pierre Bourdieu’s theory. Then, we review the difficulties
exposed by several Argentineans authors to use his concept of field to study the
local intellectual world. We propose them an exercise where we use this theory
to study a outlier field: a cultural association in Santiago del Estero 1920-30.
We pay attention specially on weakness and dependent conditions of this social
Key words: intellectual field, Bourdieu, Santiago del Estero
Interpretation of the discovery of “Chaco-santiageña”
civilization by the Wagner Brothers:
temporality in the theory and existence of the subjects (archeologists).
This work interprets the archeological discovery of the
“Chaco-santiagueña” civilization by the Wagner Brothers, in the province of
Santiago del Estero, at the
beginning of the XX th. century from the theoretical perspectives and from the
own history of the authors.
Travellers, naturalists, explorers, botanists, archeologists, Emile and
Duncan Wagner belonged to the French aristocracy; they developed an intense
scientific life, as well in Argentine as in Europe, particularly in France.
The “diffusionist”” theory served these authors as an
interpretation framework of the temporality of the “Chaco-santiagueña”
civilization. According to the latter and to the analysis of the symbolical
representations printed on pottery objects and by means of the use of the
comparative method, they affirmed the paralelism between Trya and Hissarlic.
From this interpretation the “Chaco-santiagueña” civilization emerges from
a Great Basic, Universal and Timeless Civilization.
My interest lies in incorporating this discussion about the theorical
interpretation of the Wagner Brthers to the use they realize themselves to speak
about themselves as subjects, living in a world far from their native country,
France, and from its culture.
Key Words: “Chaco-santiagueña” Civilization, Diffussionism,
Universal, Basic and Timeless
School and Centenary.The case of Santiago del Estero.
The centenary anniversary of May Revolution’s, turned into an
opportunity to 'construct" a collective memory, that would contribute the
consolidation of the national development model back then. However in every
local territory, beyond the national strategy, each province celebrations had
particularities, according its own characteristics, leading characters and
regional cultural guidelines.
Beside those local particularities, in every case, the school played a
preponderant role as a legitimization strategy. The purpose of this research
paper, just a brief part of the PHD thesis, is to investigate Santiago del
Estero´s own characteristics (including its Capital and other cities) during
the centenary anniversary, analyzing school role in different scenarios.
meditate around the study of the labor conflict.
The processes of social construction of resistance.
In the last years it seemed that the labor conflict
has restored the place that historically it had within the analyses on the work
relations. Some advances in the study of the variation of the confliction
testify this phenomenon. Nevertheless, still the investigations are little that
approach the dynamics of the labor conflict in the spaces and concrete places of
work. This second field supposes to solve a series of problems: what dimensions
can be distinguished at the time of studying the actions of workers , it reaches
with characterizing the moment of expression opened of the action to give
account of the phenomenon, what paper plays the symbolic dimension in the fights
between the capital and work? Starting of these questions, the article crosses
the main traditions and proposes tracks for an analysis of the labor conflict
like social configuration submissive processes of daily construction
Key words: labor conflict, resistance, relations of the work, theory
In this article the notion of power dispositive is applied to the study
of relations between capital and work in the Coto supermarket company. Two
central points are presented: firstly a multiplicity of power practices that are
part of the different elements of the company dispositive are described and
analysed. Secondly the question of the subjectivation of the capital and of the
general and singular main line, that defines the studied relations.
This paper sets out to analyze the collective dinamicas
of management in productive units that have been taken by their workers in last
decade in Argentina. The metodological boarding identifies three cases of
recovered companies by a qualitative aproch, using semi-structured interviews
and observations in spaces of factory and administration. The work tries to
identificate logics and the underlying difficulties to these collective
managements and his relations with structural conditions (resources of inversin
and technologist), collective organization and subjective conditions.
This article rescues and describes a cycle of struggles stared in by the Sanitary Work Union of the Nation (Argentina, September 1974 - August 1984), that has been an unobservable for the dominant bibliography. The conceptual conflict periods, its unfolding and resolution by the water and plumbing service municipalization in an intermediate city (process that has also been avoided by literature, in front of the different forms from privatization), allows to enter itself in the genesis of a political institution.
Relations and specific practices of a group of cardboard pickers in Buenos Aires
Débora Gorbán
In the last years Argentina has experienced the growth in the number of people who live of informal recollection of waste. Known as cirujas first and cardboard pickers (cartoneros) later, the peculiarity of this activity resides in their conditions of visibility and exhibition that characterised the work space in which it is developed. In this sense, we consider not only the street as a place where this labour activity is carried out, but also other spaces in which this labour practice is developed. In this paper we analyse the relations and specific practices of a group of cardboard pickers that arrive every day from their districts in Buenos Aires province, to Capital Federal, where they make the recollection. Our objective is to identify the of significant social spaces constructed by them, taking into consideration their labour activity. To begin with this analysis we considered space in its “material” connotation, focusing in the spaces that emerged as central in our investigation. In this work we understand social space as a set of meaning and communication relations, that is way we studied the configurations that this relations take in each empirical space; the relations and practices that take place in them and how these ones could converged into specific social spaces. We follow a qualitative methodological perspective, using as research tools in depth and structured interviews with cardboard pickers of Jose Leon Suárez, and participant observation in its neighbourhoods.
Vitivinicola development in Mendoza, Argentine. Notes on its origin
Patricia A. Collado
The present study approaches the origins of Mendoza’s economic
development, by means of Schumpeter’s theory about the dynamical behavior of
elites, according to Hugo Nochteff’s interpretation (for Argentina and Latin
In this respect, we characterize the particular way in which Mendoza’s
local bourgeoisie leads a process
of adoption of policies tending to establish an agroindustrial model, seeking
for the innovative parameters that, from our point of view, contribute to
understand this regional development as expressly induced by the economic and
political elite. We trace the principal policies that cooperated with this
regional development, because they were orientated to improve access and
availability to land, credit and investments in the sector, and also
infrastructure, incorporation of labor force and the development of science and
technology, all in order to serve of the new model.
The active policies of use for the Latin American group in Spain
Francisco Sacristán Romero
The active policies of use for the Latin American group try to contribute to the increase of the incorporation possibilities and labor maintenance of these workers so related to the Spanish culture, combining, at the same time, flexibility and security in the use. In addition, in macroeconomic terms, the selective performance on the supply and the demand, with measures such as the promotion of the deprived initiative, the aid to mobility to sectors with sufficient demand or the direct creation of use, allow to reduce to the imbalances or misalignments in the work market.
Local Development and Types of Productions: opportunities for the small productions
Raúl Paz, Ramiro Rodríguez y Viviana González
Considering that the
local rural development can has a productive activity as base of its
maintenance, it’s strange not to ask about which are the intrinsic
characteristics that those types of productions should have for contribute to
local development. This aspect acquires major relevance for its analysis
specially when It’s found associated to rural poverty as much as small peasant
production. In this context, results useful to reveal the inforce cultural
contents in everyday productive life; in one way or another, in their
significative construction, are engaged, an important part of the local
producers. The central argument that will be present through all this article is
the existence of invisible components in the everyday working of the types of
productions, carried out by the small producer, that have influence in a silent
way on the possibility of success – or failure- of a local development
project. The analysis will take place in the Rio Dulce irrigation area of
Santiago del Estero province – Argentina. In this region, in 1987, a
Non-Governmental Organization began a Development of Small Goatish Producers
project and it’s until today the place where a group of initiatives from
different organizations and institutions are still adding.
(Return to Abstract
Labour scene of Latin America in the frame of neoliberalism
Irma Acosta Reveles
this article I have wanted to delineate the central trends from labour scene of
Latin America in the frame of neoliberalism, as well as the domineering
perceptions concerning these processes. I have centered in the aspects of major
meaning for wage-labor in their insertion to the economic cycle from the sale of
the labourforce. The aim is to show that the different dimensions that include
the relations between capital and work they have been change thoroughly, and not
also in a level of the labour market; nevertheless that is this one the
space that has deserved main attention of analysts and politicians. The
proposition is that the origin of changes that they have been express in
circulation sphere it will be find in adjustment substantive from mechanism
extraction of the surplus value (inside productive process), and the results is
the reformulation of traditional standards from the distribution of social
wealth between the productive factors.
Argument and narration in the scientific report
Alberto Tasso
Doctor UBA, área Historia. Investigador del CONICET.
Profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero.
Is there truly a frontier among the text 'scientific' and the one that doesn't
seek to be it? The article tries to shorten the imaginary breach among the
scientific prose to the literary one. Beyond their specific differences, it
shows their common areas, not only given by the demand of composition of a text,
but in the argumentational search and until in the moment to begin to
Through authors of methodology manuals, and of the dispersed one mandatory enunciated by different writers, some of the significant moments are identified in the task of the report of an investigation. After analyzing some cases of narrative in the social sciences, some cooperation forms and mutual use are pointed out among those who practice the writing.
Microenterprises in the urban economy of Santiago del Estero
Antonio Díaz
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina
this paper, the contribution of microenterprises
to the urban economy of Santiago del Estero, is analyzed under a comparative and
descriptive point of view.
the beginning, on the basis of Censo Nacional Económico 1994 data, the position
of this segment of entrerprises is compared with other provinces of NOA region,
and with the national average, taking into account variables as employment,
income and wages. In addition, the concept of productivity is also considered.
study is extended along the decade with EPH data, in order to meassure the
effects of 1994-95 crisis and subsequent growing cycle in urban
economy, on microentreprises performance in terms of salaries evolution and
dynamic of employment.
comments for the FAO’s land use planning model
in the Mexican context
Sanson, L., Anaya Garduño, M.,
Ortiz Solorio C., Volke Haller, V. y Pérez Farrera, M.
Autónoma de Chiapas, IRENAT, México
The land use planning is a model postulated by the FAO, focused to the
development of the rural population and to guarantee the long term availability
of natural resources. Nevertheless, many land use planning methods have been
ineffective because they do not consider the objectives of the users nor those
of the governments. In Mexico, the index of population growth and environmental
deterioration makes indispensable to develop procedures for land use planning
that agreed with the specific limitations, potentials and resources. In this
sense, it is important to review the reach of FAO’s
planning model, in order to glimpse favorable strategies and actions in
agreed with the social and academic Mexican reality . Considering these issues,
it was critically revised the FAO’s model and it was recognized as critical to
equilibrate: objectives and perspective of communities, governments and of the
technicians; necessities of research, human resources and available materials;
attention to biological necessities and cultural necessities; production of
goods and protection of resources.
Areas of frontiers
Fernando Ariel Bonfanti
Alejandra Torre Geraldi.
Facultad de Humanidades
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina
The present investigation work has as objective to
identify the problems that contain the frontier spaces, specifically
in the frontier Chaco-salteña, with the purpose of knowing its cultural and
socio-economic characteristics.
We begin considering that a distinctive feature of the
areas of frontiers is to imagine them as complex spaces where interact
constantly towns with marked cultural, economic and social differences that
transfer him own activities.
labor trajectories and strategies of
families in contexts of poverty
in the Great San Juan (Argentina) through a study of cases
María Luisa Graffigna
Nacional de San Juan (IISE-FacSo)
structural transformations that took place in the last decades marked notably
the trajectories of numerous families. In particular the changes in the labor
market –more flexibility, more precariousness, unemployment- make that the
access to protected and relatively steady employments –a characteristic
feature of the Welfare State- is a goal difficult to reach. The situation is
still more difficult for the families in positions of economic and social
fragility, whose members in general possess scarce qualification and habitually
they operate in the informal labor market.
In this
frame, the present article seeks to characterize the labor trajectories and
strategies of families in contexts of poverty in the Great San Juan through a
study of cases.
study was developed by means of a qualitative strategy in a context of discovery
that allows to give account of the perspective of the actor. The cases belong to
homes of the Great San Juan whose election was guided for the search of
diversity in labor category, gender, age; and with the criterion that they in
any moment of their labor trajectory present situations of fragility or
vulnerability to the poverty.
of subjectivity in employed and unemployed workers in Biobío, Chile
Escobar S.
Universidad de Concepción, Chile
The transformations in the organization of work in contemporany capitalism have
also provoked changes in the configuration of the subjectivity of the employed
and unemployed workers in the services sector in the Biobío region in Chile.
The co-opted involvement in the organization, the postfordist estrangement,
usurpation of creative and imaginative abilities, the imposition of a social
imaginary of work, and the individualization processes are some examples that
highlight the metamorphoses of subjectivity in the current world of work.
Key words: work, unemployment, subjectivity, social imaginary, identity.
J.D. Wacquant
of California, Berkeley-El College de France
Traducción: Javier Auyero
Sociology Department at Stony
Brook, SUNY
the article is examined the significance of Actes of the Recherche
in Social Sciences (ARSS), one of the publications of more important
social sciences of the world and that it was founded more than thirty years ago
by Pierre Bourdieu. The purpose of ARSS was to promote the internationalization
of the social studies in France, overcoming national divisions. Although it was
assumed like a review that privileged the scientific thing above the
intellectual thing, their pages have been open to the conceptual and
methodological innovation.
existence of four main thematic nuclei is pointed out in the review: i) the
economy of the cultural goods, ii) the social classification and the production
of collective social, iii) the dominance strategies, distinction, and
reproduction, and iv) the study of practical, powers, and intellectual
constitution process of the dominant class in Argentina
Duek y
Graciela Inda
With the aim of explaining in their more intimate
determinations the conformation and consolidation of an alliance of dominant
class in the Argentina, we propose and develop the following thesis. It’ the
combination of the concentration processes of the property of the prolific
lands, of configuration in a mode of accumulation centered in the agrarian rent
and in scripted in the modality of expansion of the capitalist world
relationships that takes place at the ends of the XIX Century and consolidation
of the National State and in their intervention techniques, the one that is in
the base of the emergency and statement of a block in the power in whose nucleus
the bourgeoisie landowner has an hegemonic position.
The elucidation of the State’s role in the process of unstable merger of a dominant class marked by internal contradictions is, we believe, an interesting contribution to the social sciences field, considering the predominance of the interpretations that put emphasis exclusively in the economic relationships. In the same line, it is necessary to add up, we take the hegemony of the bourgeoisie landowner like a phenomenon that not only finds their grounds in the economic dynamic but also in the political relationships.
De Venanzi
University of Maryland-College Park
Escuela de Sociología
Universidad Central de Venezuela
approaches have predominated in the study of street children. The first,
concerns the reasons that drive children to the streets and the conditions in
which they endure their existence, with particular reference to the strategies
they use to guarantee survival. Observation and ethnographic methods are
typically used in this form of research. The second, is focused on the policy
designs put forward by different types of public and private organizations to
care for street children and the evaluation of these policies. The methodologies
used are various types of impact assessment. In this article we look at street
children from a theoretical model of social class according to three dimensions
of the children’s way of life: a. Their position in the division of labor; b.
the cultural context in which they develop and their processes of identity
construction and c. their social action strategies. We argue that this approach
gives a more comprehensive view of street life experience and emphasizes the
role of children as social agents actively engaged in the construction and
exploitation of social capital.
Personalism or anarchy
Departamento de Filosofía
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina
One of the most acute observers of Santiago del Estero’s reality, Bernardo Canal Feijóo, has guessed a tragical destiny for our political life when, in 1932, placed in this terms –“fulanismo” (personalism) or anarchy- the understanding key for ‘santiagueña’ civil soul. We don’t believe it is a tragedy but a drama: there are limit situations but going out too, there is liberty and novelty in history. Liberty acts always within a possibilities framework, drawn by past actions and options. Many times, what really matter is not the option but to make the conditions for an option. The point is not to change “fulanos” (Mr. so-and-so) but to bring them a possibilities framework to modify their functions. Today’s challenge in Santiago del Estero is to modify the political logic.
Editor de Economía de El Liberal
The economical crisis, which hit
Argentina during 2002, had strong effects in the economical activity and the
employment of Santiago del Estero. The population of the two principal urban
cores of the province, Santiago (the capital) and La Banda, is around 338.761
people. In May of 2002, the oficial statistics said that 203.934 people were
living under the poverty line.
forestry industry of the province Santiago del
Estero- Argentina.
The exploitation of quebracho colorado in Argentine
and Latin American.
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, CONICET
The Forestry Industry constituted the principal
economic activity of the Province from the end of the nineteenth century until
well into the twentieth century. The exploitation and extraction of wood was the
means of the integration of Santiago del Estero in the expansive cycle of agro-
exportation, but with very limited multiplying effects in the interior of the
economy and the Provincial Society.
The effects of the exploitation for the
development of the Province at the social and economic level, for the most part
negative, are generally known, as also the totally unbalancing impact on the
ecosystem of the Province.
At the beginning of the century, Santiago del
Estero had an extension of 143,484 square km, according to data provided by the
Office of Geodesia y Tierras, and about 70%, that is nearly a million hectares,
was forested. At present, it is calculated, as no official inventory of forests
exists, there that is less than 700,000 hectares.
According to the figures provided by the
Provincial Direction of Forests of the year 1947, more than 170,000,000 tons of
wood had left the forests of Santiago, corresponding to a very substantial
monetary equivalent.
Some years before, in the middle of the 1940s,
two tannin factories were established in the Province, one El Bravo which later
became Weisburd, Department of Mario Moreno, and the other in Monte Quemado
(Copo), pertaining to the Compañia Tannina
(COTAN); the stable towns which later grew up around these factories were
graced with brick-built houses, electric light and running water.
These factories, built up under the direction of Israel Weisburd,
Noguerol and Sanchez, foreign immigrants become businessmen, were obliged to
submit to the rules of a monopolist market dictated by the powerful
multinational firm La Forestal del Chaco which controlled the buying and selling
of tannin for around a century. From 1960, when the Quebracho forests of the
Chaco Argentine and Paraguayan region were totally devastated, La Forestal
abandoned all its factories and their installations to continue with the
exploitation of Mimosa in its African colonies.
As a consequence of this action, Weisburd and
the COTAN of Monte Quemado, were unable to place their excellent tannin products
and were obliged to close the factories.
It is from the second half of the 1950s after
the passing of the national law 13,273 of 1948, which the Province adopted, that
there arose a series of educative, technical and regulatory organizations. Among
these we can mention the Forestry Engineering Faculty, the Forestry
Industrialization Institute, and the Forestry Districts, afterwards converted
into Forestry Cooperatives, which tended to rationalize of the exploitation of
the natural recourses and the social promotion of the minor actors of the
It is from the time of the dates mentioned
above that, in some important regions of the Province, the misnamed “forestry
industry” began to cede space to non-traditional products (parquets, doors,
windows, beams etc.). This happened with the formation of Forestry Districts,
today converted into Forestry Cooperatives and some private enterprises. During
the period 1979 to 1981, these Forestry Districts succeeded in producing 120,000
tons of wood, a significant figure, which converted them into industrial firms.
More than 500 families earned their living from them, supported by the
Provincial Government of General Cesar F.Ochoa during the military dictatorship,
begun in the year 1976, which permitted the provision of carpentry
by direct selection without public bidding,
in the construction of economic
housing by the Provincial Institute for Housing and Town Development.
This help of the military government which
contrasted with the attitude of the democratic governments which succeeded it,
was implemented through credits of privileged promotion, subsidies and the back
up of the Province, which allowed the Forestry District to acquire modern
machinery which is in existence to the present time.
These new organisms produced a great
transformation in the “forestry industry”, changing its methods, which had
been destructive of the forests, to a process of industrialization on site of
the recourses of the forest, a reforestation plan and the conservation of the
natural recourses.
The old, almost feudal, relationship of
forestry workers was abandoned, axe- men and the old axe- man pariah were
converted into industrial workers earning salaries with decent dwellings social
security, education, established townships etc. There was a veritable planning
of industrial advantage of the forestry and the human recourses in the Province,
and these facts, even though of relatively short duration, left a notable mark
in their zones of influence.
The period in which we centre our investigation has not been sufficiently investigated, and it is necessary to analyze and interpret it for the great historical importance, which it had on the economic and social development of the Province. And above all, for the possibility to change the historic destiny imposed from the outside which converted Santiago del Estero into a great sawmill, producer of sleepers of Quebracho Colorado for the English and French railway tracks and the fuel to feed the locomotives and also the provision of the posts for the great farms of the humid Pampa.
Marx’s Contributions to Rural Sociology and the Analysis of Agrarian Structures
Universidad de General Sarmiento
Among the founders of sociology, Marx is the one who paid closest attention to the analysis of rural processes and their relationship with the rest of the society. He provided a systematic approach, both in his analysis of agrarian structures and in his understanding of their relationship with the rest of society. I believe that in the sociological bibliography it is not possible to find a more complete analysis of agrarian issues.
To build a systematic theory, to think it as a theory of a moment in the historical process, to situate this moment in history in its whole, including within it the future and the steps to take in the present to get closer to a more desirable future, to use theory to define social agents and see them in action in concrete situations, to do all this taking advantage of the existing knowledge and fighting with it, with what is offered by the emerging economics, by history, biology, rural sciences, classical literature, philosophy: All this was part of Marx’s everyday work and is present in the books in which he focuses on rural processes, their structure, history, their place in society.
The Process of Knowledge
in the Theories of Marx, Durkheim and
The Thesis of Radical Discontinuity
Duek y
Graciela Inda
Conicet-Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
a time when "postmodernism” has made eclecticism and theoretical poverty
popular, this article aims to revalue the sociological theories that because of
their scientific aim and rigor are considered classics. We will do this through
a critical reading of the theoretical discourse by Durkheim, Marx and Weber as
understood more by their intimate problems than by their word.
We go back to the classics because they are the theoretical thinkers who laid the fundamental stones that marked a great part of the later studies in the social sciences. As argued by Portantiero, after classical sociology little theoretical progress has been made.
To begin, we recognize that there are irreconcilable differences between Durkheim, Marx and Weber’s writings. Secondly, we suggest the need to specificity each of their discourses in relation to their forms of causality and their systems of verification: What is the relationship between object of analysis and empirical reality? What is the method or direction towards knowledge? How causality is analyzed to explain social issues?
Nacional de Tucumán
The most obvious deficiency in studies on laborers and labor markets during the 19th century in Tucumán lies in three issues that are among the most important pending questions in the regional historiography: a) the origin (occupational and geographical) of the workers hired in ingenios and sugar cane plantations in the 1860s, 1870s and 1880s; b) the role played by small agricultural and cattle estates in the process; c) the influence upon these processes of cultural dimensions (representations and behavior; adaptations and resistance). These notes aim at proving a preliminary analysis of these questions, and reflecting on these pending questions, rather than offering answers.
The thesis supporting the idea that capitalist intrusion in the rural environment causes the disappearance of rural areas does not always apply to Latin American countries in spite of a visible modernization and an increasing globalization process in agriculture. In contrasting rural situation with the various theoretical frames, mainly on the peasantry transformation prognosis, it is fair to point out the lack of a single line that may model a new agro structure, particularly in a historical time of confrontation among social sectors with strong adjustment and transition processes. This work aims at researching in a rural area, with dominant peasantry exploitation, in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, the presence of productive reconversion processes and phenomena. A deep research into the social transformation processes in peasantry exploitation demands the identification, according to the typologies, of the various production systems and the estimation of their possible trajectories along time.
Argentina, economic laboratory
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba-
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
All the extreme economic pathologies of the economic vademecum are often present in Argentina, a country that has demonstrated to posses little economic culture. Being the heaven of recurrent economic alchemy and eccentric economic plans, and where finance ministers yield easily to pressures from all types of lobbies with demands that are incompatible, the Argentine economy could be defined as the paradigm of the bizarre economy, because as a society it insists in betting on the magical, the supernatural, that which is different, in a terrain of human activity where no magic is possible.
The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Caudillismo
A cultural constant in different places of Latin America is the incompatibility between patterns of domination and forms of competition and pluralism that result effective in acquiring and exercising power. The phenomenon describes the "catholic ethic" and portrays a type of personality and political behavior that the author labels "spirit of caudillismo".
Javier Auyero
Departament of Sociology
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4356
With regions caught up in an economic crisis, the generalized corruption of the provincial governments, and the recurrent attempts by national governments to impose a “structural adjustment” in the provinces, new forms of popular belligerence are becoming generalized and quite frequent, turning the interior of the country into what Miller and Martin (1998) describe as a landscape of collective violent protest, or what Tilly (2000) recently called “transgressive contention.” The recurrent use of blockades in streets, routes and bridges, the attack on public buildings and residences of state officials and local politicians, the use of public squares as camping grounds in sign of protest indicate we must pay attention to the spatial dimensions --structured and structuring—of the protest, that is, to the convergent y divergent ways in which popular belligerence take place in geography and also create geography. The Argentine interior offers a wide range of empirical data for a comparative study of processes and mechanisms at the center of “spatial revolts.”
Forms of Intermediation in a Traditional Agrarian Labor Market
Bendini and Norma Gallegos
de Estudios Sociales Agrarios (GESA). Facultad de Derecho
y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Argentina
In a traditional agrarian labor market, where global companies function, we analyze changes in contractual connections. We focus on social networks and recruitment systems that regulate rural labor in historical areas and in new expansion zones of a productive chain. We also analyze recent forms of “tercerización” of agrarian labor supply, in a framework of redefined protective labor laws.
Culture Does Development Require? A Need
for Scientific and Technological Development in the Northwest?
Alberto Tasso and Luis Ponce
CONICET, UNSE tasso@arnet.com.ar
UNSE ponceluis@yahoo.com
We want to reflect on the idea of “cultural development,” that is, the cultural characteristics required for the development of our country and specifically, our region. It could be argued that this is a recurring issue –though not in the terms we have just addressed– but perhaps not debated enough and about which we have not seen many recent contributions.
Our main thesis is that, during periods of rapid transformation, societies go through changes in the modes of doing and living that inevitably impact on that more stable frame of regulation we call culture, and that those changes are not only spontaneous but can also be produced by society through diverse means.
Professionals in the Labor Market
Emilia Isorni
This article acknowledges issues concerning the relationship between higher
education and employment in a moment of renewed interests towards education;
asked to participate with a crucial role in increasing potential access to jobs
in the labor market.
The theoretical assumption is that the relationship between education-employment cannot be isolated from ways of life and particular productions of social structure. From such a notion, there is an attempt to answer this and other arguments, taking into consideration contextual connections that impact educational policies as changes produced in the labor market in the last decade. So as to understand the role of higher education in deteriorated labor conditions, especially in Santiago del Estero. From a methodological standpoint, we use both second and first hand sources, so as to have both a broad and particular view of the topic at hand.
The first part highlights that the relationship is complex and contradictory. In spite of theory revival on human capital; there is knowledge that besides education, job selection and multiple interacting factors intervene in a complex system of relations.
and Labor
Relations in Santiago del Estero.
Income strategies, labor identity and clientelism
Ruiz and Carlos Zurita
article, analyzes diverse forms of existing labor practices among women in two
neighborhoods in the outskirts of the city of Santiago del Estero. The
testimonies gathered in ethnographic interviews give a sense of what these women
assign to their labor practices in the construction of social identities. In
redefining roles in domestic groups and clashes –more hidden than apparent-
for power and control of the family sphere and in the public arena.
The central argument has two aspects: income strategies and political clientelism. The first is addressed through a repertoire of answers and adjustments to the labor market via familiar characteristics and economic articulation. The second, is the articulation and superposition of the labor area in a clientele structure made up by a regime of political and socio-cultural domination that in a province like Santiago del Estero has been present more than fifty years.
The Case of Juan Jorba: An Experience of Rural Development?
Luis National University
For many years in our country and especially in the province of San Luis, factors such as railroad privatization, the impact of globalization on production, consumption, values, the acceleration of the industrialization process, have affected rural populations, making them feel they have lost their “reason to be”.
This article appraises the atypical experience brought upon the town of Juan Jorba since 2000. I analyze the municipality as a potential strategic actor, a critical condition from which the population cannot break away. The local government attempts bizarrely to profit from the crisis. This initial process of rural development makes what is “global” well known.
Modernization, Labor Demands and Precariousness.
The Case of the Fruit-farmers in the Río Negro basin, Argentina
Tsakoumagkos and
Mónica Bendini
de Luján
Grupo de Estudios Sociales Agrarios (GESA), Universidad del Comahue
The purpose of this article is to address the case of the fruit-farmer agro-industrial reform on the Río Negro basin, in the northern Argentine Patagonia.
Various production transformations in labor and employment can, from a visual perspective, be observed as technical changes that impact on the agro-industry. And labor productivity rises in a continuous form and modifies labor positions. Flexibility and deregulation appear –in the neo-liberal discourse- as a response to needs to reduce labor costs in order to adjust to a growing competitive market.
The dimensions of study are continuity in occupation, and qualification of employees connected to contracts. Sources used are questionnaires, interviews, statistics, norms, newspapers, and documents.
Course of the Labor Movement in Western Europe
in the 20th Century: Accomplishments,
Failures, and Transformations.
National de la Recherche Scientifique
Universidad de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (CRHMSS)
article tries to appraise, in a necessarily concise format, what took place
during a century of labor movement in Western Europe, its accomplishments and
failures. The purpose is to illustrate the European labor movements’
significant changes and common tendencies. Our preliminary hypothesis indicates
that Western European countries present enough shared characteristics so as to
be considered an expressive homogeneous cluster.
The sense of balance depends on the moment it is done. Our vision of European history of the 20th century and the position the labor movement occupies, is without doubt influenced by the events of the last decades, specially the fall of the communist regimes in 1989, the disappearance of the USSR two years later, and the globalization of the economy. This vision is different than that of ten years ago.
Of the changes that affected the labor movement, we must distinguish between those of short duration in the order of "events" and those inscribed as long duration.
Labor Sociology Today: The Genealogy of a Paradigm
José Castillo
de Sociología III
Complutense de Madrid
Social sciences establish and reformulate paradigms as "normal" and adapt to circumstances in virtue of multiple influences. As results of social demands, advances in theory and method, also through conceptual hybrids, that other sciences facilitate, be they “social” or not. Introducing concepts and deeper more advanced views that pose questions on the capacity to assume, integrate, "digest" or adapt their complex frames also have consequences.
Aware of these influences, the construction of "labor sociology" comprehension the main emphasis with Latin America should be our own work and evolution. So as to reach a scientific clarification on social relations, if "labor" is the tip of the iceberg, labor sociology should focus on labor existing in each society. (From the Introduction of the article)
Condition of Childhood in Argentina.
Sanitary and socio-environmental indicators: progress during convertibilidad
de Investigación Social (EQUIS)
In this study on the Condition of Childhood, recent official data acknowledge that: 1) 41% of children 14 years of age or younger are poor, 2) 12% of the children 14 years of age or younger are indigent, 3) The infant mortality rate in Argentina is three times that of Singapur, 90% superior that of Cuba and 35% larger than Chile, 4) Infant mortality rate in children of mothers with incomplete primary studies or less, is 300% that of mothers who have completed high school of more, 5) Inadequate housing and water make it 64% more likely for a child to die before reaching 2 years of age, 6) Lack of health coverage for the mother and unsatisfied basic needs make it 41% more likely for a child to die before reaching 2 years of age, 7) Pulmonary tuberculosis in children under the age of 5 has increased 153% during “convertibilidad”, 8) Infantile diarrhea has increased 40% during “convertibilidad”, 9) There are 4.890.000 children in the country below 14 years of age, 1.390.000 of them are indigent, 10) If the 1.390.000 indigent minors do not receive external aid, they will not have access to a basic food basket for biological survival, 11) 45% of the children under 4 years of age have no health coverage.
Labor Market Dynamics in a five year period.
The Case of Gran Resistencia between 1994 and 1999
A. Robin and Carlos Crucella
de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad Nacional de Rosario
At the present time the employment problem exceeds our country’s boundaries, but specific issues of the “convertibilidad” plan have emphasized negative consequences on occupation and income fitting of the first phases of all restructuring productive process, with a clear degree of different effects in occupational situations in the conglomerates of the urban interior.
This article analyzes the behavior of the main variables that explain the unbalance the occupational situation that Gran Resistencia endured in the last five years. In a scene of deteriorated labor conditions, undergone in the territorial environment containing these conglomerates in the interior of the country.
The labor gap is used, since it expresses the degree of unbalance the labor market confronts, and allows its origins to be acknowledged. Making it possible to qualify the unbalance in relation to the amounts and the causes.
Beyond Unemployment Rates:Other Labor Problems in Santiago-La Banda in the Nineties. Changes and distributive features in two forms of sub utilization
Antonio Díaz
de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
Economic actions and
changes that took place in Argentina since the late 80s (hyperinflation,
“convertibilidad”, 1994-95 recession, privatizations, price stability,
release of external deregulated markets, additional fiscal control, etc.), have
caused important effects in the labor market and therefore in the distribution
of income.
This article analyzes to what degree these changes have been expressed in the urban conglomerates of Santiago del Estero-La Banda. I interpret variations in level and composition of sub utilization of the labor force through two forms: exposed unemployment and visible sub employment, according to the “Encuesta Permanente de Hogares”, a distinction is made among changes that seem stabilized through out the decade, from those reverted with the cycle. To conclude, I analyze the effects sub utilization had on distribution of relevant income dimensions.
The Emergence of
New Productive Models.
Light Production and Intensified Labor in Spain.
José Castillo
de Sociología III
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Structured by recent debates about the “emergence of new productive models” and especially around the idea of light production, this article presents, initially a framework of social and sociological debate, based on the contributions of the international Gerpisa network. Then, I explore a relevant case study, the Renault Multinational, going through organized innovation in the Spanish branch of Valladolid, FASA. The work method, with long field studies that go back up to three years, have allowed me to outline the viewpoint of employees and later to identify a fundamental feature in these organizing innovations: intensification of labor. The reduction of half of the plant confirmed that the staff worked twice as much as they did before innovation.
and Indigence in Argentina.
according to the World Bank, with data about provinces,
regions and the whole country.
de Investigación Social (EQUIS)
This study analyzes the Indigence and Poverty lines for the general population and minors under 14 years of age. The methodological decision common in poverty analysis result in trimming the age group of those under 14 years of age, in an attempt to observe socio-environmental situations of childhood and early adolescence. The strategic social segment measures socio-economical consistency; in countries and regions intending to reflect on the outlook.
Yet, this unedited essay, examines the spatial distribution and profound differential of poverty. It analyzes regional and provincial behavior for values of Poverty and Indigence estimated by the World Bank for the general population under the age of 14.
This differential analysis allows us to observe thoroughly the unequal development of the poverty and indigence indicators. If we take 100 as the national average, in northeastern Argentina it escalates to 158 and in Patagonia it falls to 82,5, to mention extreme examples.
To conclude, I present an appraisal of the Indigence and Poverty lines projected for each province and region of the country, ending with a chart of the whole country.
Basic Principles in the Administration of Social Policies in Argentina
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Through the examination and evaluation of international experiences, this article presents a synthetic proposal of the basic principles of what the modern administration system of social policies in Argentina should be. The national government annually assigns approximately $17.000 million US dollars to social programs, with very scarce results and low percentages of effectiveness.
This proposal hopes to help unearth the traditional and anachronous political-administrative culture applied in Argentina. So as to attend this vital area of State, based for practically 50 years on programs, actions and unconnected non systematic affairs; ambiguity in managing public resources, lack efficiency in funds, conditioned mostly to personalized and non participatory control, with out concern of effectiveness in assisting the population being addressed.
The Vulnerable: Labor and Life Conditions.
Maria Rosa Gómez,
María Emilia Isorni and Graciela Saber
de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
Productive restructure, recession and unemployment along with the abandonment of protection policies and social security, configure a landscape of deterioration of the poor traditional sectors and also the vulnerability of fractions of the middle class. The latter do not reach a situation of poverty; yet experience an erosion of protection in regards to security and social networks.
From this framework, a most significant contemporary condition is analyzed: vulnerability is expressed as the decline of the middle sector in the nineties.
The conceptual axis is labor and behavior, as seen in loss of employment, prolonged periods of employment search or profound reduction of income. In addition to definitions of the situation and their repercussions in every day life; and strategy development to ensure the descend is less painful.
In an urban setting of Santiago del Estero, accounts of families going through a process of decline. A case analysis, approached qualitatively at an exploratory level, trying to rescue typical situations, analyzing the construction of sensitive categories of vulnerability.
Hybrid, Belonging and Locality in the Construction of a National Cuisine
P. Archetti
Departamento de Antropología
Universidad de Oslo
article argues that what defines a cuisine is, ultimately, the culinary
practices of the population who consume certain dishes regularly. Consequently
considering themselves experts on valuating the quality of their preparation.
Cuisine has common social roots; belonging to the community even when it is
broad and heterogeneous, like the case of Argentina.
The first analysis is about how meat plays a central role in the diet and perception of what is identified as “national.” Then, my observations center on the convergence of pizzerias in Buenos Aires between pizza of Italian origin along with traditional criollo empanadas. These examples bring up issues such as which meals and cuisine belong to a hybrid model and which have become ethnic, at least for the time being.
Market Professions and Occupations in Santiago del Estero, Argentina,
during 1869-1914
Alberto Tasso
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
This article analyzes changes in the occupational structure of the province during economic and social transitions during the last decades of the 19th century. An inspection of occupational records for three national censuses; displaying characteristics and suggesting an explanation of the observed changes. Occupations were reclassified according to categories of large groups and subgroups of the CIUO.
The key changes are progressive reduction of the economically active population and manufactured traditional goods; expansion of groups linked to modernization (professionals, technicians, administrative, transportation) which account for inaugurating the transition between two economic-social models functioning, besides the well known aspects affecting feminine employment. In classical theories, the growth of a labor force with scarce qualification is also considered a prior condition for expansion of capitalism. Classified as ‘traditional’ or ‘modern’ occupations, permitting an assessment of more productive sectors permeable to change. Dated during the main impact of this transition between 1895 y 1914.
Alberto Tasso is a Sociologist from the Universidad Católica Argentina and a PhD at Universidad de Buenos Aires. A researcher of CONICET and professor at the Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, and postgraduate studies. He has many publications about Rural Sociology, Agrarian History and Social Development.
is left of the "Labor Movement"?
Manners of Reclaiming Labor in the New Argentine Democracy
Marina Farinetti
de Ciencias Sociales
Universidad de Buenos Aires
This article refers to innovative situations in Argentine labor protest between 1983-1997. The conceptual framework integrates the notions of "collective action repertoire", "structural political opportunities" and "economic moral", developed by Tilly, Tarrow and Thompson, respectively.
Followed by the classical repertoire of labor protest defined through historical significance. Additionally, principal types of protest described during the above-mentioned period: union protests, “social outburst” and street cuts. Furthermore, new contrasting forms to the “classical repertoire” are analyzed, suggesting substantiate evidence that labor protests repertoire have changed throughout the studied interval. Lastly, innovations are mainly due to the role of Peronism.
Marina Farinetti is a Political Scientist with a Masters in Social Research from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, where she teaches philosophy. She is a member of the Instituto Gino Germani at the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales at UBA She has written articles about socio-political issues, and is currently doing research on what is known as the social outburst of December 16th, 1993 in Santiago del Estero.
Small Scale Agrarian Production in Argentina: Active Policies for Sustainable Development
Rubén de Dios
de Humanidades yCiencias Sociales
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
Diverse social actors coexist with in the Argentine agrarian structure. Small producers (minifundistas) have quantitative importance, not for contributing to the agrarian gross product, which is rather insignificant. This assertion is true for the most of agrarian activity. Small scale production has a substantive economic contribution in the perspective of a possible local development sustainable in time; and can be regionally and spatially relativized.
In previous years, focalized programs destined to integrate the “minifundista” sector as an economic actor capable of reaching the gateway of minimum competition, have been designed and executed. A tendency neutralized and over swamped by macroeconomic policies that press on expulsion of the productive system. If this process continues, the short-term outcome would not be viability and disappearance. A state accountable policy, convinced that small scale producers “minifundistas” belong to an economic sector capable of a preponderant role in generating employment, income, and riches locally and regionally.
The subjective diagnose must be saturated, allowing integration of life and survival strategies, supported by actions that consider their diversity.
Rubén de Dios is a Sociologist from the Universidad Católica Argentina; he has done postgraduate studies in Social Development and Rural Sociology. He currently teaches Compared Rural Processes and Rural Sociology at the Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. He has several publications on matters related to Rural Sociology, Local Development and Social Policies.
Peasants: Integration, Exclusion and Vulnerability of
in Argentina. Case study in the framework of Globalization
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
The present article is about occupant peasants in the province of Santiago del Estero in Argentina. Hoping to seek out new meanings and explore processes and phenomena that persistently emerge within the globalization structure.
Three case studies are taken into account. The sites are selected for having strong peasant existence and precarious landownership. Sector diversity is observed at the core of the province. So as to compose a detailed map of the different types of occupant peasants, the rural areas analyzed have different agro-ecological and socio-economic characteristics.
Heterogeneity of occupant peasants is rooted essentially at a structural and strategic level of social reproduction. These two dimensions, endowment of resources and strategies of social reproduction, interact with state intervention (do to focalized policies) and reshape rural social relationships. Lastly the recognition and classification of diverse conditions of social reproduction with in the sector: integration accompanied by stability, exclusion accompanied by survival, and integration via modernization of productive agricultural activities; processes that somehow distinguish ranks of vulnerability in the production systems.
As a final point, the diversity found in the case studies imply occupant peasants are not a unified category, making it inadequate to construct a tendency or exclusive process of social transformation established in the agro.
Raúl Paz is an Agricultural Engineer, MSC in Rural Extension from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral-INTA and a PhD candidate at Universidad de Buenos Aires. Currently Professor of Rural Sociology working on SPSS management at Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Researcher of CONICET. Has several publications regarding issues of rural development, types of producers and cotton labor demands.
and Labor:
Images and Magnitudes in Santiago del Estero
de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
This article explores the nature of the stratification system in one of the most straggler provinces of Argentina. Transition and discontinuity of the social structure in Santiago del Estero, is measured through images concerning social class and the magnitude of the socio occupational stratum.
The text may give off the impression that the inequality established in the province is not visibly manifest when compared to other areas. The assumption is, this opaque segmentation between social caps, predominantly among high and middle class, could be explained in terms of the Kuznets curve that correlates the progress of social heterogeneity with economic growth, suggesting that the prolonged underdeveloped and stagnation of Santiago del Estero has barred, clear differentials in life styles and material capital, principally symbolic capital, of the social stratum.
This is convincing when contrasted with other areas. Yet, a close examination at internal provincial configurations, verify the articulation of labor with class systems that show major differentiation, manifested as social polarization processes.
Besides being a descriptive exercise of social classes, the text illustrates particular socio-demographic behaviors that can be revealed in diverse occupational segments.
Carlos Zurita has a PhD in Sociology from the Universidad Católica Argentina. He is former dean of the Facultad de Humanidades, at the Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Here he currently teaches Development Sociology. He has been a visiting professor at El Colegio de México, and has numerous publications regarding issues related to labor sociology and analysis of traditional societies.