Kuhns Geerdts Nachtigal Korth Carlson Mortensen Stamsvik Starke Dausel families

of Nordland, Norway; Kreis Bunzlau, Schlesien, Germany; Washburn, Milwaukee, Manitowac/Two Rivers, Sheyboygan, Rockton and Marinette, Wisconsin; Brooks and Calgary, Alberta, Canada; and Puyallup and Marysville, Washington, missing links & dead ends

The following are lost relatives or end-of-line ancestors that I'm hoping to link up with. If you have any information on them, their children, where they lived, or vital records from that area, please e-mail me at dakuhns@hotmail.com OR confwriter@writeme.com -- and you can see more information by following the links in this document or going to my home page at www.geocities.com/davidgkuhns

Geerdts Starke

Descendants of Detlef Geerdts II still live in Manitowoc / Two Rivers, Wisconsin. He was the younger brother of my g-g-grandfather Heinrich N. Geerdts. Birth, death & marriage certificates would be helpful.

Heinrich's wife was Maria Weidt, Vogt or Wiedt. She and Heinrich lived in Sheboygan, but both died in Milwaukee. Any naturalization papers or immigration information on any of the Geerdts or Weidt families in Manitowoc, Sheboygan, or Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is appreciated.

My great-grandfather, Gustav Geerdts, was born (supposedly) in Wandsbek or Wandsbeck, Germany (I always assumed this was the one near Hamburg). From there he moved to Sheboygan/Manitowac, Wisconsin, USA, and from there to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Recently I discovered that his father, Heinrich Geerdts, also moved to Wisconsin, and that Heinrich's younger brother, Detliv or Detlef Geerdts II also moved to Wisconsin, and had a farm near Manitowac/Two Rivers on Lake Michigan (current site of the Two Rivers Nuclear Power Plant).

Now the interesting part: On Detlef II's (or Detliv) death record (I think) it says his father was Detlef (or Detliv) Geerdts (father of Heinrich, also), AND that Detlef II was born in Neukirchen, Germany on 30 April, 1857.

So the GEERDTS generations are as follows:
Detlef Heinrich GEERDTS, born in Germany, 13 Jan., 1815, married Sophia Charlotte SPECHT, born in Germany about the same time. He died: 22nd May, 1871 (probably in Germany). Her death date is unknown, as is their marriage date (except it's probably between 1835 - 1845). They had:
1) Heinrich (or Heinrick) N. GEERDTS, born 8 Sept. 1846, we always assumed it was in Wandsbek near Hamburg, BUT there is a Wandsbek near Oldenburg, which Neukirchen is also near. He married Maria C. WEIDT (birthplace unknown) (or VOGT) some time before 1874. Family rumor has it that he was a German army officer who hit another officer and had to leave the country. They had:
a: Gustav Martin Carl Geerdts (born 5 Feb 1874, listed as Wandsbek) (married Bertha STARKE in Wisconsin)
b: Max Geerdts (born 20 Feb 1875, lived 2 weeks, died in March, 1875)
c. Hans H. (John) Geerdts, (born 1 Sept., 1876, also in Wandsbek). Married Susan Johanna KOMMERS
d. Wanda Geerdts (born 6 March 1881)(died 11 Feb 1882)

2) Detliv or Detlef Heinrich GEERDTS II, born 30 April 1857 in Neukirchen, Germany. Got married in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA on 20 November, 1881 to Anna Margrette JANZEN.

Heinrich's son Gustav married Bertha STARKE. She had a brother, Otto STARKE, who evidently died in Wisconsin. Did he have a family? Where did he die? We have no information.

Bertha had a good friend, sister or half-sister, Pauline Kassner or Kastner, who was married to Theodore Kastner of Medford, Taylor County, Wisconsin. They had a farm there in the 1890's, but no mention is made of them after that.

Bertha's brother Fritz Starke and his wife Mathilde lived in Rockton, Wisconsin, during the same time period, but no further mention is made of them.
In one of their letters, dated 1897, it talks about Fritz doing something with the Postal Service (a wagon driver), and that within 3 years the railroad would come through town and all their contracts would be bought out, so they expected to leave town about then (approximately 1900). See more information here on this page where it has more cemetary and 1900 census information. See the letters here.

Bertha's brother Ernst STARKE was a butcher in Kiel, Germany until about 1924, when the family lost track of them. A daughter is believed to have married a PETERSEN or PETERSON and still lived in Kiel in the 1990s, but would not answer phone calls or letters.

Letters from Pauline, Ernst and Fritz can be seen at www.geocities.com/starkege.htm


Kuhns / Kuntz / Neuber / Klawitter

The Kuhns family came to Milwaukee in the mid-1800s, but from where?

Emma NEUBER married John KUHNS in 1888; her father, Franz or Frank NEUBER, died in 1877. Her mother, Caroline Klawitter Neuber, lived on 8th Street in Milwaukee until the 20th century, but then all records of her are lost. Did she remarry? Did she have more children? You can see a picture of Emma and read more about this at: www.geocities.com/davidgkuhns/emmakuntz.html

My Grandfather George KUHNS had many brothers and sisters, but through the years we have lost track of all of their children and grandchildren. They may have the last names of KUHNS, KUNTZ, PETERS, GUNDLACH.

Karlsen / Carlson / Johnson / Stamsvik / Mortensen in Washburn, Wisconsin; Alderson, Brooks and Calgary, Alberta, Canada; and Marysville, Snohomish County, and Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington

Ole Kristian KARLSEN (Carlson) first settled in Washburn, Wisconsin, then moved to Alderson, Alberta, Canada. Several of his children and grand-children live in Alberta; his oldest daughter Anne's grandchildren live mostly in the Washburn area, and I am the oldest son of his oldest son's only daughter.

John "Muley" CARLSON (aka Johan KARLSEN), the older brother of my great-grandfather Ole Kristian Carlson, (Ole Kristian KARLSEN) came from Norway to Wisconsin to Alberta, married Olina, and finally settled in Sunnyside near Marysville, Washington. He passed away about 1924. Marysville is on the tidewater area at the north edge of the Snohomish river delta. Sunnyside, now a suburban housing area, is located about four miles south and east of Marysville on a hill overlooking the Snohomish river delta. At one time it was a farming area and had its own school.
His children lived in the Seattle area, but most of his descendants have lost contact with us.
Update Jan 22, 02! (I guess I should read my e-mails!) John had three daughters: one born in born 1905, one born in 1909, and one born in 1913. I am now in touch with the daughter of John's youngest daughter!

For pictures and a more complete explaination of the following, please click here

Ole Anthinius MORTENSEN and Peter Kristian MORTENSEN were 2 brothers of my great-grandmother Marie MORTENSDATTER. They may have changed their last names to STAMSVIK. Ole Anthinus Mortensen born 04141872, supposedly lived by the Pacific Coast.

 Petter Kristian Mortensen, born 02011864, came to America in 1891. Peter's wife was Marianne LARSEN He went to America with his daughters: 1. Lene Emilda MORTENSEN or PEDERSEN, born 09091886

2. Anna Elisa MORTENSEN or PEDERSEN, born 06051883, who married Albert JOHNSON.

Anna Elise MORTENSEN or PETERSEN JOHNSON married Albert JOHNSON in Wisconsin, but moved to Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington until he died in 1963 and she died in March, 1970. Anna is the daughter of Petter Kristian MORTENSEN or STAMSVIK, brother of Marie MORTENSEN CARLSON (my great-grandmother). She came from Norway in about 1900 or perhaps earlier, to Washburn, Wisconsin, and then moved to Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington in 1905. They had a farm on Rte. 3, Box 724, in Puyallup in 1952. They had 4 sons, Ishmel O. and William L. Johnson of Puyallup, and Phillip (who was in the Korean War), Erling M Johnson of Spanaway, a daughter, Mrs. Rufus (Austrie) (maybe Astrid) Cruse, of West Point, California. Between the time of Albert's death in 1963 and Anna's death in 1970, Phillip died. (He was from Spanaway). The Johnson family had 7 grand children and 15 great grandchildren (by March 1970). Since then, contact has been lost with the family; I have several pictures of the family as a result of relatives in Norway sending them to me.

Astrid Charlotte KRISTENSEN born 05/13/1896: A relative (niece?) of my great-grandmother Marie MORTENSDATTER CARLSON; according to relatives in Norway, she went to Duluth, Minnesota, so probably ended up in Washburn with the rest of the family, probably with her uncle Peter Kristian MORTENSEN (STAMSVIK).


Nachtigal or Nachtigall / Korth or Kohrt

The Korth's came to Michigan and Wisconsin between mid-1862 and 1892, from Germany; Carl August NACHTIGAL came to the same area about the same time period. He has relatives in northern Wisconsin and near Detroit, Michigan.

Caroline Korth EMPREY, born 12/15/1868 was a sister of Louise KORTH, wife of Karl August NACHTIGAL. She was born in Germany, married James EMPREY, probably in Wisconsin or Michigan.
Her brother, Frederich Albert KORTH, was born 2 May 1863 in Germany; no record of his marriage or death is found. Could he also be in Wisconsin or Michigan?

NACHTIGAL: Carl (Karl) August NACHTIGAL had several brothers and sisters mentioned in his obituary; I have no contact with any of their families. They include Julius NACHTIGAL of Duluth, MN; William NACHTIGAL of Marinette, Hermann NACHTIGAL of Germany; and Fred NACHTIGAL of Detroit; sisters include: Mrs. Ernest MICHAELIS; Mrs. William HAHN of Milwaukee; and Mrs. August (paper is torn here) maybe Jenkins or Jensen.


If you have any information on any of these people or their children, where they lived, or vital records from that area, please e-mail me at dgkuhns@yahoo.com OR confwriter@writeme.com